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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 28, 2006
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Publication Date: 
February 19, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R011200060002-3.pdf92.03 KB
25X1 Apprct~lerv COUMTRY. ~-DATE PREPARED..,,., 9_ Fpbr4 zar v PAGES . ..m ~ .~. ENCLOSURES (NO. & 1YPE) 1. After 3:L5 a.m. on 17 January 1952, there was flying by a jet fighter' and a i;iplane at ":rossenhain airfield. Firing by aircraft weapons was heard. flo flying was observed in the afternoon. About 9 a.m. on 18 January, a jet fighter circled the field twice before landin?a ?* Two additional jet fighters were parked in the center of the field. At 12:30 p.m., biplane IIwhich was equipped with a radio set landed at the field. .fires extended from the wings to the rudder assembly. Fl,ying closed after 2 p.m., but two jet fighters flert at night. * ?.otor vehicles which were observed enterin and leaving the field a fences vas to be built around the field in order to preven-~ observation. The fence was to be 2.5 r.eters high with a 50--cm aor- tior~ o.' barbed ,,Are at its top. -:a? 25X1 25X1 ` I I gent, These statements agree v ith: information received from sro.ssen- hal o durin; the preceding ticks. _ grossen?7a i n is 25X1 occupied by the headquarters of a :~ z er division aria two fighter regiments S'r_3iCarc being activated. Previous observations indicate that the t~ o re i'ion s are egiiip-)r with a very small xrr~ )er of :'i 15s, The exact nunbor? of jet _pianos has no,,, been c?etermined sir-ice the interior of the hangars could not be observed. a8 Gor3:'ient. The a1le;cd construction of a fence agrees with observations ::zad at eight other airfield of the `I;renty--Fourth 'ir AM. ZLg ? D CLASSIFICATI IW- 56"If~61LAis o.--Ty D?car .-pit No- ------- Mo D larrr ;'I e : Glass. Q Autli.: Date: --- L / --- Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : C 45