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Publication Date: 
January 11, 1952
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T(IC- EVALUATION troo 5 who wore red-bordered bla ek epaulets with artillery insignia and black- 25X1 bordered black epaulets. j`'rom 60 to 80 percent of the windos o the installation were lighted at nightfall. PLACE OBTAINED. DATE OF CONTENT 26 November to 9 Decenbor 1951 X1 DATE OBTAINED DATE PREPARED. REFERENCES 3 PAGES ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 25X1 I and about soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia were loaded aboard a train at the Schwerin freight yard in the afternoon of 3 December 1951. 25X1 The train was headed toward .Ittenberge. (3) Light trucks, each carrying eight 2SXV f25X 25X 25X1 25X1 1. On 9 December 19 1, source determined that the headquarters previaualy located in the Sc1lossg rten quarter. ;chwerin (M 5L/T !.6), had moved to -loerries airfield ; sf Sclerzn 25X1 2. On 30 Noverlber, the I1indenbur ; Kaserne on Ouestrowerstrasee quartered troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets and `)lr:ek-bordered black epa zlets. The barracks buildings were about 80 percent lighted after sundown. 3. 0ri..1 December, the Fritsch Kaserne on Johann Stell_ing Strasse quartered about 1:000 X~ 25X1 25X I I Ii.. Twelve model M-13 rocket launchers 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 soldiers and towing a 122-nn field howitzer, were seen moving along Ludwi;sluster ; toward the trainin7 area at Zin-.)endorf on 26 November. level 'sas notices: in the yard of the barracks installation. 25APpr'L' "t CIA-RDP82-00457RO105000400 - ftt-PORT NO. Soviet Trots in Schwerin 11:1 1917,2 25X125X1 each to wirne a 76.2-mm gun, 6. Four trucks towing 37-mm AA guns were noticed in the training area near the "\.dolf Hitler Kaserne on Ludwigsluster Chaussee on 6 Dcceml;er. Close-order drill. at squad Approved For Release 2003/08/15: CIA-RDP82- CLASSIFICATION ' ice, 25X1 25X1 COUNTRY _ poet Zone Approved For Release, 2003/08/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010500040009-6 25X1 25X1 7`. Only a little activity was noticed in the billeting area of the Hindenbur;gg 25X1 Kaserne on Guestrowerstrasse on 7 December. late guards wore red-bordered black epaulets. 8. On 7 December, the Fritsch Kaserne on Johann Stelling :Gtrasse quartered troops who wore black-bordered black epaulets. Some of the soldiers received telephone training in the barracks yard. Personniel of other units quartere ? in the installation had been y er. , the end of November. 9. Sentries observed in front of the Krueger Kaserne on Ludwigsluster Strasso on 30 November and 5 December wore red-bordered black epaulets with tank insig ia. Two T-34/85 tanks and 2 x 100-rim, AT guns were seen in the barracks yard. Almost no training activity was noticed. stringing lines , F 11. From 26 November to 4 ecen _ r, s oerries airfield installation housed a 25X1 25X1 On 3 December, soldiers wear .n; black-bordered black epaulets were noticed in the Goerries airfield installation. There were no sentries. About. 200 troops, 25X1 including some with red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia, received field training at the drill. field. Several telephone sections were n-r aed high-.echelon headquarters and troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia and a winged-shell insignia and black bordered black epaulets, including some with signal insignia. Soldiers were seen engaged in carbine firing . at the target ranges , and six soldiers black-bordered black epaulets were observed strin2in7 a te1 anhcinn 1-i no ; n Lud;vigsluster Strasser,.. 12. Between 1 and 4 December, the ?lindenbur ; Kaserr_a on Guestrower Strasce was occupied beloi i ea t~- b? ac t /bout 150 unarmed troops were seen drilling together. Some small. groups of soldiers practiced range estimation and the operation of range finders at the adjoining training field on 2 December. 25X1 Dltrkiii3f~ttt 1i ?J,ai2= SEp. E Approved For Release 2003/08/15 26l 1RDP$2=O0457ROtO5-OOO40009 p e J y a ou 1,200 troops, most of whoa were recruits, A large percentage wore red bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia and winged-shell insignia. 1P-I ) ()+.n',3" onl c 4 ,.... b + ' ' - - 25X1 Approved For Rellease,.2003/ 25X1 25X1 25X1 13. On 4 December, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne on Ludwigsluster Chaussee was occupied below capacity by about 1,200 troops, .most of whorl wore black- bordered red, and some, red-bordered black epaulets. About 200 unarmed soldiers received close-order drill, while a unit of 2 officers and 50 inn wearing black-bordered red epaulets and carr;ring subnacliine guns and entrenching tools, and another unit of re seen marching into the billetin; area, (1) a report o ate November 1951, the same source announced the movement of the Hg IX Mtzjtifle Corps from the Schlossgarten quarter to Goerr_es ai ._fielda 11 - -- (2) ILLEGIB (3) (4) 25X1 25X1 25X1 entrained* Since the middle of November 1951, Goerries airfield is believed to have been occupied by the Hq IX Fitz rifle Corps and corps headquarters units such as signal and artillery units. The troops wearing winged-shell insignia, reported in paragraph 11 and 12, probably belong to the corps's 10th Gds RL Regt. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10500040009-6