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flMLLOFIX 21 Approved For Release 20W6: CIA-RDP82-00457R009600160013-9 25X1 A_ )JI7. J1 s. C FIC3 ,S 011-Y I'll hc~qir-MATINM CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEfi~N+ REPORT NO. ORMATION -PORT CD NO. COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone) SUBJECT d cpress Trains to Operate 25X1 A between Moscow and Berlin DATE DISTR. 27. December 1951 OF PAGES 1 OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) IRCULAT E SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ii oll crvirig; are o:ccerpts from a letter t c'~e ;rem sent-, by the Berlin regional railroad headquarters on 13 October l f)'51 by order of the Directorate General, Railroads, Berlin 25X1X In order to determine whether it i'rcnld. be feasible to establish a direct rail connection using Soviet express train coaches between 'Toscoww' and il^rlin- Ostbahnhof and ,ildpark, we require information on the exact measurement? ~a of all structures such as e es of platforms, clearances of brides, distances of signals from the ranter line of tracks, otcap on the railroad line from the Odor bridge via Frar~Icfur t/Odor passenger stations,, Berlin--iboepenick, Dorlin,,.- Osthahn nof, lvuni.ielsburg mar .ing Yakdg, Koepen~ick, Alt-Glionicko, T01tow. Grossbeoron Genshag on Meath, :".ic;hondorf, Seddin, ":'i1.ldpark, to Potsdam and Gr'iebnitzsooG The r'icasure cents of Soviet ..:press coaches differ from cor ros- pondin; German coaches. Line diagrams will have to be submitted in duplicate by 22 October 1951. 3iu?nals and construction work vx ich are more than 23 me- tern from the center line of railroad tracks zy.od not be reported, Tho sane cspplies to bras os mid viaducts 1 f their clearance heights are more than 5.5 rioters and if diagonal bracings are not in the way. 25X1 A * Cornc-)Pt- To Cate, one express train, the sod-calloc fllue 1';xpress, has operated daily between or"? in a Ad Brost Litovsk visa Frail?e"urt/Oc'er F> : nis train is cor:iposed of Geri-San coaches 'Dulled by dorn;zi type 01 locomiotives and operated by Soviet Loco;iotive Column .;o r2, Soviet coaches operate between Drest Litovsk and ' Ioscow,, ri through-connection between Berlin and '.oscoii using Soviet coaches ~vroul_d require an exchange of wheel sets at the Soviet change-over point or the use oaf _ax.L es which can ho converted. German railroad installations are built in accordance with str3nd4Wct measurements laid down for the rollii-g; stock of the Gerlan railroad sy.ate,a