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CLASSINCATUN SEURLT/GWITIWL ? uni,x 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/08: CIA-RDP82-00457R012700180001-8 :3El\Mii3t INTELLIGENCE i\GENC..n( I'EFOR 1NP riffliATiON REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Gorrauy (Russian zone) PLACE , ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO- :Jacctior on Goaratioard Measnrr)s Taken by the DDR Railroad Administration CIA GATE DISTR. OF PAGU Na OF ENCLS. OUSTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT 11 July 1952 50X1-HUM '1,,,M7773,MTLETyv TINS DOCUDENT CONTAINS INVOREATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL SEFEIISE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE NEANING OF TITLE IS SECTIONS 743 MID 744. OF TUE D S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANEIS ISSIO Pi OR REVEL. ATION OF ITS corastm zo ON RECEIPT SY AN tINAU7HODIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED DY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF MS FC2LI IS FEDHINITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED. INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 1, By order of th.:'! Soviet transportation heak:Iquarters in Oreifsnald, dated early ay 1952, 60 tcansit-wufthy Ci-to freiftt cars must be dispatched daily,to Frankfurt/Oder (1) 50X1-HUM 3. 6 Yay. (2) 18 SSy-type flatcars had to be dispatched to Frankfurt/Oder on 20 SSy-type flatcars wer dispatched to Brest Litovsk on l9!)2 in order to pck up electric locomotives. (2) 4. A. special shuttle train consisting of experimental 6-axle cars with a ty of more than 50 tons has been stationed in Kirchmoeser, The train be eninloyer' by order of the Directorat. General. lailroads. Derlin. 7 ?:av 50X1-HUM load capaci- must only (3) 50X1-HUM ). the Domed, Oranienburg and Teltow railroad stati:,ns had to be cleared of the dam,ed cars parked there. This measure is connected with the closing of the Anhalter and Stettiner railroad stations in. Berlin, It has been taken in order to provide space for the50X1-HUM trains rerouted through the railroad stations mentioned. (4) 6. On 13 ray, the Perlin-Wannsee railroad station was closed for long distance traffic, This traffic rill be rerouted to thrail circuit around 5erlin. CLASSIFICATIO1 grripverirrytomtaryr _ TT C fIrtIviT. TAT C NAV V ISTATE. .4%2 NAVY 1 4NSRB I 1 DISTRIBUTION 1 1 ARVY 14 lel, ,NaTAIR ii FBI 71 1 j ( ___.....t., 4 -...il4 t I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012700180001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/08: CIA-RDP82-00457R012700180001-8 sa nicu..,Traildu5 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM durin the month of 3,61? cars, 351 flatcars oi all t:pos, 219 refri[erator cars and .4,307 boxcas wre dsnatched to the (5) D-rin7.: the sane ronth, a total of 15 .,rains consi7tin[_ of 50 cars of uraniun ore each were dis-l'atehee, to the (6) In early -ay 1952, c. in thfl third subdiltrict of the Terlin 50X1-HUM -railroad district the existence of a now typo flatcar. Thc car is a 6-axle flatcar with sVo ,:unort.: and a load ca7acity of CO kns, trlae do- sir,nation . The car was ln rout: -rom Mxch- 50X1 -HUM mr)c?ser to Crueno/Yloster ',Anna anC carried a 'ank cov-!,:'ed with tarraulin. (3) Comments. 50X1 -HUM .(1) Om- -,-;(1 cars are rondela cars with a load cor7acity of 20 tons anC side walls hicher than War:. 'hese cars were T:ossUbly to bo uso for the shi7Lment of mOtor vehicles from the Gondola Oars loaded with vehicles were 5b- served fassinF: throuFh Frarikfurt/Cder. (2 The two statements in paraTradas 2 and $ wade ray refer to one and the same shiorent. iho :r,)auly to ue used .ftr ne tra:Isfer ,J77 former C:erman electric locimetives frtm the as arranred by Irameri,i)irector General. cilroads, '3erlin, in :-oscow.,. Information on. the new .1-7ms,P7,72e of railrfi-4 be fitted wit A a Seviet-aul7e was transmitted ..-revioudy, 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM The railroad stations in -est 7!erlin o2ora,ed by the Y.;oviet .4;onc. railroad 'd- ministration were clsed forzsen2r tra::ic, since 1.ri hay 12, When t.1. new surrer timetable went into effect, .7.a5::onzer trains only cy:orate to al from railroad station, in the Thviot sectol of Lerlin. 50X1 -HUM The bulk of the flatcars was used for the sliilnent of vehicles, aircraft an artillery .rdeces. Inforration on these s'ilpnents was included in ..7revius transortation rerrts on ra-1 traffic t-..:',uh Frankfurt/Oder. 214 empty refrierator ,zer.) dispatched to the and 1)6 onterec the noviet Zone loaded r.1: hotter, lam: and canned meat 50X1-HUM durinr. the-onth of lopril 1952, As ccmpalcd with ?the rrevious months, refri- ;7orator car traf:ic decreased, This fir:ure aTrces with the previous ehseIe daily averao of i.1? uranium ole.1 trains per day. 50X1 -HUM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/08: CIA-RDP82-00457R012700180001-8