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ir COUNTRY SUBJECT 'yr 1 II ? II No, ay et 9. a. *dr 4.110 Hcit4UATTY Ihe)rUATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. AGENCY REPOT NO. 25X1A 192. Approved For Release 2002/05/23_; CIA-RDE52-00457R011100251005-0 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO,. CONFIDENTIAL SA. 'Ukrainian SSW DATE DISTR Southera Shipyard Factory N. 198 in Nikolayev NO. OF PAGES 20 March 3 25X1C PLACE ACQUIRED DATE. OF INFO. NC. OF ENCLS, (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT T REPORT NO. 2 (4 Pages) 25X1A 25X1X The southern shipyard Zavod 198 which nacoextensively destroyed when the German armed forces retreared from Nikolayev (46!:8102?00E) has been cleared and reconstructed since 19440 (1) 5hipmays were repaired and resumed work in 1946, The wo)d planking on the three small alips was repaired and renewed after each launching operation, Between the small slips and shop 329 a slip installation whichhad been partially destroyed Was still littered with debris and, as of 1949, no repair work had been begun, (2) 2, Prior to Lay 19492 a large floatin dock wee seen moored in the larEp shipyard basin It had been destroyed and .lay under water with only its superstructure projecting. Another floating dock, 30d meters long and 50 meters wide, lay in a corner of the quay near the large shipways and was seen in operation during the period from September 1945 to September 19480 " third floating dock, 50 meters long, 20 motors vide and 15 meters high, was partially destroyed, and oviet workmen occasionally worked. on it? This dock was reportedly unserviceable prior to June 1948, .est of the three email slips was a dry dock with a pontoon floodgate (Schleusenpontors. abschluss) and a pump station, (3) The large lorkshop west of the large squire ohipyard lasin had been roconstructedp although the eastern lasrtion was not quite finiehed by Lay 19490 2ho floor was being cemented, and tracks and cable were laid, After April 1949, m-ark was to be resumed in the largor? western section of the workshop, Cince 1943, iron and steel ? tooling machines including lathes arid planes welding a-id punching machines; cteel? riveting, and nneumatic ham:lens; chieels and electric cutters were installed in the transverse bays of the workshop. Deep pits were excavated in the concrete floor for other machanes, Numerous trevelair crabs ran along the ceilins, in the spring of 1949, it was observed that iron plates, 1030x2020 moters3, were welded together with carbide welding asparatas in the workshop, Anchors and chain cables were manufactured, and tests on chain cables wore conducted by a testing machine from iiannheirk, whose pressure indicator registered that the chain cables broke at 50) kg per. 10 square ram. Numerous boxed maehines2 noL,t of them with Gerslan inscriptions, were seen on the north and northwest of the workshops, Two thirds of the machines instoUed in that shop were of German origin; the others were of Britich origin, A German engineer stated that traveling crabs fitted under the ceiling were of modern make, and that most of them were from Glacgow, The Soviet rormen said that mese production of submarine ould start in the near future. Seeing his judgement on the situation in 1949s source believed that 25X1A construction would actually start in 19490'soviet workmen also told oo.)::Te that the CLASSIFICATION caNi'i DiNPiAL CONFIDENTIAL Document No. No Change In Clasi`914 E Declassified Class. Changed To: TS S Autha HR 70-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : cm-Rpligg-oo45/3R9spippoollia Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 GONFranNTIAL CACRAL INTILLIG41C11. GNY 25X1A completed stinmarines would be launched threan tne large gate of the workshop into the lar7,e shipyard basin eaet of the workshop and would be built and completely- outfitted in the oerIelhol., 4. The embankment of slip I? as far as the slip instalTenion, was mode of concrete and was about 3 meters hi410 In 19;49, the partially destroyed embankment along the river had still not noen reoairen and to floating dock,,owhich had been scuttled still bloceed the quay, :lowever, apart from this section veeeels of any oizo cold tie up anywhere in the shipyard, npur tracks coneecting all points in the ard neeo available; 5 shunting ena:ines and about 5 or 6 small. Diesel lecomotivee an.o by the nieonnc-Halske Firm.,) in Derlinn were seen, The steel and iron works of the shipyard were repaired soon after the war and put into operation in 1947 and 12420 Soviet workmen and aereah engineers stated that from the end of 1947 to :ay 1249 one furnace per month were to be put into operation; the glare of newly blown-in furnaces at night indicated thet . furnaces actually were put into service at those intervals. Diginecro mentioned open,-heerth Siemens-Eartin furnaces and iecoemer converters, It was obs)rved thet anchors were cast in the foundries of this eection. 60 host of the electric currnt for the shiaurd was cup lied by the municipal power station which was east of the shipyard in the town and was reconstructd between 1944 and 1946, Frequent interruptions in the current occurred ie additions the shipard also had its own power station located a little west of the center of it area. T14e shioyardvs power station une completed and put into operation in 1947; this station produced curneat for light and power in case of emergency. 7, As late as hay 1949, the forwird and of a large ?Inrshi) was still on slip I. (4) It was gradually dismantled and the parts were subsequently carried to a workshop at the head. of the slip where the various parts were welded together to form new units, These were imodiatcly. u;Jed in the censtruction of a ship being built on the seaward end of tee slip. -'ne bottom of this new ship was completed,? and the ships sides wore being constructed in :lay 1249, Tilo bow section was still lackings since the old hull blocked the enace reqnircd r7ne newly4-built part was between we den scaffoldinoe whin extended over a length f about 30 metere on the slip, The dimensions aen the onape of the component parts which yore eupolied. there seemed to indicate that the ship under coestruction 7ne of the Nuibyshev class. 80 In !ay 1949s the cruiser was was anchored next to the outfitting pier at the foot of slip II and tlio large roofed elioway ho was being outfitted and equip )ed with her armament, She was about 100 meters long, with a bean of about 20tieters, a curved bow (Sicholbug)s and 2 triple turrets on the foredeck. The caliber was estleated at 150 Mr3. Source observed the installation of the guns and the assembling and chocking of the mobility of the turrets. The second tureet was superimposed behind the first turret, Closely adjoining the turret was the bridge, consisting of several platform structures arraneoed in tiers to form the totter mast, Optical instrumento, ran:;efinders, and fire-control equipnent were on the top of the mast0 iarther aft was a radio mast a7:!d two oblique funnels, norn ens in progress on the space between the latner, 31 the after dee.: was ono gun-turret, but no guns had been fitted into it prior te oen 19:42, nho hen a stannord cruiser stern. (5) nother shio of the oane size, otlil painted with red lend and without gune, was tied up alongside the EaltyLIELI Her superstructures were under construction. This second cruiser was launched from slip II in the fall of 1943. Prior to :ay 19!19? no new keel had been laid in slip II lEoweirorp it was observed that work was resumed on this slip and that small transformer huts were under construction alono its sidos0 nerk on the slip was done in day and night shifts0 o construction of submarines was observed prior to hay 1942 on this or any other slip. Two tow Largos one behind the other, were on the three emoll bnildino slips .which were about 120 Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 TtLuoace 2tGai:.4 to 150 meter.- - The bari;es vier barges of this superstructure,' 9. The labor forer- percentaTe unskilled work: 100 For protection. wire, Also then arms ame searc:!1' the fence at pari 25X1A Too such bny- metrn., 'ore c r.121et o sltip;??%-..n3 . -1i a large n..u.lbei - $.-s nt a of five no a hi ;h. orTioyed an :ntire aro '.'a -en fence and barbed sentry boxes 12) TC 4Dntr1cs -rriti fire who were acconpa ' wore also tied to Acnlarly im)ort-Ilt poilt Cors'itents (1)r.J i. 'out of shi .(2)This slip imaL oaH undoubtedly the northern ef:e (3)The existence cL known to be (4)This is prenn: outbreak of (5)For a silhouetl,c: either stn-!...2: tyne, ? se.) anneY.: 1 to be betweJa the slips made for bro',:, , 17rge shipy-q--1 ' dry dea..s 5C0:12. t or to the 7:sr. ic 03O?too 1.,at-11:? r .ri-twicousor-7.iffe r ?3? nlz:icsho2 32, The: are locatoe. on the s Ini 1 ar clry docks were ?- on the sli) at the o. the ridio :mot orvious t-11.1 is o: this Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0111002500 C3N??DENTIA: Cbt4Tits.1, INTaLlGacs 4Ct Southerr Shipyard ZairoA /98'x. Nikolayew ? \ go. ? I. CEN' ? Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 I 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 CONFIDETITLAI CaniaL INT414111G.A0.6 AGLieNCY 1 Slip 2 Slip II, E:ak.c-1-,, hamerhead cr?.1,1 3 large worksho shop. of it- slip scaffol(1 workshops. slip. slip, tt each noters hi i. fitted with a sli aro three smaller traveling luffirv. Atachmemt 1 (..if slip T an slip II are 6 it .11.)3 30 noton; rc..)o...: an used as n construction cl?r; 120 to 150 :Acton:, lon? with : crane :e.twoon tic slips are small 4 jerk :lace w'n,arr 2io shipbuildin:; plalc- ire ,:tetCod t 5 6 Slip. Cruiser Kuillyshav and a sistership be 7 Floatind dry dock, 3032E50 meters, ie tho outfitting quay. 8 Dry dock 9 Workshop 32, - steel structure, 300x100x4.0 motorc walled up with shell blocks, allegedly for building submarines, jne s,:,ction? alout 300x40 meters, extends along the etbankment, and tralverso bui1din7,8 are to the north. Annex buildins were erected in 1946 &fld 1947 9a 7ater reservoir 10 motors in diameter 10 Joinery and wod-finishin: shop, 11 Plate anc2.. scrap (:ump4 to notors deep, 12 77; Camp lo 7126/2, was de-activated in -...:Aft)nber 1943 and convicts were subsequently .)illoted there. 13 Shipyard V3 power Aation . and iron structure, approximately 60x40 meters, -with two steam turbines. Nearby 7!a:-, ty?aaLforner station for current supplied frououtside. 14 Iron and steel -narks? .,;everal lnrge 1.147s inclurl.int7, a cast-iron foundry? a brick and stool structure, about 200x70 -:ieters, completed in 1943; one open- hearth shop for steel-castin? a brick an(I steel structurc;? 200x250 peters, with a smoke stack, 4.) motors 414_;11; a late shop; '.;orkshop 25, 203x50 meters; -Orks'.1op 13, 2:)ix50 motoc.s? Lrick and steel structure and a slant shoot iron roof,.=;quipment in the iron casting smp includ 1 furnace for iron, 2 small. furnaces probably for other metals? a:!d a completely equipped molding shop. An old open-heart:1 oven, an overhoad crone and a drying room for the molding shop were in the open-hearth shop. In 1,n.tho shop 25 were 6 rows of milling and boring machines, shapers, vertical boring turning mills3 and horizontal lathes, ne,rly all of them of Geraan origin and marked probably standing for Alhelm Gustloff7;erke, and 5 electric welding machines of Kjellberg make. The same equipm.,nt in lathe shop 13 was put Of in 19(3, 15 Anchor works, 16 Saw mill, dyrevo-obdyelotchny tsokh abbrevi ed anC. pronounced Dots), with. 2 frame saws and mIclimod-worhing mac Uncry mi:stly of 3erman origin. 17 Boiler factory, 13 Carago for about 1.0 motor vehicles., 19 Gatehouse 'iit1 gateway, guard house, CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 25X1A '.10TIFIDETrr IAL INTALLaullacz AGIACT 20 Administrntion building? attac. 21 Reconditioned buildin;s2 a 5sav n111 and a plant for nalani: concrete and concrete fittin7s? ant 1 22 Munici2a1 7over stctionp 50 1:etor 4) neterc 11?7,11,9 vith coal?fired steam.)-n:;ines. Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0 CONFIDENTIAL CrlintAL INT2,11GLNCS AGaia 25X1A Attachment 2 C; UPI DEMI AL Approved For Release 2002/05/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100250005-0