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Publication Date: 
August 6, 1952
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COUNTRY USSR (East P ssia) SUBJECT Kal ringrad/y'ezau Airfield INTELLCFAX 29 FEB 1952 v'--- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE ,XrmC/ CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL G US OP F'ICIALS' ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. DATE OF 25X1 INFO. 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE DISTR, 6 August 1952 NO. OF PAGES 1 OF ENCLS. IED BELOW) 0 DO NOT CIRCULATE THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OFTITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. bQ S facde4 Greasy clay soil4 Ribble from destroyed buildings in Tharau Pre sisch lau and Ude en was used to make a firm surface. co Runway Approximately 1500 meters NN-SS and 30 to 40 meters E~W0 It was blown up by the Germans in 1945 and was under repair between 1945 and November 1950, when it was serviceable for a length of 500 meters for small aircraft only. In 1950 a sail twin engined aircraft of unknown type landed on the field. d. Facilities-. Two halls, probably hangars, each abxou?t 100 meters'long and 60 25X1 meters wide,were under construction just south of the airfield. The 25X1 2, SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION following nfo Lion on Kaliningrad/Yezrau airfield (54:34N, a. Dimensions About 1500 meters N'S and 400 meters E-W. ,r 4pproved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100280005-5 iodations appeared to be of concrete, In November 1950 the west hall was complete except for part of the roof and the walls of the east hall were only a few meters high, The halls were of brick. . The airfield is used by the Soviet Air Forced 3 I uin November 1950, work on the airfield was still in progress. Attachment-, Location sketch of Ka ,ningrad/Yezau. a rf3eld. 144 CLASS I F I CAT ION SECRET/CONTROL US OFFICIALS ONLY Zef The work was being done by Soviet soldiers and German civilians. QCo ents The measurements given are approximate, Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100280005-5 , Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013100280005-5 SECRET/CONTROL - US OFFICIALS ONLY w.- iMta eza, , Ai, ~rf .eld G r. Pack, 4 'T \\i 3"'o 91x121, SECRET/CONTROL a US OFFICIALS ONLY' Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013100280005-5