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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 7, 1952
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Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009900230004-8 CLASSIFICATION s~ s e OFF~~TLY 25X1 A SECURTTY INFORMATION VA& 14 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. .w1 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT Air Activities, Manchuria zi?i- PLACE 25X1 A ACQUIRED _ DATE OF 25X1 A INFO. 25X1X DO NOT CI N OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) RCULATE SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1e One hundred Air Force supervisors, 600 conscripted Chinese laborers and 60 Soviet trucks with bumpers marked "Tatungkou Haiyun" are engaged in con- struction of an airfield two miles northeast of Takushan (12337, 39-53). Work was started April 1951. Laborers are paid JI4P 10,000 per day. 2. There are 40 Soviet MIGss, 40 Korean pilots and 4.0 U-shaped underground han- gars at an airfield five miles north of Tatungkou (124-10, 39-52). The field is guarded by Chinese Communist troops equipped with Soviet rifles. There are 100 Soviet troops housed there. A railroad from the airfield to San- toulangtou, seven miles south of Antung, was completed July 1951. Sixteen well-camouflaged Soviet anti-aircraft guns are in the hills surrounding the airfield. 25X1A 25X1A Comment. rrobably Langtou Airfield, reported in 25X1A ------------ ftaq~lgq In C5 -. F C 'asz -1 E j1 D4 .aass`I6t d C avncd To: TS oo~e~~tea. 9 ?10Adai HR 7,04 By: -4.0- - STATE X NAVY FX NSRBv DISTRIBUTION C IN # FE COMMA 5E IN COM1F OM?FLT IMCPACF T COMMA H L ALUS A ilk' G ARMY x AIR F,~ x F0t Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00IP990 TAIWAN # DATE DISTR. 7 Jan. 1952 -NO OF PAGES