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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 7, 1952
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___ _ASSlr It~AT!OI ...... iS ..~4. ~1_ Apq oved?For Rekease 2002/0.p k~4-RW? 7R011700 20005-6 f :AT'l`1K 1"14 V Soviet lido-as in Dernburg TOtPIC- 2X1X I 2 X1 G~ E OF CONTENT1 DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES . PLACE OBTAINED_-] 23 February to 2 l.areh 1952 PACES-- ~ .. -ENCLOSURES 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1A 1 :..arch, a landing; sta;;o was constructed farther dovnstream, ;source obtained n25X1 C definite information on the tank unit which was egnipoed with 12 Jb tanks garaged in a ;shed. The unit was never seen practicing : itI? the tanks. xh d instruction on the radio sets taken rt Enr;sneer training structures obs::rved in the restricted area between the barracks in::tal? ations and Der Itoes.,o incl,~ded section, of corduroy roads, 1 wooden bride across a ravine for vehicles a;.d tanks, several tunnels driven into the rock, ,various fire trenches and several mine fields which source believed to have been mined with practice runes, A wooden practice bridge over the branch of tile; Laale River below the barracks installation eras torn down at the e id of February,, On 7 April 19'2 25X1 Q 25X1A Prior to 23 February 1252, Via Adolf ;i tler a.aserno in ~ ernbur g (:.: 52/D 76) quartered an artillery unit of 1,30) to 1.,5),) tro o-r )s #ho it ?ras equip ed with 5 x 377rmk AT guns and 70 to 7)} guns of 7682-r :i and 100-r .r.1 caliber, It 25X1 X moved to .llten rabow (I. 53/u)), The Adolf Hitler taserne, Bern1rirg, occupied by an ong,ine ;r unit and a tank unit totaling about 1,c~GJ, 203 of w7hori .were on ft:rlou In, Four colonels, incllzc inr: 1 colonel (Mm), anew 6. or 7 lieutenant colonels inspected the unit when it fell in for roll call in 322 ranks of four glen each on 23 Februarys The tank unit and en ;ine:-r unit vrrore integrated. The engi 1 X component had 15 to 20 large amphibious cars, 15 to 20 small ar.,ohibious cars, 2 ?'.rucres ;soul sting hoisting -cars, cevoral motor rams nuw'erous pontoons and a large 11 -o:irco asxain tress um anac uni aXcC en;;ine.:r unit Hero mixed when he sa-v theca on 23 Fehr. !nry0 ~ Cou c--it. So .rce previo-xsl;, x'e_r:~rte~ on the artillery unit ...21 the clc)1f' "itler Ya erne f I.''~c present report deviatcc r fra: the reference re >rt inasmuch as 1773 re ]'_.E n , 1"I'lich is a corn'Orient of the 3d OOds Q) iT :irt r a'id, according; to, T/;,, is bel . voc1 to be equip:od irit'1 2'4 _t-ns of 7602-rv., hile the soco~id and third. rogi; ient of the bri? nddo are believed to he o1 -i->od ; 2h u x 1602-rii guns and 21; x 133-ru AT Luis res7octivoiy, is stated to 'k,,ve ns Of vari-).,s typo a::ri caliber. 1'10 in;il:ll ,r of stns bolon;in-, to trio rt3:;'1. 3 it In ?r=1','.r' in any case ap_)oars to be estimated too high , ::vein if the T/, Wer:~ c' a;n eci, about 36- artillery sees