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CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - SECURITY INFORMATION 11To 1 ";IX 2$ Approved For Release 2006/03/18 CIA-RDP82-00457R0105002400b3='U REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY USSR (Kuibyshev Oblast 25X1 SUBJECT Kuibyshev Airfields DATE DISTR. 12 Feb. 1952 NO. OF PAGES g. OF ENCLS. D_ NOT CIRCULATE SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFBNSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE LEANING OF TITLE 16. SECTIONS 795 AND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON I5 PROHIBITED BYLAW THE REPRODUCTION OP THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. STATE _ i NAVY~ N8R6 ^-~~ DISTRIBUTION ARMY A!R_ FBI THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CLASSIFICATION --c-a-9.9-4 ONThO U8 ~r`T ICI AT c gm- Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10500240003-0 Dales; By Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10500240003-0 SECRET/CONTROL-US OFFICIALS ONLY 1. The airfield east of Kuibyshev (50079 f/53?11+ N) Kuibyshev Cblast, along the road to Ufa (56?0, F/ 54044' TT) was about three times ;r,s large as the Hamburg . i hlsbuettel airfield. ! n aircraft plant was west of the field. There were three asphalt runways, each estimated at 50 meters by more than 2 k-m. The field was unusually strictly ,.;card ed . 2. ;;even large hangars and a five-story barracks building; v::ith two partially destroyed and occupied by pilot students, were at the Field. 3. the :Field was occupied by riore than 1csc fighters. soviet wards said that jet aircraft were constructed is the aircraft plaant. irer f t were totw.ed from thm factory to the runways. 4. f] he e were take-offs and land.in. c of three or four mail planes every day ?:nd practice flights with 1C to 20 fighters. Test flints with jet aircraft were wade at irre;;,ular intervals. 5. The airfield, about 1x2 kin, was south of the rail- road line to Chelyabinsk (61?25' /55?9, II), east of Malin Plant where jet fi?hters sere constructed % runway was about 1.2 km 6. Jet fighters were seen at the field. They were short and slim with nose wheel, nozzle under ~'usel.:e and fusel:a._:;c stcn at tail, "lor rod" at front section of nose. SECRET/CONTROL-US OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10500240003-0 Approved For Release 2006/03/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R010500240003-0 SECRET/CONTROL.US OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 7- 1 factory airfield was in Vuibyshev-Uesymnyanka, south of the railroad line to chely?abinsk, ad- jacent to the easterh section of the 5ta.lin ;aircraft Plant. Four lar3e hangars were soon occupied by aircraft. icceptanee test flights were made daily. i cor:mercial airport occupied by Douglas plane: was east of the factory ?.irfield. 9. The huibyshev radio transmittin_; station was west of a road running from the fed Square to the northeast, and south of an iron works a The installation had several small buildings, a transnittin ; tower 41i to 54 motors high, and four small towers (steel frame) interconnected by antennas. in airfield, about l,oC xi,5Oo meters, was south. of Yuibyshev, east of hryazh (5c?6' ~;/53~71m). 110 The field was occupied by fighters. There was day and night flying. 120 A bombing range with an adjacent &., firing range was south of the field 13. The airfield was about 2 km from 0 Camp A 7234/6, adjacent to .Malin Aircraft klant.: It was occu- pied by about 5c new, single-en:; irbe fighters, .painted Gray-green, which were test-flown drily. 140 Lnother airfield ,',gas on the eastern perimeter of the town, 2 km west of the roof in. felt factory and. ?",' Camp to 7234/3 The :followairi., flyin:!~ was observed: Trainin,, fli :hts with biplanes, indi- vidual parachute jumps, cargo Gliders towed by biplanes, take-offs and landinja of single-engine fighters. 15. ..:ostly small courier planes nod z four-engine trvnspo:.?t were seen at the airfield adjacent to the aircraft plant between January 1946 and Sep- tei;ioer 1947. The latter wade an intermediate SECRET-CONTROL/US OFFICIALS ONLY 3 Approved For Release 2006/03/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R010500240003-0 Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10500240003-0 SECRET/CONTROL-US OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY landinca at the field twice each May. Only indi- vidual jet aircraft took off and landed at the field between '.,arc1i and late .:ay 1949. 16a about 5C new fighters, painted rE,.y-green and covered with tarpaulins, were stationed at the airfield adjacent to ,talin Hant between June 1946 and June 1948. r elloll;-V_.ds said that airframes rand jet fig;nters were constructed in the jtal in Plant. 17 Another airfield was west of Lenin Plant. Biplanes, individual parachute jumps, cargo gli- ders and sin:rle_engine fighters were seen over the airfield almoet every day between June 1948 and day 1949. 16. Three jet fighters with swept-back wir s and a paint shining brightly like aluminum, were often seen in Lpril and :.'lay 1949. 19. The airfield east of .4uibyshev, south of the road to : uguruslan (52026' x,/53039 0 N) extended about 2 lea alone the road in an / direction. There were at least three lar(c vaulted han ars and a high buildin;; with a. rectangular tower.. 2C. On the last ride past the field in October 1949 it was observed that Five jet aircraft, tail slantin.: upward to the rear and aide rudder as- se..bly, took of f f ror , the field. 4 . Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10500240003-0