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Approved Frx, qtrraima 14 FOR NI ;kir 0 hi (T117,1TTAL ?to:4d Oblast) uaJEc1 Ok (rtcaJ. Flt at 1.)%e rzh ins k PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO, 25X1 25X1 -RDP82-00457R010800040009-3 E PO RT 2 No DATE DiSTR, -NO., OF PAGE NO, OF ENCLS. CUSTED BEL0114. 25X1 suppLEmEiv TO REPORT NO. Fr.--lbraary .: ?i .?:-1.11=7?ZT4111.1' i,113E3M-2iM07,MtiM1974 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS IN OPHAT OI Acrecritto 'FRE NATIGSFIL OEFE.NSte.: OF THE UNITED STATES WITH' It THE anaraiNd OF RTt N SECTIONS 703 AIM 794. OF THE U Coor AS TA TRANSUISSION OP REVEY- Aros OF ITS CONTENTS TO ON RECEIPT NY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED EIT jF TNE NSPRO)OCTION Of THIS FOHE1 ES PHOHISITED. NZIEGEFAZSZ2 r3B.WZtra,.. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 2? The 25X1 was The OKA. Chemical Plant :was in Dzerzhinsk(56?15 E/43?24' E), scuth cf the Dzerzhin4k-Gorki (56020' N/440002 E) railroad' line and about 200 meters east of the large Chemical Plant Vc 96 -"Zavod-Stroi". The OKIIChemical Plant covered an area of about 500 x 400 meters. Some -of the installations were in existence as early as 1945. The plant was considerably expanded by the construction of 'rally new lant buildings in 1943 and 1949. Llectric power was supplied by the ? adjacent TETS station. .The plant ?bad spur tracks leading northwest to the igumnovo railroad station. * 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 plant preduced a kind of fluid thought Alcohol. 'refined moto fuel". ITne proauctior or a yellowisn, odorless pow(er. whicq lwas packed into red and green metal containers, 50 cm high ? . 25X1 and 25 to 28 cm, in diameter containers for .;fiis powder were marked witn tne 5ILLL and crossbones Symbol. The 1.)1mt also produced a. sirupy, colorless and odorless Irass which vas poured into lht-blue cardboard containers which were 'alarked .with the skull and crossbones symbol. Up to 8. carloads, each coltaining 30 to 45 tons of the poisons, and 30 to. 35 carboys, of 25 liters eaa,!,filled with the alleged alcohol liquid, were dispatcied daily Two or threc- trucks arrived daily, each loaded with. 30 sacks ?containing some unidentified raw material...Tank cars co:Itaining potable alcohol also arrived frequently, *.* 25X1 25X1 3. 25X1 25X1 1500 Soviets were employed in each shift_ hbout PUs were also assigned as construction -workers, 25 to 10 German engineers still worked la. [S1WM 1,21.M1Y - CLASSIFICATION fnurTni?,11).' T A r ; NSRB DiSTRIBUTiO - LI Pky nu -tILiI 25X1 Ateetiment ? ito- atone EnCTEs. fJ Dettanmed Class. Changed To: Aufh.1 fin 70.2 slAttotsiggePiaato4 009-3 Approved For Release 2003/08/15 : CIA- A T$ S C25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010800040009-3 25X1 laboratory, 25X1 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL, - 2 - CENTRAL INTTiracrucr AVIVCY 25X1 4, The plant area was surrounded by a double barbed-wire fence, Then) were watchtowers at 200 meter intervals. Military sentr' performed guard duty. 25X1 25Xf 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X4* 25X1 25X1 ,;:mganta, The location I rees with an. iI :photograph made in l942. However, Plant No 96 is only 100 neters from the OKA Chemical Planta For Jayout setch of the - plan aee Anne . ' is not believed that this report constitutos an aueLate description of this plant which has been greatly famppt? eni ru:Iled since 1q48 me etaaetnyl leaa cLue.Loped by the OKA Plant is now produced on a large-- scale by the '4ava Plant and the Zavod Strol Plant 25X1- No 96.1 lregarding the product ton of "refined motor fuel", it appears possible that - the OKA Plant plans a large scale production of anti-knock fuels aftea tae completion of the plant expansion However, the use of alcohol, the production of bromide compounds and the. information renading the "refined motor fuel" also indicate the production of eahylene dibromide. 1_41:012Xi sketch on ditto. 25X1 CONFIDEKTIAL/ Approved For Release 2003/08/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010800040009-3 elease 2003/08/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0 Appr?Paiw 1 UNTRAL INTPILIGRNCE AVNCT 25X1 10800040009-3 25X1 7f,&.yout Sketch. of the OKA Chemical Plant in bzer t See next page. CON1 'DENT IAL 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010800040009-3 Approved For Release 2003/08/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R010800040009-3 CONFIDLNTIAL/ _2- crmitAL Dri."-LurNcr AT-Tcy 25X1 Legend:. 25X1 LdWilistration building ,.a four-story brick structure, 5 x 12 x 14 meters, &uardhouse? 3, Laboratory, a four-story concrete structure., 60 x 20 x 12: meters. 4, storehouse, a four-story concrete structure, 130 x 15 x 12 n..eters. 5, 'orl'shop building, a two-story structure, 100 x 40 motors, with everal built-in tanks? A plpe,about 1 meter high, extended sbove the roof. According to Soviet workmen, ammonia was released through this pipe when thero was excess pressure in this workshop. ).. Luil(lingl 30 x 15 x 6 meters called "acid depot" c?..;aearelager"). It vas connected with other plant buildings by uninsulated ripe lines.. 7. Cooling installation, 15 x 10 x 6 meters, There vas a ertos cf twisted pipes on the roof V,orkshop building, a concrete structure, There was a strong smmonia odor near the building. Workers employed in tbss work- shop wore protective clothing. Pipe lines led from this tuilding to the buildings No 7 and 10, 9.*Vorkshop building, a concrete structure, 20 x 15 x 6 met?..!rs, containing tank installations and measuring instruments chine noises were heard near this building, 10. Concrete building, 15 x 10 x 6 meters. Tank ears with alcohol F.erLved by rail. The alcohol was pumped through pis'e ls_nes into this building One PW once drank of this alcohol w thout any injurious effects, According to one source,who was cnipoyed Is a transportation worker, wood alcohol was stored in this huliding in iron containers which were 10 meters long and 2 seters in diameter, 11, Container, about 3 meters in diameter, still under construction in July 1949. i. VarLous new structures of different dimensions. In some of then the walls were tiled and the floors were paved vit-.h '31agstones 25X1 CONFIDENT IAL, Approved For Release 2003/08/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R010800040009-3 I4, Approved For Relea,se 2003/08/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010800040009-3 ? 25X1 GONFIDLUTIAL, CMITtAL DrrI,LIC17107,' ATTCY 25X1 - Building ruins, The building was, razed in 1949 A new building was scheduled to be constructed on this sfAec ffaxehouse, 40 x 20 x 12 meters, used to store carboys metal and cardboard containers cf finished products, Nahine shop; a concrete structure, 35 x 12 x 8 meters, 16, Ca'zpentry shop and cooperage, 'A aew concrete. structure, 35 x 12 x 8 meters. This was "new foundry" according to one fource 18, -5,)lar tracks, 10 Fence, ? =I() ChamAcal Plant Ro 96 "Zavod Stro 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL, Approved For Release 2003/08/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010800040009-3