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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200430001-3 Soviet Troops in Potsdam J f& -.__-REPORT FVPLUATION- DATE OF CONTENT. DATE OBTAINED[ REMARKS.. _, 50X1-HUM On 2.3 Januar r 1952, nu rous officers,, predominantly wearin _,artillery, tank? ;igna. and moic.or transport insic nia,, military officials and . uniformed woman were seen 50X1-HUM ent:riri and leavi a the Adolf :' Kaseraze on ;'a-o - 1 Allee in k'otsdan Frei re soldiers eari.:i? black borc'.ercd 'slack apauleto aith si~ne1 inni., is wee^c. ae:r mare. '. from the, installation to the. Kric sschule at the intersection of ao el Alice am. Kirsch .f~ f lee U 2,, Between 11 and 23 January 195)2,, nurcrou officers., most ~f Tnhora wore 1~?ac'?.:-border r' red co:' lax patches and corm weari.n rod-bordered black collar patches with arti1 e: ins.i,rn: a Gnd black bordered black collar patchoc with signal insignia and -.ilitnry officials were soon entering and leaving the 1:rie-sschulo at the int-,er ection Jr Pa-):cal. All ec3 and Kirsch Al 1 ee 3~ On 23 ,,ant.ary 1952,, t'.?ie soaItherna section of the Poli.zci Kasorna at 10-12 0 Ailee quartered about 153 tro;.ps roaring black bordered red epaulets, ;aa.a,5X1-HUM urrnis'iod the ;uard ciotoils for the Adolf Hitler Kaser ne and thou Kria sschule at Bornste,dt, The northern section of the installation quartered about 103 NCOs who - wore rod-bordered black epaulets with artillery znsi. jai a , The sentries at the installation were also r,COso 50X1-HUM t On 22 and 23 January 1952, kiny officer, wearing; red-bordered black opiulets with artillery and motor transport insi;nia and black-borderod black epaulets with a .final. and mlitar,~ officials were seam entering and leavin the u:Laen bez t K;,serne,, The mrracks section wraith the entrance on gchle-aljtras.-co q artered. r . .; 150 troop,,,, .gnat of whom wore black-bordered black e?aaalctc with 50X1-HUM ,SSI FICA ?It3I C0NSUQ= ''~A 'LE}TYU a OrPIC n T , n III . y .n... - Document No. ------- 9XV--------- - Do Chr E'J ED eA Aa?l.: la Date: :Mg- _-_---- 2 brua ry 1752 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200430001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200430001-3 t -x 1 1 IV I V I CONFcF.1 1T:Ty Admy3L/uc 5m On 1 January 195'2,, thti u;)laa asorne in G:)ln vas, occupied b:.r about 63':) tro-o-s rlho '.ore rcr:.--bordered black e)a'ulo L.: th artillery insi7,Tli i., and about r',) /oviet airy en0 Capon, soon in front O.l' e arnory in the C,1:> tern section of the billotinaroa on 11 January 17!.i2 inclux".ed 4 x 72-in field' `"ins, 1 x 1,2 ri-: can :iowitzor., a1?'. 1 trailer ;' ) ;;l*4 't). rroi ttery ~I r~ooc:.e~, area ar,~;,inin; ~..., of t-:'!o _..221-m .. f iel(; gum; took u.-) -)osition in . ).] the oas t rn part of the billoting area,, On. 14 J:anuary'131'2 s 2t; ;!caring rod-Dorciored black. t)')aulots wi til artillery insignia practiced ' :'ry t': a 1S2--?:ir gun howitzer in file norrlx,, trn eizte;,.in",. an ' l t' t f 50X C . ?.? JVd w ... _. J. -OtAy J1+.lrl 0 unifor:":,e I 'Yon n with black bordered .roc? epa,i3.ots~ 30 2 u: siart civil ian 50X1-HUM wor,~:n and 20 { usr>ian civilian men were also seon ?eavinr, the instal'xaztion J,nrisE;, thta one-~?urur r eriod 4. a L UII Y~A6 a~V tL..tL1 44, J ~iiui~or rlo G, thy c?,t.t+' hour in the i.nstall.at_i_on ended between 3 and 4 p~,ric durim the weeks up to "l4 Jart ),-~r'~'x because most of t' e of _'7_cer working in the in 3talla tion left the billeting area at that ti.,.m ., lout 131) o.f i icers rankir!? from uajor up to and :inclu'i.n ; colonel rare s .en pn aia; t'_ rou,-I the barracks -`ate durirtr one :court About 60 pcreont t:hei. "tort ",lach,~-bordered red e,. au1 is and the rest rec;~-border~nd Black a ,alest~ Tri ar1'~ t; h -1- 19,, Between 7 a i lit Jan wry i92, t e : olizei Kase:rno on Jae:',or Al lee wc-aw- Occupied bZy- tro Ps yrearinr7 black: bardered red eraulets. in add.i.tionj, n=.umerous officers er ; s o o n e Et: ri.nY, and leavin-; the ins al'lation, most of them cord n . 'r om the 50X1-HUM Adolf IIi?t1 or Y: a sernc ,. 20, CON 7}s~~/,~, ., T- i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200430001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200430001-3 (2.) The inform ti on again consi.rr that the barrack: installation at Golm quarters a. conponont of the unidentified ax?tilIervr diviaion in Potsdam, possibly a component c f the divisions ,znidentified ortillery bri ado, and a anall air force wiit, It alto confirr.rc the an.,,or cr':Ac'.z is bV1ieved to be subordinate di..rectl.; tc the artil!_or;y divjtsjon, The Lelloon unit Tza: stationer' in the (3) barrack: i.iu ta1Ttati.~n at duirirn-- the s inter Of I?~:?,'?1. Z~ 50X1-HUM (3) The end, 76?2-.m .field ~;ur s ot'i:'ervod at the i Va 1 ric chin a are indicat_ -va of t;-.c 31st .; rr, 11,v Tan'.. >P :L.,St ant! 2~Vi (?) :,s iki.flc eats both of the 13th 'ids Tan', ;ivy ; :pat o the vo:dcl.,) noticod_ at t? e irwtal.lation belong to this divicionp 50X1-HUM (4) The ni;;'.it reportak? have be on Performed. ty t. troops in .h.c; nor fern ;sec ion of the its Kacerno Prohnhly extended until 23 January and also ai :es, toc the irtillory 'ri,,;ade in the southern section of ti:: incta11r"ti:mz. only little train n: activity eras no tics in the entire "olius Kasern-tc0 (;) It is rnousl blo that the coi pon:tntc of the 2d Gtis L V, Div in the a ohenlohe Y.a: erne and the Ludcndor=ff I:aserne a so reryo:hacd their duties at ni ;hta berm. rc little trainin.r.; activity wzga ioticed there during; day tires? (6) the troi-~nc in t ha nerttrt (7) (8) soc ?on o We -~e; iu; 1;aserrte at oE.. eers arzcl 90J "~T.i~, rhich alio:t DuAi--IUIVI is correct,;, The office of the of 3taff is carried in the re: tri alone. :rcaeral : 0P.Ivanov is ulri~i' of Staff of the GOFG rather tl a.n Chief of 50X1-HUM Rear ioxrvices as States; is the prosent, report,, The stater:rnt that the office of the Jhi.ezf of iioar Sex^aicec of the GQF3 is in the Adolf Hitler Kasernc Rahelcbur area, 50X1-HUM I r" ' IC :l'AT.; i:}IHLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200430001-3