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J, 9 CLASSIFICATIOP ~, c~a:-II bt6F,Y OMaTION Approved 690 a: 82-0045e9Q;tT0W0 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Czechoslovakia SUBJECT Disposal of Personal Documents of Deceased Persons appropriate entry is made in the SNB card files vfnieh are kept on T1 -TALU ,ational CorLmittee inforils the local a B office of the death, and DATE DISTR. 19 Feb 52 N6. "E I*RtES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1 C SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. Upon the death of an individual in Czechoslovakia, if he has not been under medical care just prior to his death, the first to be notified is the State District Physician, The physician performs an examination to make certain the. person is dead and to -determine the cause of death. He then writes the results of this examination on the Death Certificate (ohledavaci 'list) which is required before the uec3a.sod1s affairs can be settled. In cases where an individual was being treated by a general practitioner prior to his death, the State District Physician is still the .only person who is authorized to c,niduet -,;te oedi cal examination. The general practitioner must re-port to ., e State Distri ek" Phys' cian t ha. ; }e' shod used to treat the patie mt;. 2% The Death Certificate issued -o the deceased's next of 'An, by the State District Physician is first taken to the Local National Commlttoe office for reristration, and an Official Death Certificate (umrtni list) is then issued. i Isis docu;ne it is required before the deceased may be b' ?ied. Tile Local . 25X1A e next of '.iii must fret !mans to carry out his , ishes . The neriliit ION - - - ----- - --- 25X1X to, Approve - g fl /i13 C:?f57R010100440007-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY tile Lai ;NaT1or1 I. V Vl!iiltl u ucc ? w - -t~ - - The Local National Committee where he legally resided informs the local SI office which .~al,es the appropriate entry in their card files. The same is If also done at the SNB office in the town in which . the individzza 7_ died. the deceased had personal 'Property or real estate, the 113 ascertains whether t' tate ,is sold at 25X1A o" r ta.,stn I B n rEP J,- for upcsti his arr a ~e Change In Mass. tt Declassified Changed To: IS S 5 197 8 gr= Date; SEP there are any living relatives and if none are founts, 3e-es auction and the money gained is used to pay the Local National Committee for the ex eases of burial.. The avtho~?ities decide then whit -will be done with he ea and the 1C. :La n entry is made on ti e-=-card showing the date and place of death and ? aid is returned to 611e relative. Ration cards may not be used after the day the meson to whom they were issued dies. These cards are registe'red _jit the e prPpr ate ff -Ice and records are changed accordingly. Off ial xrc s'. anti legal pipe s T7lii ch allow the bearer special privilege 3, such as the official card of SND :,,cembers, STB members, the official bade and card for nnpl Dices of price control offices, 3tc., must all be returned to the issuing office. Cards authorizing special rail rates must be returned to the office which employed the deceased and the office returns then to the i=ssuing agency. If the abpve-mentioned documents and credentials are not deceasecnin as i d the authorities who issued the documents attempt, w!th the aid of the SIM and the Local National Committee, to find the documents and secure 1 ?t b ,1r , 11 o i now i Local National Committee th I;ertf irate to the 33 . .1 -- a ary o rs',g.kweapons, m are not considered important a , retairtad by the deceased's family. deceased has no relatives, his personal documents are r^etair d' by- the L .& fationai`Corimittee or by the local SNB station. Decu:~ents which serve as i4 itification are returned to the proper issuing agency. If the daeu ent8 are given to the janitor or house manager, he roust either hand them over to the deceased's relatives or to the nearest SIJB station or. Local Tational Committee. me procedure, and if the relatives wish, they may co one calls for them, they are kept with-the record of the case and are returned to the appropriate issuing agencies by the court. In case of a fatal accident or violent death, the person authorized to care for the body is the SIB member who first arrives at the. scene. He searches the clothes of the deceased and takes all personal belongings and documents found on the body. These belongings and docunefits are later submitted to the legal court along with the SIM member .s report of the-case. .The personal documents wh? h are sent to court` are not considered important-to the legal and claim them. If no In the case.of death. by accident or c hence an autopsy is always `xa ma performed by a legal com .1 and is in n Ong all suspects. 19. In the event 'of death by accident in an office car national enterprise., an t' t th case He either turns e 5114,B member is immediately called to roves iga e- over the personal belongings and documents directly to the family,. or he sends the-documents to the issuing authorities and merely returns the personal belongings to the relatives. In any case, the relatives are given the ID card of the deceased, so.that.the necessary entry concerning the death be ado by_tl e Loc.a~ ^,Ntio al Co vn eetnber has evalready ent that Dyed .. .~_ Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10100440007-8 Appr ase /04C - DP82-004L577R010100440007-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 14- te'legranhs they' Ministry of iTati.o.nal. Defense and the unit to? zt ich the deceased belonged. At the sama' tire, the -hospital also infor is the parents or relatives of .the deceased and his Local National, Committee or local ;WP: station.- The soldier's military book is returned- to :the 'issuing un?t by the military' hospital. The company of the deceased" soldier, returns all, civilian personal. documents together with his ID- card: to the SNB station where the. deceased` m IN . h' l . al residence. : If a member; of the arned forces is -k 1 ed n suicide, or meets with violent death in some other w unit sends a telegram to. the 14inistry of National D :incident to the military procurator, to the superior command and to the soldier's family, or to the SNB station or Local National Committee where the deceased maintained his legal residence. The coYnmahder then a aj a military legal mmn d4 +- 'k- di snatched to the a - Boas 'not interfere with accidents which irrvolve only military personnel, but ;is interested solely in cases in which civilians are implicated. In such ii tances, the STII3 investigates the civilian concerned, while the DOE handles 'the investigation of military personnel. ].?. T4ilJ,tary personnel are not permitted to retain their personal documents,. legal papers, membership cards, etc. during the period of compulsory military {e_.rvi4t. The ID card is kept together with the soldier's military record the Military authorities. The card is returned to the owner at the end of his military service. Ration cards and food tickets are turned over to=the Qt rteriitaster Service at the beginning of the soldier's military service. The Qiaxtermaster is responsible for sending these cards and tickets,back to the individual's Local National Committee. .Legal papers.and cards of any kind (sic) are returned by-the soldier to his employer before he enters the service, Z ? Upon :the death of a member of the armed forces, the Death Certificate is issued by a militar; chief physician.. Then the Local Natiorxa.l Committee at the place where the body is to be buried may issue an Official Death Certificate. If the soldier has no relatives, the Army assumes responsibility for the burial and expenses involved. Personal documents of the deceased are sent by the company to the Local National Committee where the deceased legally resided prior to his entry into military service. 110 The further use of a deceased person's documents is possible only. so long as the, illegal holder of the documents is not screened, since. all documents are registered by the individual issuing offices, and since records of deaths are kept by. both the local SNB station where the deceased .resid4d and. by the Local National Committee, Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10100440007-8 25X1A