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Document Release Date: 
March 19, 2001
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Publication Date: 
November 30, 1951
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Approved For Release 2Q01/0019 : CIA-RQ57R009500080005-8 INTELLOFAX 4 c1.ASSIFiCATIO ~ CI"LY I'T ,,T`MV "j '07-'1T"I QT; CENTR (N1' LL(Ot;PiOE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. 25X1A COUNTRY Yugoslavia SUBJECT Political Conditions in Bosnia mid 1 ntenegro 25X1A DATE D'ISTR 30 November 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 OF ENCLS. TED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO,. 25X1X 1? Recently the entire People's Cormittee of Pljevla, in Bosnia, were arrested on the charge, of Cominformism. The investigation was conducted by Joko l~nezevic who was sent from Bel trade. The chief of the UDB in that area is Isilosav Lacmaaaa, while the delegate to the Central Comr.ittee of the Yugoslav Communist Party is Vladimir Stjepovic.. 2 , A great deal of military activity has been observed in Bosnia. This has been evidenced by the arrival of entire regiments which have been placed under the command of Jovo Kaapa, an agent of Minister of the Interior Alexandar Fnkovic, for the purpose of combatting the increase in activities of the nationalist rebels. The nationalist rebels are headed by Bozo Bjelica, Vlada Sipcic and 11i.lija Vojnovic. On 24 July 1950 a group of these rebels assasinated the most prominent Conriun.ists in Kovi Pazar, among whom were I4arinko Golubovic, a .Deputy to Parliament in Belgrade and a "hero of the people"; his son; and . Jovan Jaksic, Secretary of the District Committee of the Yugoslav Communist Party. .3 According to source, some students have had to escape from Yugoslavia because they are liable to arrest for participation in a nationalist organization at the University of Belgrade. 4., 7ith regard to American aid, the source reports that food had been distributed to the people of Bosnia on only one occasion. The rations distributed at that time included 400 grams of butter; 400 grams of powdered "eggs; and 900 grains of powdered milk per person. During the month of August 1951 the same rations wore distributed to workers, students and officers only. E'>,. A :cording to.. souirce, the Coninform movement is widespread in 11ontenegro. tklsny bominformists have been imprisoned and of these, a great number allegedly have boen murdered without trial. Surmn..ry executions have been justified by the allegation that those prisoners attempted to escape. The Cominformists have organized several. units; however, these clandestine formations, being unsupported by the people, have tended to be confined to the Albanian frontier from where they receive supplies. CLASSIFICATION T Collmoi lU?S e O 'FIC vr NSRD l l3Tit3t ~~ ; aan sra~s. aea x aaR s aaa Approved For Release 2001/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500080 Approved For Release 2001JCIA-RDP82-00457R009500080005-8 E;. TjC OL-L S. c ICIALS ONLY INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ..2,? 25X1A 6. A short time ago a new commander was appointed to the South Adriatic region. He is Colonel Nikola Popovic, the son of a Montenegran separatist, a certain General Popovic, ?, In source's opinion, any attack whatever on Yugoslavia will provoke an insurrection among the people and the members of armed forces, who in such an event, would liquidate all of their leaders without regard for the consequences. The Serbs and Croats might fight against the Russians, but only if the Allies assume command, Approved For Release 2001 pp4/19 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500080005-8 ,19E Tf CCNTROL?U,S. OFFICIALS ONLY