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25X1 25X1 grt.RINTRY IUBJECT 'LACE "rCQUIRED? DATE OF NFO , :COMDUIT.T.itz ?141"1";;I!,T;i Approved EFIRclaase.R.OQW18/48..: PIA,RDP82:0045Tp112006.100 ruil 1FORMATION REPORT CD NO Germam. (Russian Zone) )04-1 DATE DISTR. 21 APril 1952 P:!.anned 1952 Production of Sulphuric Acid in NO. OF PAGES the UDR NO: OF ENCLS_ 11. (LISTED BELOWD SUPPLEMEK TO REPORT NO. ? 25X1 W2APRIRTTMITIMMIMMt4.011VML HI ao,...mENT COMINS INFORNATIDN 0170Cnels THE WATIONALZEFEESE or THE NIUDSTATES. WETDDI THE IlEADuta or TITLE 18. SECTIONS 79S ARID 7i4. F THE u, S. CODE. AS .M1E4RDED. T?3 TRANSadi 931011 OR MEL, *TIO 1' OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR ED,:EIPV 01.? RN UNAUTHORIZED, FECZEDIA for LAW THE peraCIRICTONI 01 TRW MN IS PRONIDITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 The at.tachrrier,,t, 11st.F3 the ??952 p_tanned pro( ic,-;?tion salphtrim4c acrid All of 11( MuldenhtAten (1)g dismantled hy the Soviet8 -e.,..:on1,.!;-:..,cted. The row :material to be used fxow n81 r Drtsds.r _ (-.;rlai- 1 t,;,- 7;1213 f ( Another 3 also to 1..* luilt atmuldenhatem this wi b?. "11' ctfLytio 005flfl2 of'ilaCk jack zinc sulphide). Tie be constru:st,eo, on the same as tic former fli.P.S.C. Itl'/-3 nt 3orf3ebur5r, (transpor,ed in tote to tile T15.`z.R.) but vrill have a capaci_14r Lbout one on.:, one-hlIC times as (Teat. The principal product of this plart iafl lc zinc; the nain vrill be sulphorjc acid, 5 e,? 3 C.:;:aD tons of C,0q annually ?1 further plant utilizim- this SEii.1C TTOcess :-Ac same size is to the constructed at Freiberg/Saxony. both plant$ are to be rc..;ocly for rrodrction in 1953/5)!., (2) Comment, Possibly fifittemeirkmuidenhtittn, 'vvB BtnJ 25X1 2., I 1Copmn=i-!: 7.he anicsnstructioD of these two .:)21-,nts for the procssinr: of black rack must be :-egareeC as superfluous to the normal peace-time requirments of 'the 171, ori Final pinnt in Tlagdeburfr, o'oie tc supply most of .lort_rany/3 pre-rar irtc reouirements; these tuo plants togethE)r su7pIv- f-h.vo or six tinx.%s as much zinc as the DOH cw.dd ttilize in. normal mrodw,:tion, Purthermor, c:ermany's: zinc injnes' were T-Ar-,./.(7,`Jr In a position to ;.11ipply the entire rill-a :::a4Aer,:tai requimments of the orip:inal (.1iesrthe Plant; most o te black jack was importer.5 -Prom the mines in Polish Upper Liilesia, 7"...t cannot be assumed that -bese pants arc t-;cing built for the staphar-Ac acid by- fafroduct alone?, as the proc.,:nt shortage of sulphuric acid for the chemical and inr_instri e zii be amply overcome by the other plants under ccnstraction, It Would seem that thenc plants are beinr constraotedl to make full use of the black jack ontpt of the Upper urines and that this extraordinarily 111.Er,h rro(31,1rh- tion of zinc is for ornaments production either in the DIM or ? for export to the 1.13ETI for utilization in the Soviet ornament CLASSIFICATIOtP-P-MM"ICUY' OFFICIALS ONLY EIX NSPB r DISTRIBUTIoN otnw xlmR 47 A s ....? ,.1 ...1 xl Frit -7 I Document No. fala 4- D C.: F1 Azah.: LI ;,..-2 - ? Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA- ligigitag7410-1-1_20.06,00004-1 25X1 V,,?1=0.01.5iSla Approved For Release 2000 8 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200600004-1 -glEERglid::. r, rif7TCT:.L-1 Ona tTTMCITM ..., Planned 1952 Production 36,500 tons SO3 54,000 " formerly Chemische Fabrik von Heyden Usissig,nearGrossenheim? Saxony) Aleid Cuswf.gAnhalt :Jcid Berlin-Obecheceunide Vann?, (1) 15,400 a It , .;rgans (former-,/ Pahlberr: -List, .7agdeburg) 25,600 iZ li 'homiefaser c*,;11Y.,zza 32,000 11 H Betrxel7W,IP,11? Thuringia 150400 It H Or;,...nburt; 11,000 ft H "...tberitz 23,000 It n r1al4bras;x4 (2) 11111donlatt-Ae 5,400 2,300 n tv ;acid Salsaisdal 8,700 It n flter FEhrbrac-Q: VVB Nannsfele 3,700 40,000 n n n ft 'Jolfen 80,000 II. If ; A-- 20 laramatC:. frUl al/pliable reference materials Possibly Attenwerk Halsbracke, VVB Buntmeten, Comments On account of difficulties in importing iron pyrites, part of -nlant being set up for production of sulphuric acid from magnesia sulpilate for latter half 1952. Increased production of 12,0")0 tons cnnuelly pr by Uovember 1952 Furnaces for con7arting mlphul? from Loma to acid to be installed amt. Entire production based on 78gnesia sulphate, Capacity of plant to be increased by 9,000 tons annually by and 1953; fumina sulphur to be used, SAmma 4WM Apparently -figure includes 50,000 tons from. Gyps plant which is not yet finished. First part to be finished late 1952, second port not until end 1953 or early 1954. When completed total capacity will be 150,000 tons annually. .11.011114P.101.0921.1???????????11.1.? -.1.afiefoggowarwr..,,????? . ? II% e torirafffejiTTROL 07YIGIAIs oNyir Approved For Release-2006708708 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200600004-1 25X1