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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R010600310008-6.pdf172.25 KB
7.q .m.r -- rr r ^ ^ rr a Approved For Release jjt%7j-91111R11 A ! CD NO. ILLEGIB WW~ 25X1 ACQUIRLD 25X1 DATE Of INFO. NO. OF ENCLS. ILUSTED BELOW! SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. OATS [)I TR 1% liar 52 :beghient NO.. OF PAGES 7IL UU Ul#:NT 40NTAIKA INFORIATLUR tFFECTINO TRB RATIONAL DEFERSO or ThI! UNIT^O STATES, WITRttt '!RB WIIAIIIIIO OT TITLE IS. SECTIONS 798 ARO 7A4, OF TUB U. S. COOS, AS AMENDED ITS TRANSMISSION OR RBYBD ATTON OF ITS CONTE49TS TO OR RICFIPT CY AN UNAUTHORIZED PBRSOR IS PRORtSITEO UT LAW TAB 9EPRODUC7ION OF THIS FORIII IS PROHIBITED, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Theist '^nk Re%ir*ent, "1st Armored Divis..on" 25X1 of the Hungarian Army, was organized in 1949 by the fusion of the 1st Tank 13ry ttallon at .B'ada.pest with the 2nd Tank Battalion at J sztergom.- Its composV;ion is as follows: Regi.men-tal Staff I independent AAA battery, motorized I do 1pariy of engineers ("sappers") 1 co np.any of "pioneers" 1 si l corpnny 1- supply company 3 tank battalions 2. The cor coding officer is Colonel Sandor I3flchl, a Communist of long standing who fought in the Spanish Civil Wa3r. The staff of the regiment also include:,: Deputy conmaxcder and chief of staff, Lt. Col. Attila Sigora Political officer, Capt. Sandor Weisz 5 other officers STATE ARMY 'h following vehicles belong to the staff: 2 JS--3 tanks 2 T-34 tanks 8 staff cars 11 trucks (5 tons and 3 tons) 5 motorcycles rounds and motor fuel for three days is kept on hand. The A ha. ;tery i s corrr.a.nded by Capt. Emil Papp; the table of organization calls for 9 other officers, 3 "officer candidates", 32 non-comissioned offic ersq and 198 men, but of 8 half-sections theoretically provided for, only 4 exist; so that, there are acts rilly 8 officers and officer candidates and 126 enliste( ran E-ch half-section is equipped with a heavy machine gun of Soviet type -nd with one n utorrritic A* gun, 38 (sic) rm.., of Soviet ma.nuf.q,cture, type 1948; a:I so with one truck, one prime mover, and two passenger cars. The battery HQ and the half-se Lions are also equipped with a radio apparatus of type R.3, of Ilungaa Ian in? nuf-cture Amriuniti:on for a day and a half of firing (one day equals 560 CONK EN I L CLASSIFICATION SI; T/COi T OL U S. CT IC3ALa GAILY vsomeof No, _1 _ chno in CiaSS. ^ __ 25X1 Clan, C.I+snge To: TS S i.: Avtb.: HA. 70.2 r'Iq ' 3'10 Approved For Release 2006/03/18: CIA-RDP82- . 0 00 Approved For RelepA~1C A-RDP82-00457R010600310008-6 ET/GoNMOL.;- U.S., ()FFIC TS ONLY CENTRAL. 1N7, LZ,TG"'NC'1' AG"'NCY The engineer company has the function of creating obstacles with mines etc, .-:7 f -'12 ye..o_19-_ 1.1__ 1.. o i s commanded by Lt, Kalman Lakatos, a former carpenter who attended theOKossu'?;h. Acadeany. The IL includes two other officers, two officer candidates; and 25 124. F.-ch platoon (number of pl^.toons uncertain) is coriposed of two demolition sqw de, of 12 min each, and two squads of pioneers equipped with "normal engineer materiel". The signal company, :;ommanded by Capt. Dorogi, includes a telephone platoons, i radio platoon, and one platoon using visual signal equipment, Me con pan; of "pionneers", commanded by Capt. Agoston Gabor, includes a platoc e e-i' mechanics (function not explained), one platoon for repairs on vehicles and tanks}, and one platoon for 'repairs on artillery weapons. All the personnel hare undergone a s_necial course of training, and most of them had been mechanics in civilian life * There is also a motor, pool. (3 officers and 76 men), wMzh has 18 tank trucks o %5OO litersO capacity each and 9 tow-trucks, 8 The 2nd Tank T)^ttalion is located at sztergom and c handed by Lt. Col, Imae takatos. Its subordinate units are: HQ Corps 3'; 5 officers, 7, "officer candidates", 40 men; 2-tan ks, 1 armored car, 2 ambu. lancea, I field kitchen, 4 motorcycles, 6 staff cars, 2 truth a for ammunition? Supply corpany; 3 non-commissioned officers, 38 men; 9 tank trucks, 9 three- ton trucks, 9 prime movers. 3 tank companies,' each ;including 3 tank platoons and 1. anti-tank platoono The tank platoons have 2 officer and 35 men each, equipped with 6 tanks: in the first two companies there -re T-34/85 tanks, in the third company they are T-34/76, The anti-tank platoon, 1 officer and 45 men, has 4 guns, caliber not specified, an The 1st an-i 3rd Tank l'ttalions are located at Budapest, in the Ferenc JJzsef (cav131-Y) Barracks rind in the Palffy Barracks. V"ONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010600310008-6