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Publication Date: 
November 30, 1951
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VL1f1') 11: tj r I w%rIv ~-~Ijf7 n ~rr1FC,~I~I~! r.O?~I R g~{ San itized~~A'606~4W ` i ease ~1IA-RDP8~~-0045 0.. Q-17 INFORMATION CD NC., COUNTRY Uruguay SUBJEOT Press Conference in i4ontev3..deo DATE OF INFO. %\Q Prior to 20 October 1 At the sessions of La Oociedad Interamericana. do I'rensa (InterrAntoricart Society of the 'Press) Conference in. Montevideo during the j)eriod 8x-12 October 1951,, a con~3idesrable amount of anti-1S~ influence was demonstrated by a faction which was led and tndoubtedly financed by the Argentine Gover menta The known Corsanist delegates presented little opposition to the ?J,,S0 delegation, and the pri-ncipa1 Communist effort was conducted by Genaro Carnero Checa, a Peruvian Communist, who was not a delegate to the conference, but who was in constant contact with the Argentine .group, which walked out of the session on 10 October, 2 Substantiating information that the Argentine Government had made previous rence is the rest from a well-informed source nf t th e e co plans to disrup 25X1 X stating; that the four Cubans and one Ecuadorian who Joined the Argentine groctp received all their expenses to the conference paid by .the Argentine Government. The same source said that the only delegates to forward their entry tees to New York by cable were the Cuban and Ecuadorian delegates. All the Cuban delegates flew from Habana to New York City, then via FAMMAA, the Argentine Government airline., to ruenos Airea. Source claimed as a further indication that ' the delegates were financed by Peron is the fact that, during a visit in Cuba before the conference, he had a long con.oeriof with haul. ,Alfonso Gonse, Director of . Mamdcl of Haba xaa0 Gonse had Just returned from Buenos Airesb where he had been the guest of the Argentine Government, with all expenses raid. Gonse stated that Argentine press officials pleaded with him to. return' to the press conference in Montevideo - with the Argentine 4overninent again paying all expenses - so that they could put an end ? to the domination of the Yankee journalists in Latin American press meetings. The Cuban and Ecuadorian members of this Argentine-backed group were: Cuba: Alberto. Arredondo, L1 1.~ov Habana Damon Co Benitez., Dim del. Comercio,, Habana Isidoro Virgil to Merino, L Cam ana Cu~? .~, Habana Alfonso Granmdosp Ti elm in Cuba,, Habana Ecuador: Wilfredo Look Moreira,, H, 1 Ecua.t o, . Quito ,QLASSIFICAT'lOi CONFIDENTIAL rsTATG P3 WY NLRB DISTRIBUTION. rRk2e 3Y ~~~ P ISd 3 ''3 Sanitized DATE D}S T R. ? 30 Nov 51 2 NO OF PAGES NO. OF' ENCL.S., (LISTED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X REPORT NO. 4 la 71~ _C54 C "Y' 404V Apprrovea` o~R' ~ CIA-RDP82-00457R009200390010-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R009200390010-1 CENTRAL INT LLIGENCE AGENCY CONFIDENTIAL ibm 1X 3, In addition to this dissident organizations Carnero theca persuaded a smal: 25X1X grt,!2p r f journalists to issue a declaration calling for still another All - al,in-American press meeting which would exclude U.S,, participants(, 25X1X this group would never be organized since Herbert i.oses, one of the influential front mend stated t1,at,) after the declaration was _ ubli sheds, hurt he had been "taken in" by Carnero Checa and that he was L,.oing everything poosible to discredit Carnero Checa,, The signers of this declaration were: Genaro Carnero Checa - Federacion de eriodi stas del j'erNx Juan Emilio Pacull Circulo de eriodistas de Santiago de Chile Dr? Herbert Moses Associacao Brasileira da I3uprensa Ernesto Juan ronfrias - Asociacion de Periodi.stas de Puerto Rico Carlos Martinez Moreno -. Asociacion de is. rrensa Uruguaya 40 Ca.,nex Checaa aside from organizing this group,, was extremely active in ep ,eading anti-U,S,, propaganda among members of the Conference and newsmen no- attending the meeting, A surveillance of Carnero Checa revealed that, he did not contact local Communist leaders ri r any members of the soviet Embassy in. Montevideo,, 5. Mir,Nel Otero Silva,, the Venezuelan Com ist,, attended all the sessions o'the ce:lference and did not follow the example of the Argentina delegates. Otero SiLva co;iducted himself with great, reserve at all official and unofficial mnatings and is not known to have made any anti>. U0 . statements while the co t`erence was in session. A surveillance of his activities has shown that he was not contacted by any Communist leaders in Montevideo and that all of his efforts were of a purely Journalistic nature? A record of his telephone lan any hconnections conversations from his hotel has failed to establish t-0h iwith he leaders of the Communist .arty of ruguay. intends to remain in Uruguay for a short period of time,, ostensibly to gather ma:teral for his newspaper in Caracas, CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R009200390010-1