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--Approved For Release 2006/08/08- ?CIA-RDP82-004578013100210010-6 Ci.ASSIFICATiON Is~RE? ~~?~r ~ TIITT 25X1 CENTRAL I~ELLIGEf~CE l~t~ENC~ RI_f'?,RT ~ COUNTRY USSR ~8a7inin t7blaat) MATE DISTR. z5 Jt~ 195 '" SUI3.IECT fi ~@'~15C a~ DS~F~3~ Al~~ai"t Coaatx~etioa At N0.OF PACES ~ 2aeod Noa 1 fn Podbersshs PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO< tN1A DOCUMBNt CONTAINS INFORTGATION APFBCTINB T[IE NATIONAL D8F8NS8 QF THE UNITED ffiTATE3. g1iTNtN TXB 018ANIN0 OP TITiE 1A. ABCTIONffi 7Affi AND 7A~. OP TNB U. 8. COOS. Affi Atl8ND8D- tTffi TRAN9r18ffiION OR RBYBi.? ATION OP ITS GON76NT$ TO OR RECBIPT BT AN UNAUTNORIEBD PERSON 13 PROHIBITED BT LAii T118 RBPRODUCTION OP TNIffi PORN IS PYIONIffiIT8O. NO.OF ENCLS. tusr~o seww~ SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION to In the fall of 19l~$, Op~rt;pp~r ~o~IStruktsione~ Byura- (~cperimental I1?ai~n Bwreat~) (OKIi 1)g tha Juruiers delxl~?t:~nt ~f :'lant Pia 1 in Ivankovo Podberezhe (~~?~5~P3/37?09~1a) was issued. an orclar by the :fir Tni.stry in ?.:osco~r tv devolor~ a borxbar having the folla4ving perforr.Iance data and c?~aracteristics: ;ros: reeiglit about ~0 tons3 speed about 19000 kn,/h,and a ran~a of tt,0a0 kno ~'},~ aircraft designed by the 013 l ryas a iaicl~~ring >~.onaplanQ tivith swept-baclt rrin~;s,? tllc elevator assez~b].y ryas hin~;~ed to the upper edt Q of the vertical fin at a dihedral anglev Tho P-1~0 vas pov~ereci by t~vv y~~, r~n~ines c~hicla ~Qnerat?cl a thrust of ~900a kp and ~vera to provide a speeal. of 19000 kr~,/ho .The experinent~, l model tiros inspected and ap?roved in January 190, except for some minor modifications ~n the arrange:aient of the instriulents in the cockpit, 'i'vvo airfrar~?~es were ordared to be used in Leslie; and- for stress analysis ~r ~u~ust 1950, the- first fuselage vas about 6d pereen~ completed and the construction of ti10 wings a:~cx the tail asye:ubly bras starteda Pr~:lir~inary.tests with the servo control zvcre almost cornpletedo `The great difficulties which were ?ncoantered during tlio ~?~relir~~nart,,r experi,~u~nts with the densely riveted fuselage sections to be ,:?;tilizad as feel tank^ were eliminated by tlu~ust 1950e 2s .The cockpit was a separate structural part faireel into the fusela~;ea The pressurized cabin had a::~ole spa ca and r~s equi,~;xid ivitl>. ejector seats for a crc~ of thre:.>e (1) Z`h? entire length of the coc'scpit roof could be rariav?d, ~1lthou;;lz the P~2.>0 was first planted to havo a control colui~n9 tho uervo control system z`?quired the3 i-nstaltation of a control sticks Tlie stan~;arci instra::iont a~ne3.:inclucle~ com.;~~.ete aquipr.~ent for instru-~ent flyin~a The oa~oratinL 1GVer for tl~e enfiy~ies a~x? landin,, 4;ear .ra: on t?ze left sid?, an arran~,v:tent rJhic'a -gas sir.:a.lar to that cif the Jt~8~3a The rai~aclt with the pilot, also operated a rsmote controlled ~;un station located on top of t'ie ~'use3ago. Tee co.:~:~ander, rJho sat in t?ze noaa, had all the ir-?ortant instru::ents on-the left side of his spat? - This seat could be ,jettisoned tl~rou;h tllc botton of t.xe fusela~eo The bo:ab sxht vas develoaed in ~osco~r by ~er:~an saecialists fro^~ ~:onaa (`) Thare r:as a plexiglass radar blistor on t.'-na be71y of t.u~ ~~la~nv uzu.3.Qr the coclc~if,a 30 'i'he fuselage, rr'~ich .~~as oval in shapcj, had a total ?engtrz of abo~.xt 2~s :-leters? -The densely riveted portion of tre fuselage trhich eras to be used as fuel tar~'.~ took about taro-thirds of tlua upper eras; section vi' the fusels a axu :tended lilcc~ the bo:~b -bay for about 12 ruetors in lengtho The fuel tank teas sulxliviccec? by bullchoadsa The lar`e hydraulic bomb bay door eras to be oporatocl by the pilot by , CLASSIFICATION ~~ -NAVY y y AIR ,~ , Approved For Release 2006/08/08 :CIA-RDP82-004578013100210010-6 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CAA-RDP82-00457801310021.0010-6 nr~i r aLG2;~ 25X1 1+t7::L':C'TitS o t I ~~as previ s y re~ortecl t,'-~at t:~Ie coc~.;~a.t accom~cx'atc~. a crc~t of four t~ ~ ~.:j~; rc:,,arzea iSO~o si,h#, is pas: ibly of the Lafte?-C ty~r:. This bo.Ib si;azt :7as cor.I~leteci after t}ae :Rar by t'ze Lei. Pl s ants in .Tenn, (3) It is doubtEr3 that t:zy bo::Ib baur is 12 ;:.eters len~,~ ..it~z re._;~+r ci. to t'_Ie space noodeu to ke~~p the taiic.o lanci~:z- .;ear, t?ze ~:~reviousl~~ re ~ortec; Zele, 25X1 M ~ n ? ,. ~, .1 Uo~as a little retracted .. to give. ttld aircraft s rn~re favoralle aiz~,le of inch;anceP The outri~:;er landing.-;ear retractrxi into tsle 4n~ine :iacel~.e^,. l~z~ ~?rin-;s zvere Go~a3.ete~ in t :ze fa11 of 1?O but Mac? to be rec