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CLASSiFICATION_, JLL Approved For Release 2002/08/08: CIAAINNWOETditlii4W20625C itIWNTOIP Germane (Soviet Znno) ----REPORT TOP1 %:P Information from the Babelebere Restricted erne 4 EVALUATIO DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PAGES______2 25X1XACE OBTA) 20 to 31 ::ay192 25X1C ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS. ,appagleayal/ONap.r. 25X1X MOrOadae 5k1 009-8 25X1A 25X1C a.....reormeociannwerwt?maamove.rowlei. 25X1A *.lina?????????????aamvAisma kar?Ma samalmeM...4. 1. labile in the 3abelsberg restricted area near Potsdam (N 5naa 63) source determined that preparations for a transfer bege, an the restricted Estee on 25 1.-sy 19520 Source learned that all Soviet women who had been employed in thc restricted area and all dependent e -woad be sent back to the ' nn,S.R. Beginning 2( nay: troops left the restricted. arca by day and night by rsie shipments and tmck colemns. All offices in the reetricted area and in Adolf Ta-aer Kaserne on napeel Mee, Potsdam, were being transferred to the Wuensdorf?Zo :;en (N 53/Z 91) am- where they were allegedly to move into the underground installaens of the former 'narrecat headquarters near Zosson. Source believed that the t'ansfer had been re ,e in erest haste as there was mach confusion. German emel .7)es received order, to gc to naensdorf to prepare quarters but there were no dieeetives as to =ere eupple.offieee were to be quartered in nbonsdorf. Trucks were 25X1 used for tho transfer. Unconfirmed ru stated that the restri2tea area would be occupied by Volkspolizei offices. ler at workers discnargea at inle adolf Hitler Kaserne on Pappol Allee believed that ate installation 110.1 be reoccupied by military lance, Aleksandrovski (nn) supply officer ie ;uonedorf, and his office were moving to Jueterbog (N 52, C 69) ? Altos Lager, aorth of the Jueterbog? Treuenbrietzea road. ** Supply Officc; ajor Buguden (fnu:e, previously stationed in Stahnsdorf (N 53/Z 73), and his ofain'e moved to an nnknoen dcetination. 2. On 20 Tfay,, Colonel Portnoy sup le officer of the a, ay in tho soviet Zone of Germany, vas arrested at his desk and d,41orted to noscow, ellegenly on charges of irregulareties. His place is taken ly Lieutenant Colonels ',",ukhikh (frau) and Popoff (fnu). 25X1A Lcpmient0 Previous information he- several sources is evaileble on the transfer --a-- o G headquarters and offices from netsdam to Wuensdora?Zoseee. Compare with 25)(1 fft is known thet tee headquarters an offices were transferred by columns of the 56-tri Motor Trans Reet of the GOFG. The eetabliehment of the headquarters of the 00FG in the underereund installation a the former nehrmacht headquarters in Zossen probably depenas on the condition of the installation. The reference report also contained vague iedications.that the Adolf Hitler naserne would be occupied by Volkspolizei, It ie conceivable that the nehelabarg restricted area, will no longer be occupied be Soviet offices because it is too close to the Soviet zonal border. Colonel Portnoy aniu), mentioned in paraeraph 2, is known from previous reports as chief of sueely and of the commercial department of the GOFG in notsdayn One of his substitutes, Lieutenant-Colonel Zukhikh (fnu) probably CLASSIFICATION SLCRZT) 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/08: CIA-RDP82-00457R012800250009-8 ?-4 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012800250009-8 S7;0E7,4 INFOiCIA:f 1014 is the Lieutenant Colonel A.P.Zukhil, chief of the personhel &ection of the commercial department of the Sr.les who ie known from prevous reports. Commentii, One Aloksandrovski (flu) without rank$ is known as chief of the rade a ministration of the Third Grir Pirmr.?This ofAce ite?ll be moved to Jueterbog along with the headquartor of the army. SECRET SECUAJTY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012800250009-8 25X1A 25X1 25X1