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N 14~~ ~` '..'~ ..J J h z -? Approved For Release 2006/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-004578013100250007-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION ~1k~lTE~;~CON'I'ROL - jJ.,~~. ~'IC~ALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION IHFORMA~TION REP?RT REPORT NO COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Public Industrial Construction Corporation 25X1 pgTE OF INFO. 25X1PLACE ACQUIRE Equipment and pt~wer installation of a 50 kw, transmitting station at Zurawn, l5 loos. from Wroclawe the radio equipment was American (R.CaAo}, purchased i:n ~g~-7. two trt~:nsi'ormers of x+00 kva. each were of Polish make. 'T'here. was a wooden mast fear aerials. 1.07 meters. in^hei.ght,~ . THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITEO STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS T93 2 5 AND 7g4, OF-THE U.S. CODE, A$ ANENDEO. ITS TRANSNISS ION OR REYE- LA710N OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 13 PROH IBITEO BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF TNIS FORM IS PROH 181TED. .SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT Nn_ THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION lv `l~he Publil~`Industrial Construction Corporation (Spaleczne Frzed.siebiorstwo ~~d'~-anP --Sa:~ was. a state enterprise which was i.n existence prier to ~-9~9a It was engaged in the construction of industrial..en.terprises~ hQUSing,. road;; and bridge~;s~ phis enterprise was amalgamated with the 0tate Industrial ~`o:~:l.structian. laorporatian (Panst-~fowe Frz. edsiebiarstwv Budowlane) Its. head c~:~fi.c!e was located 3.n Warsaw and it had. branches in all ma,~or cities, Ad~,n:istrativel.y t}e enterprise w'as responsible to the Ministry of Construction. ?~ e Wroclaw (Breslau.) branch was']..acated at ~+3 u7.ica Swierc~ewskicgo, Wroclaw. Ih 190 it employed 200 technical and. administrative-employees and ~,OOO workex?se CIp to 19~q the branch was headed by a general manager and an`~e manager but since then there ha8 been only a .general. mans;ger. 3~ the Wroclaw branch ws,s; divided into four departmentsr ccanstruetion; electrical. installatl;Qns; sanitary installations such as water, drainage and heating: and road an;d bridge canstructioni which was directly responsible to the Warsaw head off~ce~~ In addition to the above, there were the fallowing aux3.~iary departmentse a carpentry workshap~ employing 150 workers'; a mecbarical wark>shop~ employing. ~a meck~anics; an electrical warkshopt employing' 3O electri.cians; a bookkeeping department; a ,social welfare department,? and a department for technical precautions and hygien:e.? . ~~a failawiz~g were. the ma;~or installations and repairs accomplished from 19~ t ~ ' b CLASSIFICATION ~EC1~E~~CON'T'1~0I, -~ IT.S. OFFICIALS ONLY . ~ b 95o y the Installation Department. COPY 25X1 DATE DISTR. 1 August 1952 N0. OF PAGES ~ NO.OF ENCLS. (LISTED BElOYIn oa ~flT GEF~~uLATE AIR I XIFBI I IO~, EV Approved For Release 2006/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-004578013100250007-6 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-004578013100250007-6 SE?.Ee~,/GO:I~ROL ~- UaSo OFF`I(;IAI,S OW~~ Repair o#' the Wroclaw cable networks ~.'h~.s was IO kms. long and- had a ~taltage af' 10 1~e c~. Elect;ri~ installation for macht.nery and lighting in the Fallowing. industrial e~^~terprisesu Archimedes screw factory (sic) at Wroclaw, silica Rpbatnic~a ~~:.he Wroclaw slaughterhouses where a compressor and. a high terFs4n lix~:e ..were ~nstaT.]:.ed~ and an alcahal fs,ctory State A7:cohr~i Monopoly -= Panstwowy Mo.nopr~l ~pir~ytusawy~ at Wr. oclaw~ 'Four. sewage pump~.r~g sta`S;~.cans: put into operation at Wroclaw> e a Power i:ns tal,l.a~i;~:.a~n: a: ~ tie Gdra ~ Oder) lock.,. f a;al~a-~ion. taf lighting a# the :'~ sana-torium at Kowary near Jelena Mora ~rsc:hbe:rg) g~ R~s~tt~rai;ior~. oaf the ~(7 k~e high tension power ~tatican at Wroc].aw,.Bi~zeg~ 40 P' W l o rozn roc aw, ~;:ra.s ta7~:~.a;t~i;o:u. of t;he crane at the Popawice port on the river Odra a,t Wroc.lawo 'I`he pt~rt was s1~aU:t to be developed `~:r~:s~t;~:1l.at3on of power at military workshops at Wroclaw silica N~ieszezansk a. `.~`~~a:e warks,haps were :cyst yet i.n operatior~e j n ~`:c~.s tallat~ o:a o~ eT.ectrict, ty at mili tart' offices at , k. :~:ristal.:Latitaz:x oi' cranes: &t the past taffice near the main railway station ~r,t Wr~oc'iaw~ I:q. 4;o:c~s'}-rut;~? of a power station for law tension and installation of sev~ra. ~lectx~i.c' c~r^afies at a chemical. instrument factory at Swi~niea near,~..sw~ ~;"~,e fay: to ry manufac cures pumps and 'boi.lers a ma ~;;3.o:c~ of a LO kv~ electricity line from the East German border t;o Wrot~law9 A pr~~a'e:~ sta ~ ion. i. n .East. Germany was- 'to supply the current ~,o the ~.,.r~.dustry i~ Sil.esiae I~~, 19u,9 v~,l.lages were conclected the electricity network according ~:,ca pi.a1=~.s b~' ~h~: Wroc:Law power affic~o phis ofFice supplied the equf.pment while the eleetric~i.ty departmr:.nt of the SoF,Ba carried out the work.. It was i.r~~t