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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 4, 1952
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Approved For Release 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP82-00457R02 O1b040004-90 CLASSIFt , CE CY 25X1 REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Macao/(Nina SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 'Ian Kuang Company Shipments to Communist China. TN1S DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTINO THE NATIONAL, DEFCNBE OF TNS UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE XNAHIN8 OF TITLE 10. SUCTIONS 702 AEA 794. OF TNB S. S. CODE, AS ANEEOBD. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REYBL- ATIDN OF ITS CONTENTS TO OE RECEIPT BY AN BNABTHORIIED PIRBOE IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORE IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 25X1 25X1 360 bundles of galvanized iron s}?eets, 75 bundles of black iron sheets, 90 bundles of lead wire, 88 oases of machinery parts, 180 drums of coal tar, and 21 drum of Diesel oil. 125 iron plates, 47 oases of machinery parts, and 12 drums c Diesel oil. 86 iron plates, 22 bundles of lead wire, 11 oases of drugs, and 30 drums of Diesel oil. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 'DATE DISTR. 4 Nano 1952 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. . THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION I the iian Kuang Company shipped the following goo e by water from Macao to canton between 12 and 17 December.- 50 bundles of zinc plates. 36 Oases of machinery parts, and 20 drums of Diesel oil. he lyan t_uang Company Imade the fol- lowing Shipments by wa or from olucao to Kongm,oo during to 19 Decembert 60 drums of coal tar. 60 iron plates and 8 tons of iron bare? 85 iron plates and 12 drums of Diesel oil. 60 drums of coal tar and 21 drums of Diesel ails 25X1 30 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 the Nan Kwng Company shipped 60 drums of coal tar by water from Macao to Shihohli on 15 December 1961. Comment Trading Compar*j reliability of e Document ISO1 ------ - ---- go chance In Cais.j Cie , : -. a => 1$ S C 25X1 UG Pending clarification of the sts:tus of the Na Auang the above information cannot be .iud ed. TION c0LTFID] YTLAL MATE I x NAVY NSRe QtSTRIBUTION i C Ck' ARMY i 1 AIR I'BI Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009900040004-9 25X1 25X1 25X1