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CLASSIFICATION -401/0tC07,!TROT U.s. OYFICIALS ?WI 25X1A Approved For ReteaimkA19 COUNTRY Yfllopiwia om 4ita Mkin 2-00457130truNI 1Q000111. , NO. INFORMATiON REPORT 001IFIDENTIA4 SUBJECT Organimtion and Junction of the Diatrict of Gavgelia, Macedonia PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1A 25X1 X A. Comarlities in the Ditrict of ky,g2liaa CD NO. 1-)ATE DIsTf-z 26 JAN 1952 NO. OF PAGES 7 NO. OF ENCLS, 1.1STED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. .1. The District of 0evgelia in Macedonia has a population oe approximately 453000 inhabitants. About one.,fifth of the total population are Hoslems. 2, Untal'abrnarY 1951 thpre wore twenty-nine communities in this district; bowovorp as of that date `the number or eonmunities was reduced to eighteen, They nra as followe; a. Toul of Gevgalia, population ?100000;1 b. Valandovo, including the village of Rebrovo, population - 50500; c. Boglianci, including the .village of Djavoto0 population - 4p500; dm Etojakovo0 including the village of Selemlijo, population,7 2,000; e. Mizavoi? including the villages of Ililetkovo0 Davidovo0 Gabrea and .Povorpopulation - 2.000; f. Uevroil including the villages of Mrzenci, Stepanovo, Smokvica and .Kovanci? population - 1,000; n L40" g. Bof:orodica? population - 500; h. 'Ict.r.J. Dojrant including the villages of Furka, Ornicane? Gopoell? Nikolic, itmtenoVo and Stan i Doran, population SOO; :Pia,-population - 800; j? josifavo (formerly knout). as Karadjordjeve), incluaing the villages of Ajrali, Terzeli and Kaluckovo, population - 500; CONFIDENTIA, CLASSIFICATION NSRB I .ONTRifI(TAT.(yr :V DISTRIBUTION 3 ?T T 4-1 I Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RD tiecomed o Ne Misr la ribs% DullasslEed vr5 Tn U S puos0006-10 tee Rid . Approved For Release 199960101110WIDP82-00457R010000080006-0 101111KONTROL.I.T.s. CEPICIALS CitiLY MURAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 A 4. 2 k, Kaeandolp lecluding the village of De4011 population e 800; 14 Mamma, including the villages of Keeljevae, Balinici and Brajkovic; m. Tie villages of Udovo, Grade*, nevus* Ale:0.i, Dasekli, Bsdhali and Cepell; n. Cerxeni; 0. Sevendekli? including the Nosiest villeges of Djuma Vasi, Durotli end Kurt Ameali; po Deem'. including the Moslem villages of Beer-- -Proton, 3aUntoli, Oorleetkis. and Organdjali; ee Gornicet, including the villages of Cernicet? Ume Kenji** and Mega; and r. Sorbi, including the Moslem villages of %tarn, Cuahli and Sobri. IL allailaWsILAML-fte1106.91.212.WIELIVEW212-2.232211I 3. Th 3 X.strict People's Council (Okoliski Odbor) it reeponsible for all adeistrative functions and all social, economic and political affairs In tho District. The council is composed of the fe1Jowl:4f a, The Assembly; b.. The Presidium with a staff of erployees; end c. Ten Executive Commissioners. 4. Th l vrrioun Community People's Councils within the District send from two to twelve delegates to the Assembly of the District People's Council. The number of delegates sent by each of the communities is determined on Vel basin of population. The delegates serve for a perod of three years. The Aesembly elects the Chairman, the Secretary and the ten receoutive- Commissioners who heed the ten executive sections. Thee officials are eleeeee for a period of three years. The Marian hae the powerto cedreetings of the Assembly. 5. Chnirean of the District People's Council is Madan Pavlov who was born in the village of Firavav District of Gevgolia and who is a former Ohoenaker. nut Council's secretary is Vaal Toshev, a foraer tenor, eho was born in the Village of VSlandovo. 6. Tho Previdium consists of the following offices: a. The Personnel Office, directed br Georgi Vatsev? a former worker frem Genets; b. The Office of Organization and Instruction, directed by Peter .irev, a native of Gevgelia; c. The Judicial Offices directed by Ilia ?ear; and d. The Office of Records, directed by Peter Stoimenov. 7. The tee rxecutiee Connissioners hold the rolloeing positions concurventlys a. Chiefs of the respective executive sectlone of the District People's council; b. 1P:ethers of the Dietrict People's Council; and e. Velbers of the District Comnittee of the Communist Party of Yeeoslevia (CPY). Approved For Release 1999/09 - DP82-00457R010000080006-0 111111/CONTROL?U.S. CfETCIALs ONLY JFNIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CTA: 0457R010000080006-0 111101C0NTRO/041.S. OFICIALS ONLY. INTELL4,r TICE AGENCY 25X1 A 3 8. The following is a listing of the eoemative sect5oes of the District Peeple's Councils, together with their respedtier functionst a. glAmmssljjagis Chief or Sect5on is Rinse reabanov? a former tailor from the villego of Udo, This Section collects income tame duties iiad imposts; pays the salaries of all govexn. ment eeployeet; and prov1de3 fends for all local govern. mont enterprises. This Section has 12 employees. yrAIILSsallsw Chief of Section is Ilia Maki!, a former worker from the village of Neeorci. This 3eetice is responsitae for the control of prices,/ distribution of ration cards, food and other conommer goods. It also collects ell products which the peasarts ere obliged to surrender to the State. This Seetion has ten employmee. JadacAy..scLW:tagjelzate Chief of Section is Riot? Xonatantonov? a forcer farmer from the vi.'.1age of Gradec. This Section ie responeible ??Ir all industaial installatione, cra:teren works. shops End traffic facilities lei the Districo. d. AaRi.C41=2-8BLE2E9.4LAW2R: Chief ol Section is Vance Toforoe, a former farmer from the village of Cermenin. This SecAon is responaible for all agri- cultural and forest matters. It determineo bow =eh land should be cultivated anl the type of egricultural producta to be grwai Chief of Section is Lristo rucev, a former farmer from the village of Negorci. This Section is responsible foe the implementation of all pred*tien and construction plans for the Districte f. yee,mmakeAtcLekitikeaLLIsstima Chief ef Section is Atanas iSojko? a former farmer from the elllago of Bogdanci, This Section ia responsible for purchasee of agricultural products, neat, rilk and cheese on bellsCr, of thc government,. g. :;oelkaajelf_tAajatmkatt Chief of Seethe, iv Bozidar (a battle name which he acquired during thri, war as a partisan). This Section ic in &urge of police activities and the local teed collaborateawith the UDB. h. e'ehlic Heath_aggm: Chief of Section, Janko Tanev, a former tailor from Gevgelia. This Oection has mix employees and is responsible for providing medical care and maintain. ing health statistics of the District. 1. 3rtoial Wegkr Seetiges Chief of Sectiou Is Lama Radjiasconov? a former farmer from the eillaco of hazendol. Thie Section is respcnsible for all oeclal rattan, in the Distee J. ),cliatlea_eadAglairallitdioa: Chief of Section iv a certain Tenjkov, a former farmer feam the village of Stojakovo This Section is in charge of all sehoole in the .District. .9. The Alai? Proaecuter is Boro (a battle nano), uho 'MS born ia the village of Boldanci and hashed four years of elementary oducLtion. The :investigator for the ?alio Prosecutor's office is Toehko-Andonov, an undergraduate student; and tip 3ccretsry is a certain Shenkcm.skaia a traftned lauyer. AIs Approved For Release 199e/SNRI3EN: NA-RDP82-00457R010000080006-0 111111101cONTROLZ.S, OFFICIALS CNIX eeeLeiDENTIAll Approved For Release 1999109/09-r-M-RDP82-00457R010000080006-0 1110101MOL.U.S. OE'FICIALS ONLY GtAieNTELLIONCE AGENCY 25X1A - 4 - 10. ilut District Court is presided over by *tit* Delendikove a trained jurist sada judge 'before the var. He is not a Coimn.tnt. Assistant to the judge is Jordan Shenkovski, a lavyer. court secretary is Koco Gligotova U. The fallotringenared persons are Deputies from this District to the Parliament oe the People's Republic of Mecedonia (le.14) in Skoplje and to the Parliament oe 'te Federated People's Republic (FPM of Yugoslavia in Belgrade: a, Risto Balajcaliev a former merchant from Gevielia, currently serving as Minister of Trade for the PRM in lkoplee; 121 lito Temenugev, also known at, Cvozdectie from the village of Hogdanci, vas a former shepherd and is presentle Minister of Agriculture for the FRM in Skoplje; O, DimitarePetko Aleksov? a former wotkee from Gergelia, at present relittoal Secretary or the ar in Camelia; and d. Fnez Ahmet Abdulow, a former farmer tram the village of Copeeli, currently eerving.en Secretary of the !..oeel Committee of the CPT in. Novi Dojran. Ia edition to the Peeve individuals there is an officer of the UDB and an officer of the YagoslavAray who are either Deputies or alternate Deputies to the Paeliaments. Co Mielesez Uneteezeileetalleaseaet 12. 10 present there are no large military unite ie the district except the 3 Keee Border Geoids Battalion Headquarters in levgelia. There are vacant military barracks in Gevgelles? Valandovo, Pules and Negorci. le. 'nem relitta unit of thirty-five men ir the town of Gevgelia, under Vie camnand of let Lieutenant Taste Ristoveke. en 15 February 1951 another militia unieconsisting of thirty men arrive4 in Ovagelia and uas assigned t) the town's railroad station. 14. Theee is a UDB office in Gevgelia which is staffed vith twenty men under tee commani.of Lieutenant Georg/ Popov, ut flews farmer from the village of 142ein. Hie assistant is Lieutenant Georei (a battle name). D. .42LATI.s.t.C:21mAttastALtilku_2eLa.....11,PIL: L. Tio. District Comeittee of the CPY in Gevge.ia has fifty members. The leader ale Polieical Secret:we Is Dimitee Aleksov. a former worker from Gevgelia. Tee Orgeeizational Secretary is "Boman" (a battle name). At the and of 19501 the District Comittee employed above forty people; however, that nerber vas since been reduced to ten. Amoig the eerrent employees are: e, Lneel Ditkov, a former worker from Gervilia; b. Peter eaeareve a former farmer from tee tillage of Heravee; and e. Ceorgi Petroc/, a former farmer from tie village of Gradec. 16. Tee eueeutive Comrittee (Politbureeu) of 'he District has ten members ileiceleg the District Committee loader eel the Organizational Secretary. Fereming are some of the members: ersto ilecev? a fermer farmer from the tillage of Neeorei; b. Vence !Moro?, a former farmer from the village or Sernenin; c> lnden Pavlev? a former farmer from the eillago of Pirova; and d, eito Proeher? from the village of Bogdancle iho in addition to sitting .45n tho Exeoutive Coma:Moe is also Politiaal Secretary of the Youth Corvette:1, Approved For Release 199 ? m11110 !-G---P-MRDP82-00457R010000080006-0 111011106NTROL-U.S. OFFICIA 3 ONLY CONVIDENTIAli Approved For Rele /G9/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010000080006-0 iT/COOL$J S, OFFICIAL3 ony: CENTRAL INTEMIGENCE AGENCY - 5 25X1A E- (tie IBII2a-gr-ZP19?gIMFX4tT.eteJateeIL.92UD1117 17. The CommunityePeople's Council (Mesni Narodni Odbor) for the town of Gergelia consisteof an Aesembly? the Presidium and ita employees, and three F:cecutive Commissioners. All members of the Council are elected foe P teoeyear term. The Lssembly elects the Chaieren? the .Secretary ant ens three Commiesioners, The. Chairman cello meetings of the Asteebly. 18. Chairmen of the Commuaity People,e Council in Gel:reale is Angel Rostov, alee known es "Fes:hint". !'ecreleary to the Council is &oda Djekov. Both eee former workers free Geegelia. 19. The folloving are the terse EXecutive Sections of the Council, each of whict is beaded by a Jommisnioner: a. tinance Sectian, heeded by Peteo Petkov, a fore r farmer from the SUage of ems; b. Teede Section, headed by Vitko jleorgiev, from Creek Macedonia; and e. Aerfeluitural Section, headed by Georgi Dinev, a fprmer farmer from -r!e village of Vreenci. 20. The local Committee of the CF Y in the town of Gevge2ia has as its Secretary Wino() Petrov, a former fernier from the village of Konsko. The Executile Comn'eUee is composed of five members. F. Fedenel Govfennent.Institution mdiatumuggt 21. The Miming are the federal government institntionn and enterprises In the tewe of Gevgelia: a. Seate Monopolz_Telyeace Npuhmat. This earehouse is used to store urpeocessed tobacco. The installation has eeproximatelyene hundred wereare and is located near the railroad strtion. The waeehouse existed before the war; b. SN::c11.011t Futue. During the height of it seasonal proeection it heS approximately two-hundred workers. The factory is under the direction of. 'the Federal Silk Combine and existed before the war; c. 0 ee Felaclags.agapzjilphe=.W.m. This entablisnnent emplwe approxi- maWly thirty people and is responsible for supplying the thirty-three cot:..ectives in the District with fuel, equipmeet and seeds. The aa7.-inger is a certain Djalev, a former farmer from. the Village e 3ogdanol; d, eteee enterprise "Vardar", ehich is in chews of the mainteewoao '1.air of roads; e. 77a31.oMS house, wLich has 8 employees; ?cet office, which has fifteen employees; g. The railroad station, together with a travel and information office 11w:ter the management of Atones Canciliev; and h. J. ecureyear gyenasium with eieht teachers on the Aeulty. The heftenaster is a certain Bojedjijev. Sima Melece And Lepa Tasheva ere members of the faculty; 1.e State pharmacy in Gevgelia and another in 7alando7o; red pepper factory; CONFIDENTIAL Appi ''oMeFOIRelftlfige1131199104/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010000080006-0 1. ri1e only hotel in the District of. Gavgeliasknown ee "Jug". This CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Relea 09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010000080006-0 TROL-U.S. fEFICIALS GUY CEEMAI, 11:re1ALIGFliCE AGEtIGY 25X1A 22. The following are craftsman workshops in the District of Gevgelia: a. A tailor workehop, whirl: has approxituteyforty employees and As under the managemett of Trajce Jotov? a tailor; b. A shoe workshop, employing twenty workers and managed by Todor Kurakulav, a shoemelar; 0. A carpenter -4orksi-ep, employing thirty workers and managed by Resto Stoirenov? n carpenter; d. A mechanical worhshop; and e. A. barber shop, employing fitteen workers ant managed by a cartAn Popcee. 23. Thu feaowing local institutions aid enterprises re in the town of Gunclias a. Wheat bureau, which has ten employees and is rsponsible for the supplying of wheat and corn to the populat'en; "J, An electricecr,esrplant; which has six employees and is operated by a Diesel engine. Dragi Zefirov is manager or the plant; c, ftliosul4 a construction enterprise, Akich is respcneibli for the maintenance and upkeep of all houses in Gevgelia; dc A mechanical workshop; et Two Orthodox and one Cathclic-dhurck f. An elementary school with a faculty of fifteen, under the direltion of Hist? Meeker; g, An evening school for craftsmen; h, A Slaughter house, employing six workers; 1, public 31brary with approximately 2,000 books; j, A physica culture club Which has a motion-picture theatrey a dancirg hall and a ppetial hall for utage shows; k, A public dispensary; and 1, A children's nursery under the supervision of Persa Mihallova. 24. The following are enterprises for the DietrAt of Gevgelia: a. i-irjAkading,....%teateage, Which emplqys approximetely one Indred and is in charge of all State ell:pawning consumers' goods. Ise manager is Mitko Curciev, a former marehant from the town of Gevgelia; b, adrietjagesmIlme, which employs appeeximately fifty employees. me-tarna-1.---msnagersJovan Kulacee, a foreer farmer from the village Begdanci; and c. qtstrict Heepitel? Which has 25 beds and is under the supervision of allr. Singer, Who is the sole physician I the district. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010000080006-0 VORCONTROL-U.S. OFFICIAlS ONLY 25X1A Approved For Release 1ailigliSF.Witk-RDP82-00457R010000080006-0 1100gOITZROL.Z.S. OFfICTATA ONLY CENTRAL 111TELLIGTNCE AGENCY as.7t. 25X1A 10 pktlatearagrent.: In official publicatica by the Directorate of Information or the Federal F.lopless Repub."LI of Yugoslavia. entitled, 'Information Guide to PagosIsvia 1904949v :date tho total population tr-GanalirlAr-57,1207-115ffeTTITIT-Milelrthl question of the accuracy of the figures :,71 :ten in thio report. Some of tie various section? taxi offices referred to abcve undoubtedly have boon arfeoted by the decre3 on the reorganization the government issued on 3.5 October 1951, 25X1A 1.11MEMMIM 25X1A CONFIDENTIAL liplirCONTROL.D.S, OFFICLUS otal Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010000080006-0