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Publication Date: 
February 27, 1952
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~.,,. Appr$ISI cO[.a;`+TRY.....Ger. arrf (Soviet Zone) 25X1 " TOPIC Herr oin L irfie]d REFERENCES. -. 2 ._.--_-REPORT NO. PAGES ~..~.~~ -ENCLOSURES (No. & TYPE) 25X1 25X1 25X1 0 O On 23 January 1952,,, 8 to 10 jet fighters and 7 single-en ine planes gore observed in front of the hangars at Neu up?in airfield,, Truck loaderel with . 25X1 boards moved to the field. A board fence 2 motors high was under e a c :1io field. Lost of the Sao ?Ddon poles were already set up. %out 100 meters of the :Fence along Jittstocker Alloe from its intersection with kJtroooa nnatraw se was compeleted0 2, Between 4 and 4:30 p0rr on 21 January, 12 uwapt back jot fi.,;htors covered with taarp;aulins, 2 single--en gine low-a in-- zonoplanos with radial .nines and 2 biplanos were in front of the 25X1 hangar c n al re eras no flying. t3eta+neen 10 and 11 a.m? on 25 Janutaryy,, 10 covered swept-bacl jot fighters, 1 low, wing monoplane, and 3 biplanes were observed in front of the hargars4 There was no flying,, It appeared that slightly more than half of tae barracks t uildin s were occupied by an estimated 600 airraen, On 19 Jani:::ary. a jet plane take off a There was fly-in; by PO-2s during thc; night,, he runway was i loan, mated as previously, Hioweverx, there were no lighting facilities in the, eastern extension of the runway, '~ board fence 2 motors high b?.gir.:ning at the former repair hangar was under construction around the eastern section of the field. This fence had a trap about 50 meters ,-iida .two thf;.3 25X1 extension of the rt n.ray, 4U At 11 a an,. on 2 February,, 12 jet fighters wore parked at- the, field,, Truck was warm observed entering and leaving the installation. 1.1 swept Ls ek jet fighters and 2 single-engine 1o . a-,aing mono i1 ones were parked in. front of the hangar,; and, alone t o tax:itwaa r. 'her:- was no flying., :ork ,?ras continued on the fence? The fence was conple uo,d from the easternmost hangar as for as 77ittstoc;for Alice and alon? this in ghwa;r 2,-, far as a point in line with the northern porineter of the settle ~ont nor 1''1 of the cct eteryu A strip about 100 inters vide on the extension of t.'ho runway iaas not fenced in. On 8 February, 11 s-weptback jet fighters and 2 single-engine, lor:- winE moan' lanes were observed at the field. There was no flying. From 12 tc 21 Janurarn;, there was intensive flying at the field. 'here was no flying on 22 January. 33ettvocn 9:30 to 10 a,,ma on 30 January, Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP - 200080010-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0l1200080010-2 Su; :ET/camnO1,/ITS or:,icr.L,,, O~?7yT 0 6 'iretw cn 3:30 and 10 a.m.., bet oon 1.1 aim and 12:30 3~drivs and bot-necz 2:30 and 3:45 -)yrs. on 1 January flyin7- was observed0 Two planes j were ohasrvod flying; in formaation0 ha t~ro_ planes '1etr in very good torraation. rind Practicer! divinf;.,wecn 0 a r1 and Y observed at tc field. ::--,r 70 On 2) January, there was no flyin ; at the field, On 21 Januar, the t.arp~ulins were reatovcd fron two I.;iG-I s which, ho,,-,,ever, remained parkad near the han ;~irm 11o noise from turbines was heard. Between 10:30 and 11:33 p0n, on 22 Januarys; night flying was practiced byr trio PO-2s. There ryas :1o flyin.; by jet planes botvtcun 23 and 2:; January. :hen t e bialenot were flown on several even in;s, the runway was illuru.nated probably by portable lamps because t ho former lighting facilities -were not replaced 25X1 25X1 the rcfuolin~; of a jot plane from a tank ,ruc c too'-.. bett!yoon 11 and 18 r it utes, on, 23 January., that, fence was coiin.Ietcd as far as a point from :which a road lara-iched off to the fuel dump north of the field? The poles were being placed in holes from this point as far as the fuel dtaraoQ gap .remained open in lint with the rurroayn Cin 31 January, a rzono?,lano tiit a a r. acial. cn:;ino cnga;o in acrobatics. an 5 i-ebruarj, practiced in -roues cf t -;o,, a t,,: ae-29 plane u acticed :high-altitude f1,;, and single--c:iginc lane with radial engines aracticed taa.u,o.:fs are, la dings at nir eta On 9 Pobrmry, individual L:i a~-i s fires: at ground tar,-;et On c7 and 10 ,:)bruar- . l3 t,/:ac-29 and 1 ins--15 planc; and 3 uin~1C-cnrino 1 -trio,: mono ?l_anoc nitl2~ radial ex,,ina were at tic f_-old,, 25X1 LlCCoat ente it appears that the peruonncl occuaation at the field her, =t-7-6-led t. e strength of she former fighter regiment whose pcr;,a_Z ae3 t:er? transferred to the U0 Lry`iq in October 19! 1s, It is believes; that the "stator re;.;im:nt including the OATI3, ATR and. signal personnel numbers at lea at 703 none Carvient o For a 'tabulation of air activit;rp see Alnnex0 These activi tfi o a ins i .ate i ercon.ael are still in the primary stage taf. training on 2Cd.;T/CONTL'OL/IJ5 CI' ICItA]_i; o:rr y occuoicci by a recently activates? .i htor re L-iont t?ih ch doo:a not haveita authorized strength of personnel or aircraft 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0l1200080010-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200080010-2 Tabulation of Air ,,^tiviity 0bservcd on 18 ani 19 Januar:r 1952 a t 1uraup !#ir Yield ~'~ 18 Janu.-'ry 1`. 52. '.uatiler 1E/10 overcast,, nort1we terly viinr?a vioibilit, about 1o kra, goon; titire' sera Take-Off LandinZ 11-yin'. i'ino ilefuelin.- 9:08 a.m. 9:13 aono 5 m nuteu tz1Co-raan Crow 9:16 11 9:21 11 5 ,: 11 9:21! 9:28 IT 4 If . 9:31 9:36 5 it 9:39 Tr 9:1414 f1 5 it 9:1#6 9:50 ,r 1! Tr after 28 minutes 9:09 9:13 9:17 9:21 9:21. 9:2U 9:32 9:36 9:140 9:44 9:47 9:51 after 214, rthiutoa 5 9:38 9: 9 ;lit' a 912 9:313 22 -t 6 935 9:59 14 minu os after 3 :35 f' 10:00 it 25 11:09 ama 11:27 a .m. 18 11:148. 11 12:03 p.mQ 15 not ob6er,ed11:03 a a t? after 33 ::ii..nutes 11:23 11:39 " 16 p on, 12:01 12:06 p nraa 5 . 12:09 11 12:15 t, 6 12:13 11 12:23 " 5 after 16 minutes 11_:1.1_ a .n. 11:35 a ?rio 21 1.1.:53 12:11 p,r1, 13 after 34 minutoc 2:38 p,sZo 2:56 p,ra, 18 3:21 11 w. 3:33 12 after. 30 raarzuvo:s 19 Jana pry '.catlher: 10/10 overcast. IZazy, visibility 6 to 8 lay,, s1i;I-it t'17o-?;. an zrov1 urjo-m.crow 9:11 a,,.-i. 9:14 n.m4 3 runutos 9:17 1f 9:22 1 5 11 9:25 ff 9:29 +r 1!. it after 12 minutes 10:02 10:08 9:38 10.06 10:12 3) 1 9:> 10:34 19 after 31 rainutes rrl Approved For Releas~e~~? ~ $2j~J24 7F 11200080010-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200080010-2 25X1 25X1 Plane Take--Off Landing; M r n Tim, iefuelin 10:23 aoslR nfi a ono- 11:01 " rza:1 crITM17 9-.26 9:;9 11..:34 1)a 11.i. 17 aftor 2C rlirIutes 11.221 a,yti 17_:27 awn, 6 r_xinutcs 11:30 s' 11:36 " 6 't 11:39 " 1'.t:44 " r, it after 17 minutes The ob.;eri Lions ware discontinued at 12:11 p n SECR;:T/COnnT-iOr.JUC Ori'ICIItI,5 ONLY 10:40 a a ~a 17 riinuto s 11:13 to 12 it aftor 29 a iinutc. 9:40 10:13 11:51 Si.L',rt? Ri'/'COI1'i I O !VM OFf:'1C IAT.S_ Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200080010-2