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~~, ~ Appr~~~12-~e~ ''IISS)) y~iyii., CO-.JI'tiTRY... Gc~r~:tan.?~ (~c~~.csti , ~c~ne ~,,,?,? } ~ i T01:'IC De ~~r~u .~'~~rf1,c~~d ,~.~.,~.:.,.~.,..:..~:d.._.... "i7~ - .'1 G V ~ '1EVAL.UATION _.~~..~'LACE OETA!!~l~;:?_~.~.~ DATE OF COIVTEN DATE OBTAINEt7 REFERENCES PAGES ~ ENCLOSURES (r~o. ~ a~rP~f_ 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. Cn 1? :?~' 192, ~5 T7.~-~,Oa vrcrQ c cxsn$:,. d ~3t Ueusa~a a3.x?zic~lc"~. & I1ir~;~~~;eta p].anns , rorere parlLc~d n?~rth arx3 ~G sazztis of -t~~-~a., tc~.~.caaye ~t 9 avrrs:. can 2l i.:ay9 f1Y`4n~; activifty started at 'Grse: fie~.cta ~. u:. t a:t t~?ro ]C~'~Os uaQ~~: a.~t' ~ ? riaMt every 10 r,~ji~u'L'~r8. i'h,e plarses ciroleci arxi ks~;az ~! andod a~ainr t~~t noaru~ ~i or '7 II, tank of~: Q a'~se1.r ~.andinUs cou3_d not =::e ~aszsea?ved. ~ 23 ~ ~:~ ~ ?~ I.l~lOs orate counted ~~t tie Meld, ~1t tFS30 p,ra~,; 1~3 I~--~.Os ~Y~ere r~arkf~c, nart~s axe 21 sauttz of tlse t~;xitiJayd Cn 31 I..ay, D~3 IL-:l.C~~-g i?-scludin; 17 s~artd, of tl~sv: t~.xiway rand 2~i sautl~ oa its r:ere aauntszl at t'~Ze ~ i31c~. a'o ~ix? activ_~~;~~~ liras plawerveci on 3 June. Grs ;a June, ~.~ ZL-~.Os and 3 ~:. i7~lan?s were absex?vec~. at t'~se f~.aldo 2m Osz 31 :_'e~, ssvvral ta3ce-of~?s ar~d lat~+:.'is1~s mere made ~y a 4:y~.nwe~~~ine plane, pra~ ~ab1y a iC~3, ~~raellute ju~tp:~ ti~ere < acie fras;s tfle plane. Lieidit:":.rsxlal ~us;sps were made on ~ an1 !~ June. Gn It June, a :'` ~trci ws-s~ plasle was d&r=.a;ed,~ ~x~a~a~ly st i ~s nose. 3e r'ive ;;guns, p:;^o~aU~ .~'t Gvn.s, tirere dtt- :~rY ;south rrf thf~ ta~,.'~.~ay~ }1~s:~-L eai' tl~e ta~;c- off paint, `i'isrec~ circular tents artd a 13rrt~r fazax?--carnex?c r.~ fin-`:-, ~ac~re set up ~ahand the ~; zn ~sr~lacc~r;sente 1Anat:se:z? sr:~~3 round ten?~ raa:~ ~i.n fr ~ar:t of 'dze f our- - cornered one> ~n 20 :~a~~A ,a 5u,2a11., app~ently netirl;;.~ '.a?acted I~Zars;~ax? -vas c~u.:eY've? ~~;x? t .e first ti>ze amc:n~ t'~e>ris of i'orr._er,?:".~;;. .a tirorlc,hap yras 25X1 housc~ra in tYs:~ s. ~sant;ar , t~ ~~?ound a~;'ta;~~-: ~>lane ?~-ras pax'l:QCl ars 2 : ?~,- ant' 3 planes an 27 . `ay. ~. T'rse follo:~rin~; ok~sezw~ation~ yrex e rsadF~ ~1, fhe f t~?cs:rocr 3?~. ~,Ia'r anti 13 Jun-s 25X1 L~.D~-`~'~ PREPARE#~.._._ 2. t+i3osst 62 f;ai~e-oL.~s ~.~er~. rs~?s:: l,y s~.r~;~.e~ers~isze a1x?crai't~.. :r'ox ty--tvra sin;~.e~eninc planes orate c~;:k~?xtad a?E; tYse ~'3.eldo 2u :.fay. ~ir~t~reen 7x15 and 7:30. a,r~., =::civiciua~, taitis--tafi' :were =;iade ~iy G uin~;le- en~,ine p3.szse:c vrhicn larded aftmx? ?:~3;, c:_.,m, ~1~~: creather vx~~~ c~.o~:ydy~ 29 A;ay, tit f'$~5 p0~1~6t ~ H1.)]~Ze--en;_s.2r; p:Lanes tool: af.`.f in ~,.loud~=? ;,v~aatliere '~leix? l3rsd~n~~~ ~;isr~r nat olsso;~?ved. f:'U~SSiF'ICAT60f~ ~~~.r~::.~r~%4.,~,, ,, Approved For Release 2006/08/08 :CIA-RDP82-004578013200400010-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 :CIA-RDP82-004578013200400010-4 i.liiV.: L:.i.~.~Vl.ri:.t ~. ~?~/~a ~~il L,1:i t::~.~t i_1!?~.:k.i V1+}J~.~ 25X1 3~ After l agmn ~ tzn6~d~ t -; ~ ~~gzxld of rl 1ir~~rz, 't.~^~:~ d~f >'r ~F of y:~"tra a~ eld eras pract~.ced~ t~Jntx'_.: , 1~.;.Ia? t~rax?k ~a'as ~lsC :z ~ ~r~ z:~ asp ' h`t ~'S~,rj' c"ioSiloy ~ tSY3.11-^{,''~I~?32E3 ~.i,~':ISs 1~:1.~Gh 5~I1~~..C: :x'1zCiC~.t~?" ~a;~~''>.s}:~.~y' ~S~C~ en~i..nErs xanE~E;ti at G'~Q F::.: =d ; Tl~:i.r'1~;~-~si~c s:i.=. -.s~?er ~,.z~~, :Manes ~raz'e aE~ sarvc d at tl~ fie ]tx ~1 ::'fir, lit 6>~~ a.rne, a tvrirrw~x` ~L1Yft~8t~ c'It ~iT~,c~ aariap Sxl#~ ur9.5C t71?~i'17(:' ~:.?clx"~LE'.,~lt,?"~.u:t.,~"'l~i~u k~.t ~;:.~ t~q:p ~"Ta112 :`,`nYi altitucic of l~at~veexz '~QU azx~ ~;',~: re~1_.E=rsG '1`1'~ ry:l.snc 3__?:xrdec~ ~.-1; 7 ;~=b~rG and. toak o:~'f araira ~,t ?>1(? aan~e :~_'.;rc~ ';aen ~r~rpsd bat?. gig: '~a~.~ ?:zar~:~ '~4"r_U a4rne SYix?e c' arld tine fEaL~r--cn_:: A'~ee1 p~~ pd4380 c`I.nd t'~,IG~ a.~.' t'b '1! r~Ml{?/ ponu ~~urzps were cede by 2 rncl= ,'i?: '~ y ~0 pony a~ac:i i~f '~ ,rlE?zI :~.'~, ~" >5u p~m., ive rnE:xl Yiad p~erachuz;:;:, and oxle ~u.~a-.,c~~ was :;,~uip:~ac 'drith a earnered parachiatab t~rlatlaer ~.Gn~:izx~; ~~Ea~ ~;a~.e at ~>Q~ ~,,~a a`z?:z a t?;l~?~;~-?of3:' ~t ~:lU p,nin r'iva rrlErn jtan~.,ec: at L>2p pat;~o ~";sa:ic? tis!~; of deseen?~ ~~~~~s 2 Fri~'r:;zte:> d ~.q soaonds.. ~.e tian lzad tvaa flax?a;.~zutf~s E:~.f yrh~_ckl '?:d~3e .:,;' v~?.d3 ~')~.~I1t~ v t:'21f,1 ?~a.: nacl.e a treFa fra~.l a:x'o.:r fSYI ~`' '"'1'.~.?C:E of 7UU r~ 1;~;r;z ':,~ a1as;/b01: aff Ott r7:fk~ ~or?~ y>'#':;;, ",1r:cr1 ,7t2S:1~)C3C~ alt ~3:f):.' '.ci":to . "~C. ._':i.V`C;`. '.:?Gx1 j12I1;30G. 3t ~ cZa?:In j1l:?CI1; ~,i~'IC; ~'~:'.~t '.;i?l'T'ly 1;!1C'1'? :~~.1:.'? GI?~ . `u'u~".!G `:: ~~?~{L~.~.;~i~)QC'L "'e~a..tll t~r~~ Baal?ac.lute;~,; t?ac ; ~~:ozld t~rac: ,C:s:i.t:; nrcrlod 2UC~ ~;;z;,?v ::: r~ frE: '~t ~-;+.e ~~uund n .~i~.Jt)1Jlt r;Gan; c~ ~i,i;r7.I3-E;:1;;:L11E~, iJ~.2I'.1' '~;~~?~C Ct~';~a fit.:, .~.3r~.3.~~ .~Y't~;s ~=:;:rEv a~.asE;r`red at t?ZE; za~lcl4 s~ aixr s~.n:~e?ryE~n~~ tai ~ ~1.~n~ss tc: alc of st t; ;~~ ~I~r.;, ~s~z~ ~.rzrzded at >2E3 F7,illo :~(3vGn ~;rourld'-3i:1!' v ~X??:a ~'ii]O'!C {?.i:~' :at1GC~:~:~avL'~.~ ~~; ~:~.~ ~uTi3u mnd 1.anaec: at ~ :> p,ITn Sr~,~i~r?~.~~o1r'fs r~~d 1, ~;d; ~.M,'~?Y''E' ai~serV'ed i.);}V: LPii~~ri.i1: ~1.St~li.i~f'~iJ ._ ~ -.4S~L1w~.. 21,C,i.1 ~iv.L,A. Approved For Release 2006/08/08 :CIA-RDP82-004578013200400010-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 :CIA-RDP82-004578013200400010-4 25X1 S1:(;3i; ;`I'~Cl~i.'iitUlxf L~.; t:;i:''~'_;C:~ r~L:.i l.-i'~.~' G Junes Fro2a G~ to f~c~ take-of'f`s .~?rere counted at -Fi2e f iold~ Tlldividual ~alcQ-offs, spot. larxli2x~s anti foz-, f2i#;hts i~x c1~ot.:ents of scvJa and f7.i~;ht forrtat~,.on v~ere >`Iacie4 Fotz~? seEians anc] ~,rizck litir#'r6 parked about 3U0 meters from the lartc3ir 'sue 7,1 June~~ ~etti~een g anc~ 11 a~r2a ., a biz'lane 'ao~Jeo. a s"_c~eve taz?~~:t vrhich tiaras x']Y'@Ci at by ii,~ht IaFi ~t2x2s fror2 t,};.e soozt~nrJestera2 ecrn~,r of j..:t1@ i'iald,~~ 12 Jtane~, 'i'uuo bipl~tr2ss took off' ~.t ~; paTr~m ar2d lsfzdecl r:r~ ~s2U pima Three bi.p ones macsa local f~.i,-;hts be'GvrT=axe 9:3U }~,r2a anca 2: ~~U tal."P--O~~'S l7E?rC'1 C01Tnt@(3.o '~1f3 p:L.C=t :; -s'JerE: Chan`g'ed cift+:Il' threU I~_i,F~htsa 25X1 25X1 25X1 0 E3;y" I'azssia2is.. ?~ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 13 Jt2ne o ~~ 'tyr%ri-cn~; p~.ane :Lar:cl~:~~c~ at the faE;lds. 6o On 2! :'?ay, trucks 0 tho ty,1ae of t~:~. ~ ~u~u u(crausE; ~:'iEZ a:?ea ~?aas heGvily r~uarded uv 3;cttiaaen 3 and ~ pin. on 7, ~-o six activi~~y eras .}~ksrrv~;f~ at the fieldo ~'11~ou~: ~;U Tl-lOs t~retre parl~QCt :in. ~.~;~c~ roZTS ore tY2~; sottthc~x?n ec~~t.~ of tl2e ~i?1d~ `?`.1ont..y-~f'our of Sze aircra.~t ti?rE;r~ c?t~ltec: a i}~re~^ bi}~~_anes ;~:Ert a~,so par~rod t? I B2'E: n 9o TrJO tti.~i ,~txr2 e2~2placer,2ents tiJere loc?:-~toc3 on bot.i sici~s a~` ;hc tsaci~ray ~:ast tzf t}1@ c:`isjx;rsal area it t~2e sauthE>:; n section of thE: f'iE :~..cia Ui1e ~~?-trut2 xu~ ~`~ 17c'18 C>'r3u@t"VGCi iT2 @FIC}'2 4'iup7.Z3CGi:2C3fii. s i'? VCi Sol:~iC3rS pr~ar~ ?icE~d ;3iT2iY7,~; VJi'th ~ ~Yun, T}ze sol.c;iers ~~ere clzar2~;aa ~-,~sice? /~ tent ~cras ol?:>ervecl neax? the ~A Urur2 er,2p:l.~.ceranntp y ~;- 0 uoi:i;aer2t~, The ,Viii ur2it is :~?ef~cz~~tec~ frori Dessau .~ (ar tha f'ir5t ti;rtea t!;-c l~r -i.terie=; Qf` 37-ris