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Approved SUBJECT on e: Lqa.r.t.r ATION 25X1A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 7 FocRelpasg.290.1/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00459.Enas'3.5b8011.1M tokutalnATioN REPORT CD Na Chinese Caumunist rrocurement of Strategic: 1.ateria1s, 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED 'iaacao Area DATE DISTR. 13 DEC 51 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. ' (LISTED CELOW) DATE OF INFO. September - October 1951 EMENT TO RT NO. 25X1X 25X1X 10 the Shihchiao Customs29 the fallowing materials were Imported into Communist China thrlouih that station auring the month of September 1951: 1,132 tons of unsmoked rubber, 3,321 rubber tires, a,,466 cases of spare parts for automobiles, L),666 boxes cf medicine, 4 complete aircraft engines, 1o9 boxes of aircraft spare parts, 92 radio sets, 223 'bicycles, 579 rubber bicycle tires, 14296C-6-15-,Tirs of rub.,er shoes, 210 bales of cotton from the baited states, aol boxes of chemical luel (sie), 4,127,Lons of metal, 45?370 drums of gasoline, 11,324 drums or lubricating oil, 0,624 drums of viesel oil, 24 motors, .1..._?4eaerators, 94 redls of electric wire, 10304 boxes of rivets, and 44 reels of cop er wire. 2. in early October 1951 the Chin Cheng et APO Company, a Chinese Canmunist organization which haa formerly,ea in transporting goods through Sh6ach'uan (114-060 22-32) but.had moved to u.acao on instructions from the Coixtral and South China bureau, was occupying room 213 in thp Jen Jen (4:-I) notel, Ira:4 Chin;-miag 4.114tam) and Lsien ik ), agents of the Central and South China bureau, were on the staff of the company. PAO eiao (a.4 ),sonnected with the China Travel Service, near aharf 26, was In close relations with the Chin Ch'eng Company. PAO is responsible for smug ling Chinese from Lacao to Hong Kong. 3. On 6 October the ima Kuaag lraaing Company hired the junks TA YTJ LI, T4AI FSIIG aria ITS130 to transport 1,500 drums of gasoline from aharf 5 to rihampos. .in the same day the awn Auang Company sent three truckloads of copper bars from .:arehouse 43. Precut Pante e horta, to 'wharf 32, where the bars were loaded on a ship. On 15 ootober four sai1in4,; junks arrived in ,.alcao with a total of 200 tons of copper bars and wire. The copper was valued at RA 00,000 per ton, and CLASSIFICATION STATE -/: 7. P4AVY NSRB DISTRICT-ION _ ARIWY , Al C,' FBI 1 I Ti ?REFERENCE COPY Document Ea. y No C/mnge In P.-A,7- Li E Uzcia.v:V.M Class. Changni To: IS S Approved For Releasent0R1O391G:UERDP82. ?071164;:1,49-Ap009-14: 174a" 0, Apprted For Release 2001/03/06 : CJA-RDP82-00457R009500010009-1 C":1046A/miciol ThoL u oF;ICIALS OlLY " CEATRAL liThLLIGNCE AUBACY 25X1A was sent to the an Auaar iri Comoalo, it care of the la l'ua (-Kid ) Company, third floor, Ku s Almiruato aeroio, auoao. 6. Qa 15 october the no Lunz it) Copy ; 21JJ aiag Loa otrot ?est, ?ooag Aoag, shippea tee followiao materials to Lae Aaa auaao Traolag, Compaay, oo, :;he TA LAI aaa the TB LSING: 100J0 2o3-pouaa boxee of olootric aeluiao t,ars, auti o00 kbv-pouau boxes of eleotric weluing bars. Oa Ua 17 oatober three sailiao juaks aria a motor junk arrivoa at aacao from . a Loag aoag with tne followiag caroes: 150 lbafoot ac 22-foot leat.ths of water pipe, weiga*ag 14 pounds por foat sad priced ut a31 per toot; 25 tons Of cop,er plate, costing ha #4,400 per tot. fhese g000s ha u bc,aa seat to the Aaa auaag Campaay by the Yu Sha g 13.L.)_00a,puhy,, The aue. aueng Campany.also.reoeived from LAA ahauach'u (*LAM ) of the Lien Shear, (*P,, 1) Company 45 tons of iron plute, costing h 1,600 per tons and 250 boxes of shovel blades, costiag h4 ,;2,400 per box. 7. Un lb Uctober two motor juaks and a sailiar juhic brought tae followiag goods from hoar Kong to iaacao: 50 tons of steel bars; costing ha a1,030 per toa; 18 tone or black iron sheets (12' x 14'), costing ha, 1,2,500 por ton; 45 boxes of americaa-made carbon blaok, eaoh box wolohinF: 2Ja p(aude; 21 tons of 3-inch dater pipe, total value H,;: ao7,030. Thos roods were delivered to the an auang Compaay's T'aip'iag arehouse. In adaitioa, the Ta Cauag ) Compaay of honog on sent a shipment of 10 tons of water pipe: ? L000 foot of 4-inch pipe, costing ha olD per foot; 5,0a3 feet of 4-inch pipe; costing, W.:50 per foot; o,030 aeot of 2-inch ripe, ,:ostiao 2.40 per toot, and b,000 feet of 1-inch pipe, Tne hwanosi Tradirag :aDmoaoy.? ? 142 Conaaught aoaa, none aoag? a:so seit 70 tons of alvaaazed iron eaeets, coating 114 af,150 per toa? arid 24 tons of blook .iron, costiao ,600 per ton. This ?aro was for the Ch'ang Cherv (\a:.; ) Trauiao Compaay; 70 Caolang Lan head; Caatoa. oaa Un ib October 1551 the aaa auang Company pro*cureu throuoh Blacaie JUiG .six transits for use at airfielas. aach transit cost riKib,U30 ead aeighea 2U pounds. in early uatouer the Ta Chong Company procared 130 oases or films and photo- graphic o4aipment, to a total value of ei'a aZ;Oaa,030, from biocide aUiG. The goods were shipped to tne aan Aaaag Compaay in aacao, one the first installmeat or the pa4aaeat mas aepositeu in the aoa.g. song ono. 2haazhai bunk and the Ssu aai 0!:-V bank. 10. On 11 October a Soviet vessel, S3 aa-ChI-W aoout 000 tGA3o arriveo at ahampoa from Tain,tao with a oaantity of heavy armament and munitions. After an3oadiao the oro at ahampoa the vessel left with about 100 techniciaas aad 4 :oiltoalay of troops aboard.2 a 25X1A 25X1X 25X1A Comsat. The location of tfas Customs station is not blown; it is presumably near aaoao. There is reason to believe .that the r oures reported were also from records of this statical. 25X1A omment. This same seqUence of oveats was reported ia t L. a Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500010009-1