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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP82-00457R012700080001_-9_0 -HUM ?.( COUNTRY 5.2. SUBJECT ? PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. CLASSIFICATION SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT Germany (Russian Zone) Military Information from Nenstrelitz Tra r-A n n rr ?r% Vki" t -.1 (IT (\Inn! ci A REPORT CD NOT DATE DISTR. 7 July 1952 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW SUPPLE14CKIT Trt REPORT 50X1-HUM 44.004ekaskso.woiricx'.41-44.c.t.s.....: THIS 00CUlli ENT CONTAINS INFOROATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEPEND or THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE NEADIFIG OF TITLE IS. SECTIONS 791 LED 794. Or 'MR 0 S. CODS. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL. AMON OW ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHOLIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF This FORA IS PROHIBITED, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM rays the restricted area on Gerhart '!auptriann ntrassel ::eustrelitz (1.; 5)4/u 54- Cluartered--about, 2-,0 troops who wore red-berdered black eeaulets with artillery I , -.11181-13VIP' ,On vpb out 70 soldiers were enga.7ed in physical exercises, while r.1-1413aeeoldirIss"?ardheM:ilto ?the restricted area from their quarters on Dr. Kuelz- stresse? Troops practiced TYring with tto 122-7 field howitzers, 25 soldiers were at combat firing- --with r1l4les, and 20 sclp.i.vs were instructed in the' handling of a snbnachine ..Tricenty4Ave1.014).er6 practiced "ar'f..entation in the terrein by mans? !. On 6r.'.ay, -12 srldiers pradticed.*ith a d;e1.-472-? 7.."=4.27-71e field 25. other _sOldiers- practiced orientation in the terrain by means Of prismatic Ceinbass. On-t nay, -about? 35 seld,iers received in- struction on five 122-mm -.1.*id libuitzers in a"ront of a low temporary barracks Tren;-S'prattio-edIiirine? with a 122-nr. field howitzer on the terve; range. Twenty soldiers were instructed on two telescopic sights. On 6 !:ay, the restricted area on Fritz -ieuter '.transe was occueied by about 200 troops, including soldiers with black-bordered black epaulets with signal insignia. No ',--roues, of 32 and Lie ren respectively, equipped with rifles, marched into the restricted area. A groups of 1 soldiers wearing black-bordered black epaulets with signal insirnia and equirped with field telephones left the billeting area. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM . . 2. On 7 :'ay, a group of 60 soldiers wearin red-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia and equirped writ.h entrenching tools marched out of the Leue Infanterie Easerne on Penzliner Chaussee. Twenty-eight soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets 7,racticed with subeachine runs on the Tannonhof drill grounds. Two tanks with t'e turret and SP gun were also seen there. About 3C' soldiers marched from the barracks instnllation into the wooded area of Glam- beck Forest where a tent camp was situated. a heaCquarters with a radio station was in the tent cam-. A telephone line ran fror te tentr to 7,alter Ulbricht Stress?. 500 young soldier e- tween 16 and 19 years of age rem unloaded at about 6:30 a.m. on 7 -av ne-- 4-'-- woods. Vehicles identified near the ::eee Infanterie Zaserne 50X1-HUM 5 3. On 9 ray, several ereups of Officers asseebled at the Soviet memorial on t0X1UM 50X1-HUM market square. A speech vas riven by a colonel. CIASSiFJCATION - 71771-E. I Ismer, tasas I. 1 LA DISTRIBUTION :''YZItx?i-411- 4 X FPI I afiVrEVI Xi FR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP82-00457R012700080001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP82-00457R012700080001-9 SCRT.7 /C.'..7":.';;CL/I'n OFFICIALS 01:LI: 2 4. on 30 April, the kite 1.,renadier 1,aserne Ctrelitzerstrasse quartered troops wearinr red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia. Ten soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insii-:nia uarched out of the installation. Other soldiers cleaned 10 mortars ' in rifle drill a:6 physical exercises. Vehicles were identi- fied. * Caliber model 1944 7:5?mm tank gun u2 MM 50X1-HUM :'uzzle velocity of the armor- 792 meters per second piercim7 shell of model BR 365 meters star shell model TR 365 K 'Fragmentation shell ,odel 0 365 Shell with tire fuze model 0 365 (:rsuroly incorrect an(2 sould read 335 meters) ;;eif,htof armor-piercing shell and star shell eirht of fragmentation shell -aximum nressure of ex2loding charre Len7th of barrel Lng.-th of grooved section of the barrel Da-ber of -rooves Length of grooves Anple of slone of ;rooves D.uadrant anrle of elevation Lar-est angle of slope flxtent of traverse Thrnal lenr-th o. recoil 7ronFure of recu7erator Ar-ount cf 'laid in the r.cuperator'unt cf fluid in the recoil brake with compensator 9.2 kg 9.6 kg 215C5k for 1. cm2 4,645 mm 3,465 mm 24 25 caliber from 70 to 90 5? 360? ' 210 to 320 mm 34 to 37 otmosrheres 3.15 liters 3.25 liters Aount of fluie, in.thn recoil brake without 3.65 liters comr,ensator Might of the gun barrel with recoil brake 1,160 1/c ars! recurerator without armor 7:eight of recoil parts. 900 kg. SEC2-ET/CCVT`i0L/T:S OT:LY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012700080001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP82-00457R012700080001-9 3 0-27TCTAL7 0:71Y 50X1 -HUM the f5-mr, tan:c run model 1944 is instal:L(50m -HUM in th,. T-3);/f.5 tank torrcther with nodels DT and DT!' -achine tuns. "if",* equipment nodel ch-15 or ch-1( is used. 6. Prior to 2C April, no field exercises were conducted in the area of Roebell west of 1".eustrelitz. 30 kr50X1 -HUM * Comment. ::eustrelitz military post vas 50X1-HUM still occupied to capacity by com7onents of the 9th Cds Tank IAN until the ber:i nr9Yr,A "lu'v' of !'ay 1952. The occupation of th,-. individual nilitary installati.ons krees with previous informati on. The tent carp near the post pre- sumably in a traininr bivouac of- an element from the Ieue Tnfanterie Kaserne. The shiment of allecedly younc soldiers, cannot be thterpreted as no information re- lative to recruit shipments from the T.F.%. .-as. been obtained to date. 57,C?-?;.:T/r.-17TP.01.,Alc (.'"7:rf.771,1,7 C-.LY 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP82-00457R012700080001-9