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Publication Date: 
March 17, 1952
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Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R01100048000308 CLASSIFICATION CEPS T RAL~ ~I~ TFL~I~ ~ f -AC NCV REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. USSR (Chelyabinsk Oblast) Steel Landing -Vat Production in Chet D DATE DISTR. 17 I4arch 1952 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Document tto. - Q No CI,a!tgc In class. i OWtr, r 25X1 CIa'ss. E To: TS S C d,utl. 9% II 2 9% r, n 11978-- Bya 6 kF0 786. OP THE O. S. CODB. As ABE[70E0. IT$lRASfS?l7.' WO VRno.a.- ...,..,: ..~ ..e CO TEWra m OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Location: do tV r "vehi-i1c pl~.Lnt east of C I -LY .Bll;CE. ~.,rcduced oteel lcr~dir mats about 13x2 fe6t -ifl ei-e . L ch mat -:ieit h.ed about 33 to 55 pounds. Four rove of holes,-each 4 - inches in diameter, t)cre punched in eac_, mai, ++ Five million mat viera to ice pro(-'aced, Plant -aao locate in the ea ,tern ection of C ~LL I~s~I :'~ r .\bout t;`J feet south 1 ' , ~ 4 .bout 5 rni7 w:s east of the center of t,~e , to.,jn 4i of C- LffABL.SK OUSE railroad line (Trd'hs-Sibex ian railroad). f; c tort' producir., moto . vohi_cle axles Baas ju,t nort i of the GT;SK VAilroad line,. The lar,ciii; mat factor T. `'VJ -. 43S .ordered on the couth by - th$ .z!.o to r ve'3ic e rim s3~...nt and the moto:c: vehicle .sprinj. plant 6., . 1a>youiz - crkshop9 a. s feel structure about. 5:ix25Cix 50 "iach:.riery: Heavy c-Lj-liters and tamping macbine2. CLASSIFICATION OONFID? TIAL. STATE tJAIP! svSR6 DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011000480003-8 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011000480003-8 BEST COPY Available Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011000480003-8 GO1d`II t =2?e E. 25X1 Approved MTAB.Cksa ' J(02105 : P82-00457RO1100 480003-8 Iz1 e Altltor ve' icl e p _.rto factory a:; (to located lc: C e v t ,, sc-~u.the - 4. of ca. area .dailro.-Adl:Lri to \JLISK. Qlixlt ! onsisted cl. bout five ate ,sore prods u at tLe 0'.ap, about 2~.Ox55C f, et, e(luip- pou C13_ti 13 preao-e:. (ai).ou---, 22 -4-one caezi) 11 s :allc:_ presssoes, Ctc,. 25X1 15. Plant 1130t" a Cie plant ':ius cool1iad "KP S." 16. Pr o ductioa: An or_er for fire m1111o-_n o t c e 1 ton: in mates was placel in Pebru _ ry 1949.* The 4-w ma to ;acre about 5x13 feet ;cijhed -bout 1.7 pounds per :square foot. ++ .he compl. Led ma =, ; eac'i ei.,F~hed about 110 poi do. : he pro- duction n. rrn of seven. tun