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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 25, 1951
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R009000100003-5 F.~?URI'Tl( TtvF0?MATIaa COUN I ? ' ' u c T ' t ctyi [? .one t >, .~ ._~ ~.a _ R . _ _ EPORT T0P C ;_a,1 i a-pv Information from. 'ot dam u `; ~ ` EVAL lATIe01 L DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINS REFERENCES PAGES ENCLOSURES (NO. 8, nWPE REMARKS nA, r Pr-PF Prh 25 Se;)tomber 1951 1,, On 3 Septerther 19511, the scuthern section of the Delius Kaserne in Potsdam (N 53/Z 63) was occupied by about 150 troops who wore red bordered black epaulets,, including some with artillery inci.gaia,, No training activity was observed in the billeting .rea, the northern section of the installation quartered about 700 troops with red bordered black epaulets, including some with artillery and signal insignia? Soldiers were seen servicing motor vehicles, 2,, No changes in the occupation of the Adolf Hitler Kaserne were observed - prior to 3 Septcmber3 Officers of all branches of service includin:? naval officers., ware seen r z lnavim- +,h- i-nrtnIInti0n_F (1) 3. On 3 September, the Ludendorff Kaserne was 75 to 00 percent occupied by a'Jout 600 troops who wore red bordered black e, aulets. 'ix groups of eight recruits each were seen drilling in the barracks yard? 3ne truck coupled to a 37-=n peen in front of one garage,, whilo trucks 50X1 -HUM were pear ked at the harraclcs ;ate. (3) 50X1-HUM Z~.o On. 3 September,, the western section of the Kavallerie Schulo, Krampnitz,, quartered about 300 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets, while the eastern section of the installation was occupied by only a ,u detachment ent of soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets, ?'hreo platooas.s each of 1 officer and 21 -.,ion. seen marching out of the installation cowar?d_' Gross Glieni_cke, TrSZ-a- was seen leaving the billeting area, 50X1-HUM 5- Vehicles which were seen heading toward the lo,-Kling ramp in i;ildpark on 1C} 50X1-HUM September included about 4.3 trucks coning from the direction of Nedlitz.. and 8 pra r. movers with . r; n artillery pieces coming from the direction of lIeerstrasa ee as train ol.s:-rved at the ;'ildp ark railroad station on 11 September carried an undetermined number of motor Twenty s arrived at the l'ildoark railroad station from the direction of Nedlitz on the same day,. iighteen empty boxcars and 8 loaded flatcars stood at the 50X1-HUM Wildpark railroad station on 12 Soften er. (1) CLASSIFICATION SE/L?2T/CONTR0L D 6w Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R009000100003-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R009000100003-5 2 On Oil 4 S cp onb(. r,; the s I `L 1...i I :si'. t+iori. 01, DU? s r . L 14'~ to ,C Z- ~ ._i3.u 11,110's +' "~ y3,S ho ".io ved'bord oreu .'CLach With a~?ti3s.t~'er1 r a> V soyme iY ;'1 "Yi t Z .. 'ao slrS`eriat7 c rDu'.;:i ae dutic- i?aI.o notiCe_!,. 50X1 HUM - O n it Se t''.i er,h i;ilr lichon lobe Kasorrie -gas about '.0 par 3n oecU'')i ("6 by troops who wore red--bcrdea eci black, e a:il ;use irtcl'o- .i.?g coy; w; t'a~arti L, ._ - insi T1 8~ r1T21J?,lance ',qaS SC,n 1eavin:; he j 3s all 50X1-HUM ti a ., on ? J-z 4 oeptonbex, l,, Li:?dendafff 1)'aserne quartered about 40J ;)s 'Karin- -ad- bordered black _c oi, az Lef.S, so-no vii t:h art? l7_ r-,r inFi=~r;X i 1.e~ 10 -out 80 rccr~1jts ere seen in the barracks Y*t do One officer and 10 soldiers mariri blankets around their necks were se?.;Yi standin:.; at a tru IlZ to which a 37s rci Er :-m was coi?.pledo (3) 50X1-HUM M ree units of about . 0') unarned sozd-io:u each uerc so-.;A r ''chin out from tlm~ brie '.'ch'T17 e, Kra1.1r)r3 tz 7 t U.~ r~ xY=:Ldlt s and wore so n lea".'.in`; the ..r t 3r a Mato of t bti " i ,, ,q',i in 7 Co:1V47' rr v 1rarpnity, Li 50X I -HUM was t3J:.i4Y'"',?Ci CIa: ~.', ... i p?U;"i ~ L`+_'-li uz toward L0- Materiel loaded at `:,he : _:_ i art: " 1;1..__ c1 ' r; dcd -m, a art .t-7 yr: r p' c C??s J : )r ~~ i ?1T r~ R ' ' ^') .o,,~T i s t? t .n ? CJ's `tl'lj C`1 t U" f'"~ 1 "s 1^ 'roods '{ ere seen in ;'Y,>Xcar c a:. 't C' ter` ion . rori 3 to 4'.J off ' cers and about 3550 nen we'orinr rCC -?JU1.'C ere 1 b aC.I e 11~-r';:'i '; j th a7't~i?::,p~,r all t'1:) trans i or rt z po s pia were oberd itti eve.n saon ruck movers L3 "' 122n c r?" .11 i crte L,0'.7--et t too _) units in the ;. o i_e L. Z ono of u r / ~ 1 l26 On j 'Se 3t mhor six .!'! guns ,s ' E'f " a-{' eT I : c ,i at the Qr{ JCSi'? VEG v . ._ q underpass a1on- the D r(r,7itz_'if: i i'r 3 J i9G'~ ~dQ 7-ma &P. tuns anc: 17 1 i.1x.?I'C lU:7C?3C' .,:`i, i.?e? ..''Ci~;.^.,~.7r~ r>n ~ -t,. ,r.-.,,. .?,., 'Y:. .,, _...--;~ - -~ --,. were detrained a the Yo ,s+?ar r., 'U 3f' ..t Uatioli hl ) ,c n ^7"ll i? (^r `t 50X1 HUM - 4? On it ic- c' t; b 'Y' ,x C':S C IQ .'~3S ti'taou 90 "3 Y'G'Q1' C~C ^.t? o LC.,, ?.no b1? l !' in the ccntt'_^ O i the ru]ned barracks i1ci 7 _;s '::a j r,- 4,;i b-' t v'-:an J .'c`ii ? 9 _ :^ s Its hQi'' r:rt??i .8::'~ section of -+ ir; was intact- a.- :.e up ar:.?'. ~o r ,,1de,sott: It, ,' Off,->:e r ~r IQu ~t~ ri31~Y?P'QC' I)-.- .~ X7C71'' j?iCi3 L' 2f' r1L~ '.. s + f~ (?v Two sentries se .l1 c. wore '?3lack e'-au`-'-In i s ;nia '.'?Q f ';CC' '{env 3 C3C_C 11" (`r . c- rs:? fer3 arc its"'?7w n .h't, .L:t + :C'irc''(;. area was dark,, (C) .1 J_r; ~. t1 ,..tln~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R009000100003-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R009000100003-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R009000100003-5