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Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457'R0'13100240010-3 FE9 i952 say INFORMATION REPORT REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Map Sketch of Swinoujscie DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY- SECURITY INFORMATION DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 30 July 1952 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OP ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 13 PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The following is a key to the attached map sketch of Swinoujscie`'Swinemuende). 1. WOF (Border Security Guard)observation tower, under Soviet control. 2. Lighthouse. 3. Soviet radio station, well camouflaged. There are six such radio stations on the sketch,, all marked No. 3. Some of them are mobile,, though they have not been moved from their places. They are all guarded'.,and unauthorized ,I~ Ins persons are `forbidden . Ito o :ne:em them. Basin of the Soviet Navy ,in which mostly E-boats and similar small craft are moored. Barracks and stores of the Soviet Navy.- The area on which these buildings (2-5) stand. is surrounded with barbed wire and is guarded by` Soviet sentries. Poles are not permitted to enter this area. CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL Wooded country, still with many German bunkers and trenches. It is entirely out of bounds. for unauthorized persons. This area is accessible to patrols, which, however, must have a special Soviet permit for this purpose; otherwise, this ground is under Soviet guard. Two newly built cranes, of Czech origin, used for the loading and. unloading of large ships sailing to or arriving from Szczecin (Stettin), which cannot go through the Swinoujscie.-Szczecin Chanhel.with their full cargo because-.of.. the,.shallowness of the channel, 8. Railroad line Odra Port - Miedzyzdroje - Szczecin. 25X1 ~E toyMM so j CIRCULATE 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100240010-3 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100240010-3 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY, 9. Terminal of the. two Swinoujscie ferries Usually the northern oneyonly is used, whereas the southern one is kept as a reserve ferry and is usually closed.. 10. Odra Port railroad station. Odra Port and Trellebor twee b i l f fe i 11. g. e rries runn n ng or Term na 12. Observation tower of the Polish Navy. 13. Batteries of Soviet coast artillery and antiaircraft artillery. The caliber of coast artillery guns is about 150 mm. and that of the anti1aircraft guns is smaller than that of a field gun, The antiaircraft guns are quadruple-guns. 14. Observation tower of the Soviet coast artillery, which is always occupied by one officer and three other ranks.. 15. The whole area is surrounded by'a high palisade; the only entrance is situated in the southern part of the palisade where the street runs into it, The entrance is guarded by Soviet soldiers and documents are checked there. i6. The whole of this area belongs exclusively to the Soviet Navy and. is surrounded with barbed: wire and for all non-Russians it is a prohibited area. Some Germans employed 'by the Russians can enter this area and for this they are provided with special permits. -~ 17. A basin in which artillery sea targets, belonging to the Soviet Navy, are stared. On the pier there are large quantities of mines, torpedoes and guns, all well covered with. tarpaulins. and. guarded. by sentries 18.. Shipyard basin of the Soviet Navy with a repair shipyard, in which mostly Germans and several Russians are employed.. This shipyard only does repairs, and only on ships belonging to the Soviet Navy. 19. The usual berthing place for Soviet trawlers. 20. The usual berthing place for Soviet torpedo cutters-. 21. The Soviet hydro-meteorological station. 22. The Polish Port Command (Iapi,tanat Portu). 23. The Soviet port ccmmnandant t s office,. 24. Readquarters of the'Polish Navy; in the middle of the premises is a wireless station. 25- Polish sea coast control point of the WOP. 26 Polish tom commandant. 27, A house occupied by a platoon of the Polish Navy which is employed in the port. 28,. A Soviet cinema for Soviet soldiers and seamen. only. Poles are not allowed to go there.. 29. A house in which the crews of the few Polish ships of the Palish Navy are quartered There they have their own kitchen and a mess room. Berthing place for the ships of the Polish Navy. SECRET'/COI'OL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100240010-3 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013100240010-3 SECRET/CONMOL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY' -3- 33 34, Five small underground gasoline tanks belonging to. the Polish Navy. On the surface is' a fairly large store of. coal. The area has its fixed limits and is guarded by.Polish sailors. The berthing place for Polish fishing cutters. Soviet degaussing station,, consisting of one ship,. one" barge and six buoys. The house where the crew of the Soviet 'degaussing station is billeted,. 35. An island formed of sandy rather damp; there, are''nocbutldings ors i ."' Ile 36. Wreckage of a sunken German ship: 37 Two German cranes; they are in good condition but cannot be used because they are situated on Soviet military terrain and the wreckage of.the ship bars approach tothem, 38. Former German electric poorer station, destroyed and not yet rebuilt. 39 Polish fish refrigerating establishment. 41, Torn. gasworks An area surrounded by a fence, containing barracks of the Soviet Navy and under Soviet control, 42. Two former German hangars in good condition for fighter aircraft. and eeaolanes. both hangars are under Soviet control. There is also a seaplane:'.landing place and a small ground landing place. formerly a few Soviet biplanes but no seaplanes were stationedd, there.. 43 A permment and large wireless station. There are, in all, three such wireless stations (all marked No, 43 on the sketch). These are, probably former German wireless stations, though the informant is not quite sure,.. they are all in good condition and are working. They are all worked and guarded by Soviet personnel. Poles are not permitted to go there. 4+. Various Soviet stores strictly guarded. by Soviet sentries. In the northwest corner of the nearby cemeitry, a mortuary has been converted by the Soviets into a. guard room for the store guards. 4:5-o An. iron foundry, under Soviet controlj,-where only Germans are employed. The necessary raw materials arrive there by railway from Stolczyh, which lies south. of .~gw i~ ftci+ 46, The villa of the Polish commandant of the S7Lecin-Swinoujscie coastal area (Szczecinski Obszar Nadmorski.). At prese {t-, captain Wiktor Rutkowski lives there: Area of the Soviet Armed Forces; ~it is: surrounded by barbed vice ?~nd.very strictly guarded; 8 A former German music hall at the seaside, now converted by the Russians into an ammunition warehouse. The seaside is a forbidden area for all Poles and bathing is prohibited-. In this area the Russiand` have constructed large warehouses, mostly underground.: and. most probably there are also artillery positions. Much blasting has been done in the area leading to the Polish- German frontiers, as far as Ahlbeek< SECT !, /CONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100240010-3 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100240010-3 mT/coN'Z'. oL u.S OFFICIALS O11LY tz a p aces (btat t msrked No, 45, on the sketch) D Living quarters for Soviet officers with their famlies`. These are, to ted. i - 54. Soviet military hospital to which only Soviet personnel are'admitted; it is su ?ro ceded w1th barbed wire and strictly guarded. 51. Living quarters. of Polish officers,, non-commissioned officers and-employees street running in an east-west direction is called ulica Wyspiansk cgo 2. tarrjson cook-house (sic) of the Polish Navy. 53w A house in which a Polish signal platoon is billeted; it also houses a wireless sttsition. ~' 55.. Garrison laundry and garrison fire brigade. Polish garrison officers' mess.. 6. Toro garrison water reservoirs from which water is supplied. to the nearby military buildings and barracks There is no civilian population in this 58. 59. A boiler room with pumps and engines, working for the garrison Barracks of the Polish Navy,: in .which two naval comp:e's are billeted. The Polish cinema intended for the personnel of the Polish garrison. This cinema can also be visited by civilians,- but Soviet soldiers and seamen. are not permitted to _ there. 60, A Soviet supply warehouse with a large stock of uniform r. shoes, and underwear, z d w3 o r d xi ot ed .th barbe . wire and strictly guarded. 61, P 11sh supply store,? the: supply platoon is also stationed there, 62,. Polish headquarters of the. naval port. 63< Soviet barracks for their ground forces with a wireless station, all surrounded by a fence and guarded.. S. A former German rirel#W station, still in a damaged. condition but guarded by the Russians access is forbidden. 65. Soviet artillery y positions; all guns are .about 150 mm< caliber, but -.~ appear larger than those on the coast (see x..13 on the sketch) . T .ere are at. least six guns in position. The exact dimensions of' ,-t? . this area, zk7aova i =dam '.ia~ ' p tl rea . 3 s probably :au rcbaznded b" barbed wre4 There is also a small wireless station near the railroad line'. this railroad line is used only by the Russians and. along this line arrive only freight trucks from the south, laden with. various military equipment: and military stores. 66. Quarters, of the Polish WOP, about 60 men. 67. Soviet ar l1..ery barracks occu#Ied by the crews of the nearby guns; all surrounded by a-three meter high wal Viand the entrance heavily; guarded. SECS/CO ?L . UP.S. OFFICIALS ONLX Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100240010-3 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013100240010-3 SECY ETCCO OL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONL! 68., Local small railroad station, used only by the Russians. It is still partly destroyed,; 71 Evangelical church. 72. Catholi c church. 73e Catholic church, SECRET/CONTROL - U; S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013100240010-3 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100240010-3 S.F',CRET/C01 OL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY ATTACIENT Swinoujscie 1951 SECRET/CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY ? Approved for Release 2006/08/08 CIA-RDP82-00457R013100240010-3 . 25X1