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July 17, 1952
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? Aaai~c> e` "~i~ a se- 6{( 98 6;A` 39003-4 25X1 COIJN RY tler~_ny _5nv:..t,.~ Zono ) Tnc~ir Airfield xi EVALUATION_L- DATE Off= CONTE DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES -.REPORT NO- DA-F. 'PREPARED PAGES 6 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE).,, REMARKS 17 July 1952 o. ie sketch an ditto 25X1 1? Between 7:"40 and 9 a.m., on 13 Llay 19'2,, three type-27 Jet bombers with extenl,,a landing gears ;jade local flights at th F .nstorwalde airfield. The weather was unfavorath";o, a ad the cloud base was at z:_ ,ozt 200 sa ter s , I.lost of the ffli.. ;h is lasted 6 mtxnxtes,, some of thorn 12 to l.'. ; ,ntztosu Flying was discontinued,,; probably because visibility decreased to about 2, 500 u tern, Frora 7:30 to 1 pars" on 17 I =y, several type-27 planes were oob; F;_ cred raking local fly? ht , The broken cloud ceiling was at an altitude of 30~) to 5r:) meters. Two of the ;.lanes involved flow t-ith retracted landing gears and several t disappeared in the clouds, %t,.,an 8 a G:a, and. 6 p.m? on 19 Nay,, three the--27 ,jei?i bombers conducted flying. The 5110 overcast was at an altitude of 800 meters:,, Fly activity included: Takeo Land j:n s 4:5o P. m. -GLACE OBTAI i g Il-- 125X1 2,22. of Plane Involved 4:25 perm.. type-27 4:27 type-27 4:57 p?:a,, typc -27 25X1 4:52 p?::z, hi h wing, monoplane app,, oach__ zv from the north that lands a11:.ast daily ab out this time 5:01 p,,m~ 5:07 p?ra,. type-27 5:12 ptm, 5:18 p01113 5:27 p.m, by -50 Pvrlo returned 25X1 this plane had not Between 7 and 7:20 puma, 6 jet K)or:r" rs, 2- 'Pe-2r, and 2 D--25s were observed at the installation, 2 a : btween 9 and 10:30 a.m. on 21 - ay. s s;',. ,rya 1 typo -2 7 planes took off for s x--: ifLnut e flights, A DC-3 also took off duzrin { is time. This plane was fitted with a blister shaped like a avallow's nest on the iu er side of its fuselage in line with 'One trailing edges of its wings. This DC .3? 1hich landed after 10 riinutos, was observed over Finstorwalde on the foflowin; da -; '1) Thro ,hoot 22 ?.:ay., three type-27 jet 25X1 bombers made local flights. .bout 3 a plane, believed to h v?e been an A-20 type plane, previously not oba+: r.?ved at the field,, took off. a Between 8:310 a.m. and 5 pamn on 30 Lays type 27 jet boob: r?s _3racticed local fli hts with retracted landing gears. Three typo--27 planes Tie .-,,s, observed practicing forriation flying from CLASSIFICATION ECRT T/ ,;: r;Tai ~ox/us OF.rrICZAI3 ONLY Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200390003-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 :.CIA-RDP82-00457R013200390003-4 3 -' .?",, /-'0 .IT_" ", "tJ ~15~' I'1:Cl1tL3 ONLY 2 to 260 and 4:30 and 5 ,-).m, 'zi?rwa the day, no more -~,:'zan three pianos wore observed aloft at the time, Oil- I rune, 3 jet boF:ibers,, 1 D-25, and 2 Pe-2s were observed at the field. Between 6 and' 6:30 on 3 June" the nnxmter of aircraft at tho iCio L(? had increased to 13 Jot. bombers 1 and 2 Pc-2s, 25X1 3. 25X1 observe? :tusl--ian wkY.,- e-a coriiunicatioa tronche on !-,zdas of the +-~C'baC:?:S.orf.w?i?..G"tt.ul'.?1' G' hi.'?jrway and the northern airfield bouu,.c:-a- ? (1k) ? IDS 0 'FF ICiAL ONLY about 25 lv`h g1.4-is were oh3el ved on the, - ?oo s? de of the western 3c '; $ ,Ll l' ~ ?'' or to 30 :,ay. '. _ also alle-C,dl" existed on the east and south sides of the in, to ';:1n'::_ion. On 30 a.:ay , s ia_ _1? -1tu s were observed in firin'r'.; ')os] tion on the northern of Vi o i old,, `Niol vo ",',,orbs a '1Ca me large 'Lent,, or a pile covered e7i` h a terxiuii_n and a large rod. flag, pos:'ibZy an arxnunition Pilo, wera soon moor the ,.ir s, '?n 3 J,-I-ne gun drill 25X1 with two of those guns? ..bout 23 non cA,ch ere arownd 'the `.tins; the other four gu s were covered with tar aulinc,, (2) tin There was no chare in the status of the rinq-445 J station on the .'stem side of tho field? A'llo no;3 builraan::, with too to:;e?ro on the southeastern s:ic:-e of the inst'all.a'.ion,, in ormation on -^hich was tra a witted nroviously, a sear: to (::e a 25X1 boiler h.louse, because s oke was ohservcd emanating.! from one 32 the two towers. Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200390003-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/08: CIA-RDP8 - 0457R013200390003-4 ~?..,J"J, 4.1~d '~J'+.j9 a..L. 44J?,! ~ji.I ~1T field. On 31 :,:ay Take- s and landings were ,,octicedr Type-27 ,iet bonb?r 25X1 7o On 25 I:7ay9 tee t y-27 and type-30 p1Taer al c took off at 3 P,, :a 'our jot boiiibora au,,,! three DC-3s were ')31FCE' in colt of t e hangars, J3otwoon 2 and r J ". on .7. . eiii."tle, _~jin.' b Jet 25X1 bombers, from 1'?i wterwalde 17a There; era , no clean ,e in the sta t11Ce of the PKV , `~ Je station ., r=adio truck wi t~Xi 1 three guy' wires and an antenna three or four tines higher than the truck was observed 00 to 10D meters south c2 the instaliationd I _f sizable; mounts of boards ;ire e< to 00 t e evert ca at the ?101d ~, On 2s yay? an emplaced " 1 bran with an estti,ated caliber of 330 ra:_ was se:;n at the northern edge of the 1-e-iding field, On .12 June, 10 to 12 guna1, probably A guns, with barrels r.T i ,ed at an angle of a gout 7 C c ogres n. were sae . i vilest of the -astern hangar, (2 ) 18c yin aI.1C1un1t_LOn dump COnS brag of ri 25X1 to 10 3 Q;'r wocj on 1 ,`~ ~C'ii? "s "'I7 s 3 oc od about OU mot - ors .south o ?,ie r td i flo:_c.o cor f -.o e got rre ; uar'c?:.c' irk sentries '.)osted 0,1 Os_?.iC3"V~1t1C)n G' of rc and 4t;C'_ %t :1 .7'l - 19o Tiler;;: was no flying at tho field O-,; a Four ou 1 r,.i.iv on e ' y. Jul cx `l i'C i1 li were o':Dsorvecl on txl were boirz : built t.':acre, a) The 3 oc: _,t:; on of i-hi., to reciue;:xc; xc; in Lea con was r,.r =vt.n'x:~ l y lmofaY. ye sketch Inforraat:ic n on 25X1 the hor.Izo:x-a antenna of tho typo observed with this irstallrt ition was receixv d p:?nviou;slyo All these antc~_x:r,ae were located in lino :: -6th the rwi;way, Their. purpose haf; not beer. deterriiru , ',etch of the horizontal anteruia of tl.xcT type observed +ith ibis in st l.latiorn was received .:>a?ovia"sly? 111.11 these antexlas were lor;ated in line with LL~?.o run: aye .11,1C. 4r purpose has not beer-. det.rmi..rrad., For sketch of the horizontal antenna seen at 'insterwalde,, ace 25X1 An?iex 1, (7) ':tlese name:, are reported for the .fit _,s (d) I rxe service odor (9; This ax: nuni..tion depot 1 nc.u;:ed e (10) The present report coos not coni;a:.n o:,3sentiai;.y new information on the aa% . activjt t- at Fineterwa1_do a; - ie1d . P.i ?I to , ho crc f u re,traj.:)c d there ,i: ,,'lh.