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Approved For RgiMMI tOUNTR`o'_?manv (Soviet 'gone TOPIC- 320th Ration Supply Depot of the G0 + ' in Frankfurt/Oder EVALUATION DATE OF CONT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PAGES 3 -ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS., j. The following shipments arrived It the 320th Ratc.n Supply Depot of the GOFG in Fr inkfurt/Odder between 15 Gantt 23 Sep -umber 195'1 Number of L); Lt-C Ea'I1 r a Cars G r o ?I chi t , =- n s ation} 15 kllepte Aber 6 makhorka Brost-Litovsk 17 ,epteraber 5 l:lalchorka Brest-Litovsk 13 f~epterm'ber 13 s alt =tassfurt 1 raakhorka Drest-Litovsk 19 ?~epi;e,1sjer 4 makhorka Brost-Litovs=c 20 Cee1 STin,-at1b 17 eptemb r makhork a Satzlcorn 1U flour Lberst': aide 2 Salt Lbers, :'alIi. e 1 peas groats Lhers-alde Lbersl.lalde 1 makhorka L. bersi.- aId c 2 sugar Lborsvgalde 1 tea, biscuits, powdered mustard, ersatz pepper -,nd matches LbersvJalde ]. Sep', ember Jueterbog ".1 September herring and canned f ish '::uensdorf 4 makhorka Lrfur t I rice Lrfurt 1 buckwheat .,arfurt 20 flour `:rfurt 1 roats 'Fuers tenher peas r'3ak.ho1 ka flour biscuits tea ! eck1 enbuirg Fuerstenberg Fuersten ,ter:, Fuerstenberg Fuers tenherg Fu- c en Berg 22 ; eptoribor S tzkorn -1 "op t ember rice buckwheat tea Satz! :orn Satzkorn Satzrzorn SEC frT_C I Tl0L/US O:'F'luIn.LS ~ ?'r LAL Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500350010-2 L ut;tber of Ita gad c4u Approved For Release 2000/0 NgI1FlBPPNP SECT.-C ITTfo? /US o", ICT(:i_ : t' ' ,Y i Luber of Pate .L L Cm 25 Sep t.oinber 4 noodles 1 iakhorka "alt 26 September to ':lour 27 Uept ember 23 Soptember 'Lour ?;omato pulp ink salt .lour flour 25X1X4. be stored a the der t in the future. 2 L, 1-t Lo- n J~ eterbog i_her s,: ide Soviet cartajn stated that 9L railroad car loa:HH, of r a1-.horka v..oulei 1,10 German civil Lins employed it t+-- +1 v,4 1 A be dischar ede i oxwrov! r, he gals: 1 arned .fro Soviet rersonnel that Covet soldiers w ul d be replaced by Russian i !orien4 G rr:.n rot ;en . who had c;een d'.sor,arY~d from 'r:i.tchens and r:iesshalis, C. re portly reemployed. ** lead seal was t=aken from a ra'.lr. oad c qr which had cone from Brest-Litovsk, 25X1A* - CQ . ama.14 The information confirms the ration sup' ly depot of the GOFG in Frankf }r. Zl for.riation on the larlre quantities of supply stored there w is contained in a previous report. See IIGL-15655 - Excluding sii -pments of r:.akhorka and other tobacco, 149 ca. rloads of ration s i plies arrived at they depot, and lv6 carloads left the depot dk,.r'n.g the tirnc covered, by the present report, it is notable that the storage of l=arge, quantities of flour, in this case 3'2 carlo-xda arrived and 57 carlc ads left, is continuing and that the storage of flour was obsorveei ?.t arl!'y supply depots in hbers.~,a? de, i'~uerstenberg, ' -and Jueterbck;. 25Xf& ~^!~ k ? :. The reformation ccrl firms the assumption t.zat, in general, the dismissal of German personnel does not affect the supply system? Further i_n:formatiofl is required to etermine if German personnel 1, ho were dischar,;ed have actual_ ~.y he.^r.. reemployed with kitchens and I esshalls of "its. :C fE:a1'-C q'S 0 'ICI,,, :.S Tr ;Y CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500350010-2