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CLASSIFICATION CuAkal..eATIIII,/ Approved FgERO'M..: E, :::LAVUWo2-004571RQ90)300011311006-2 INFORMATION REPORT CD Na COUNTRY i-?aoao/ lc 'SUBJECT Ghinese Cormi.unist Activities 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1 DATE OF n INFO, OA IF, 1-P,TT '7 Jan 5 2 tiv, tOX NO OF PAGES 7 iv) TAN NO. OF ENCLS.. (LISTED BELOWP SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO.. /7 25X1 25X1 .C.ft4.:014-440P , rt THIS DOCUMENT CON MINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STA1 ZS, WITHIN NS NEARING OP TITLE. IS. SECTIONS 702/ AND 994. OF TUE II S. CODE. AS MENDED. ITS TRANSUISSION OR nava - Ton OF ITS CONTINTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED% PERSON S PROHIBITED ST 1.4V TDB REPRODUCTION OF TNIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. .A..?,:nworkiwmtmor p.9.L9t11:, 00 Rol' GIBC1114TE NIATONO 1., On 7 August 1951 WEN Lan sponsored the organization of the New L'emocratic ,A.ovement Planning Committee' in i6acao to incorporate K'0 Lin's Overseas Claihese Association into the People's Political Consultative Conference.2 The committee is composed of the following persons and one other, who is not identified:3 CHANG Yang secretary of the People's Political Consultative Con- ferenoe, richt-hand man to avsa Lan in cultural matters, and a Communist Party member ESIEN Wei-kleng: Former chairman of the Students' Union and a Communist professional student. LiANG ? P lei chairman of the Lacao Labor 'Union and an official Of the Kwangtung o'eneral Labor Union headed by CHU Ssukuang, LIU heng-chung : member of the boodstuffs ,iockers and Staff Union, and manager of the Ying Ch'ang Company .141.1yivang-p'u : a dentist, director of the Overseas Chinese Association, ana sponsor of the mandarin thovcment Association. secretary of the Democratic) iiomen's Association, and a director of the China Uducatioa Association. SIFICATION CONE IDEN TIAL/ DISTRIBUT Wald/WM N9 dip Rage In Class, fin iOass red To; 1S S Chanrcd iins 4; , , c 'Illittlf!4?. H:i:i Bahl. ___ i AO itiYed For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82=0-04157M UD 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12: CIA-RDP82-00457R009600020006-2 (.201FID4Ii1:1AL/ ? CLTWL INTel.,LI;UI cy -4- 10 CIA nt se Ommun ist- ccatr ol lee. ora niza ti ons in eu floe , These se er etu ries are to reeve a .salary of 60 to 150 yuan4, paiu by the oreaeizatien in which they. work, aid are to make a moathly report to the ,iew eemocratic eovemeat rlanning i;vmmittee, The committee planaed to liquiaate all uedesirable -perscas ie each Corr/Joe:list-controlled oreardzatioa in .eame, it also required that all important accidents be reTexted to the COMMittee before beine, reported elsewnere.') 3, eith the establisemeet oJ 4e Aew Democratic eovemeet elanainc ?keneittee, all ;OomIeuaist-spoesored ereeeizetioas ia eaemo wore pleoeu wider the uaiiied con- trol of ee..' ee 4,04 . after e eie s treesier to eaatou left the Ove-rsoas Chieeseeessociatioa WitliOlit 4 heaae toLO 44aaao Labor Onion aae tee ehi(loee aiamber oil Commerce severe teeir coneectiont eith tho everscae L:eieose Qlatioa eau became ineopenaeet ' :tmportaet mombo rs of the over00A0)hic 3O estooi.atioa ieceune t;eeae-p'ine, b.e4e P'ine, iU Cheamin ( )0 eS1:61e } IG Cn'ine-hai, ri I IA i.taa, Aocial eroups still attached te this associetive iaclede the Aeueats" beion, the Democratic'', aemea's Association, tee eurees ' eseoeietioe, Lhe ehiee eu ...erkers eutual Aid Unica, tee '',"eina eieucetioe easuoiatioa, the oanearin eevemeat iS sociation, and ttee rhysicians' aaa .,ureeces' Uaioa, heecea by Cl Ti Chao-ch' in ( 'Afe 4. Ci %.4 I.:ea a iso heads the New Demooratio Lea eue, important eembers of which include C1 G Yang. Cl euo-cnien, Li-eine, CI 'Le Ta-pai, Tt :aa, ?LAC Phan LU Chine-chih, aad ,3LAO Yun-fene, jocial eroup e attached tc this association include the :Ai Yea brama cciatioi4 headed byUAJG the .Youth Social Association, headed by e?..0 Chine ( iih ); the Heo eLiane Sehool, and the e.ter ad rower eompaly Labor Union. -ost of the Members :of the Jeter and i:ower eompeny iabor Onich's supervitory pom- mittee iic aecut ones,teire of the e:erere 1 membership be lone to ti a 'Aew eemeeraeic League, eueust nel Ceintle Communist newspaper reporters in eacac mere pleanins tt oreaeize a eeW eemocratio eaeortersa 'reliewship Assoc iati on with JIIAAG . ?Yane, reporter ot ene eenton -Ji h reo, eee Chin -wen (4:157_ 3L ) reporter of the 010.1 hui eo; Oe ebiaL, 0). reporter of the rein1 eiVer Jea ein rao; aed a reporter of the eone:' eone la t%unk;.. j'ac as the ,eour eromoters. ? The followiee pereeas eere iavited to a preeerstury meotiae hold oe ? the premises of the eamaa's essooiatioa on. 12 eueestz ocitor o ui coa o LA .r,U,04.01eli Member of the LI cii publicatioa C4-n-4 Ch'iuee-yeae q.%ee g ), et the publication ef ?i% omen t es sootation a pe rsue aame0 ..eAG oe the publics tiea of tee eemurciel lreinine Class; auu a porton named Li of the peblicetion of the Ceila edeeatica essociatioa. ? & The ina emeoratic e01111102 ha.s allieu itself to the :ieinee ;;:immuniot ?i:sety,ehas estaeliseed an operatices lemperary 00Mitt00 1.3 ,,,IA040 with Li; -ei-i-had at chairman and -1.14 i,t1-eun as deputy ceairman. '.eis unit started eee:,:aadine in JaLuary 1b1 aao oy eueust hack more thaa fifty members, includine ? teA,e Gini-wen and Dr. LUe43 Jua-tseag. The committee has established an ? .investieation team which cot peretes with Communist aeonts in ...cao aeu sub- efts reports to the South China :_iub-bureau through the Cleinci.iene branch of tLe fiemcdratic League. The Youth 1 rioauship (Soeial) essooiatioa in eaaao v actual ly a breech of the e: ins eemocrat le Loa fue a 1 thou h it is ostensibly bmln;11 or aie :(5w 00mocratic eoaeue. LU een-hae is 0Lirq of the Ohuaeshan I..tiea police department aad lives at the jardim da ?lora,, SU is a 1 so a member of the Aew ),emocra tic Loa eue a no lives on the third f loon of the branch office of the Chun., sede ice e Teat. 7. G Ch'eng is the leadint eoMmueist operative ia eaoso, ether important e, operatives are ebe 1G s en , Lin, 'LA ue i-y bee t ) air Li en use. al" Icaml as "Atle"'a" Chvuun( 4. ), Tne Lo Lian. K tI i ) Athletic DAk1D64Tiele/ Approved For Release 2003/08/12: CIA-RDP82-00457R009600Q20006-2 Approved For Release 2003/08/12: CIA-R0P82-00457R009600020006-2 COMEIDIATiAle Ch4nAL 1NTELT1G'hiCE -3- leb and the hai iu (1'ti ) .'ational Sport ti;:lub are oeters for their, activities. Practically all coolies on the .aoao wharves serve as henehmen for Communist erganizatione in ciao. 1G.1 on aed Oe'ei P'ei oentrel tcut a thousaed ,eachmea. ?liw, only sctivo enti-Gomo,unists in ,,,acao are el,' of the Lien I Ao iation8 1O Leeehae (py 16 ) of the Le Llev atniatie aria NIU 5.:zu-Kuel (1 If ), a wharf coolie; the total aumeer or their forces is about 500 men. 0. in eild-huvast,, oa order i-rem eoeee Sea, four oL his sueordinatee betre,t :Leur revelvers aria five ,ee caliber aetomatic eistels from fishermen. ie ..,A;1740 Lad COnCfViie(.1 tileM ie iete4Vs 0.t. the second iloor. o es-in Leu A), eee ea ereia rra Lae cao iheee moa wore hie:4,; Lin, head et a eeeee a23'ere?t society; Iiii huaag )1, ), aeo. 3e years ane 6 hative el (;,hungenee esien wee, resideston the seeeed JeJec.r et LA Iravessa de e, Uemieges; Ta- silent; (1'4 k qe), kloca 3o yeare tliX4a gaiVeoteorwmetel C 1.1A ( Jj U. en 2 July the Qeinese Cammuaists sent a number of agents led by IA Lsieng ee) from hoag Kong to ..aoao aeoard the LUG leEo ihe 1ea eeent ene nit at. the uriental hotel, eeioaob and a second night aboaru the KhAS 1:1Nil, which was moored at 6hihoeMaokuan ( j ) along the border teetweea eacae arid fluagshan Lalea, eeirinc the second niOlt they mode eeverel visite ashore, 10 in or about early- June 1931 a 'Aussian acent of the international ,..emeueist orgenization arrived in -Flea?, weere he lived at 3? Avenida Lorta e 7,ceta, eerier his first moath in .ace he weLt out seldom and enly late et night or iu te early moraing 11, ecoording to a statement made by !_,Il'eee ;.ei-ehung ('; ), a le-yeer ete youth from the bichth eistriet of aunonan ;sten., ee jeined the :;emeleal3t carty in August 1feS0 through the introduction, or Lid.C, ehin ), wec, eflered t. pay him LK ,e10 per month eau teree ouaeee of rice dr i. to week lor the t;01:111tUtiiiltSc, le mie-l'ebl ebee:G was wereciag as a noeule-haweer at L he corner of a building an Aus .-entral, and was shadowing perscas as directed. 12, Li Chien (:e ), also known as el Tsaneshea ( if A). chairman et the , A.tietia AUCKinte U:liCalj, tried to I ()roe students to use the iieso fiveestar r146 during tne seceau athletic meeting in ieaoae, but failed. Li is a native of '"eihsiee? 1.,weet,tuag erevinee, who lived in Swetow until the beeiaeine of the inc-eapanose ear, ween he moved to -aerie, ee etteneed the -.Olio ling aau Kuan6 enue6 eenbeis aaa the enung le ,eidL.le eeheel? eed is now Mn tne t-hird year of senior midule school ee joined the Communists while a studeet at the Kuang t;nun g Scheel. eteer persons reported as eagaged Ma bormkunist activities in -aoao te followiag; in cearfe of a six-man emmunist operations croup. ) lie lives on the turd floor, i?i su ( ), eua da kelicidade, -acae, end is a native of eengmoon. C'E,Z Chia Shae-hua 3t: p, j I aa important C;oni uaist associated with 1hua (!.t ), manager of the Yeattal e subordinate or VU CLOar,-yyt ( let;, e ) leader or a ijommunist aotion group in e.ecao, Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009600020006-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009600020006-2 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009600020006-2