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Publication Date: 
September 10, 1951
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R008900380007-0 ~.i~/U~Tl? i ?..,...~t~~C7.lE7.n~l` ~ ri}'V~.~''~~.~.~.........~.?........,..~.....?...~..,?......W..?F....?..~.....?,o..,..,...?~'f,G.Pl1fS 1?. ... TOPIC Soviet Supply Installations EVALUATION) DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED- REFERENCES PAGES .... ..r. W ENCLOSURES (NO'.& TYPE) _- _. ,.. ~F.~..~... _ ? REMARKS-- 0 In the aftcnrnoan of 5 July 1951, trucks branch of the doaot, including the Z;orkshops, is located in Anna1.)urg. (7 There were on the Soviet staff of the depot 55 officer's and 2:'50 MO (6) t arrived from Potsdam, The .shtppinE date of the shtpin nts was undet::r:mirie' the depot,, Prior to 18 June 19 1, 100 carloads of small arms and rmcachine ?urns spades retractable together Frith the rear section of the tr,)i.l.,, arrived at On 12 June 1951, twt, cars with box-trai..l_ fun earxiez,veti y equipp red with trail is being kept at a p3rmanent level of about 300 x 100-mm to 120-m runs... Also, fourwheeled ?un carriage=s mounting; heavy mortars are in the depot ho In mica-June 1951, it was learned that the stock of t"I'l Josson ordnance do naigsvruaterhaulsen--;niil.dau continued arrivin, at the en,,ineo:r depot and the Ketschendorf D',WKA durin^ the time of information, (5) departed for the Guhen border railroad station 0 Express shi,l,ra- nts from Koe.. train of 10 cars with k uns, 1 kitchen care and 7 boxcars with ammunition ed V :hon-- dorf encincer depot to the.Guben border railroad station,, Also, a special On 12 July 1;,51, a ship .ent of 500 pontoons was dispatched from th(-,, Kets . pontoons were said to number several hundred and were a1.1e ;e ct1. new, ().a) depot to the Guben border railroad station on 5 and 6 July 19 1. The 50,-man A largo shipment of pontoons was di.:patc.'~7.d from the Ketschendorf en! inee.r lizeio (2) 3 On 23 June 1951, a train of 17 flatcars rith side .racks, loaded with 68 pontoons arrived at Ketsekxendorf,, The pcontoons, most of . hich were damat vrero consigned to the:Eiuhen engineer depot.,. ('3) workshops of the Brandenburg Opel p".! ant n The plant is occupied by Volknpo 20 In mid-June 1951, there, was no longer a Soviet ordnance repair shop in th ~~ k~i~ ~ d `A +~ i Ya ?~.tu rer observed in the area.. 0J.' the I3e to er C. o n eiciC ' motormve ic,_e pa'i.r nhop. 12m-.'rnl trailers were also parked in the area0 (1) On 22 June 1951, eight open" sheds, .about CO .x 10 meters., were observed in the aria of the Jes,en vain repair shop. Two open sheds housed about 60 x 100-m., to 120-rim mortars each, mounted on chassis n .Asnmuraition boxes were piled in the couti.Tard of the installation;, (6) CLA SIEICATION ::T:-OL/US O FICIALS ONLY Document No Change in Class. Q Declass;aelvd !alms. l`hry*rvr?' TA: TIl 8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R008900380007-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R008900380007-0 ;1-HUM (l (2' fI') (6) (8) r, On 15 Juno 1951, no actin. i ties vrerc obser sd in the Vetschat, tan : repair 50X1-HUM e,ho*J 4 Only a tank covered with a tarp aulx.r. was parked i rn front 0a i uilc3.- The motor vehicle belong to the 1i ,t : ocZ Div/Second lids Trecz Array; the 9th Gds wanf iv, :'econct Ods mecz hrl the 20th Gd}}.s !"ec yz Div/Eighth} CdsArrrmy; and the First Ods 1 tecd.'. Y lAtr1. L on the nromises of the fmrr.ler Boas ik7 - l ~s plant on Os'tends;;ra se the large 53d Central Repair Shop/; OFO g locates: the ordnance repair shop in the T3randenb=urr Excelsior r.,.i;ant was evacuato 3 .. = that the branch in the former Opel plant was also evacuated is dorf area Its exact location has not yet ben determined. re enfrinee - depot in the Z{ ~:.erst~ rr r xl c3r - Cet,sc;ha 50X1-HUM a shipment of. 62 pontoons from E t chenclorf to on It boxcars and 31. flatcars, o 50X1-HUM r50X1-HUM The shipment may have belonged to of sever'?al hundred Pontoons with the shi.r?ting of the ';ilda~.h motor-vehicle replacement parts and tire depot to the suers en:7iiiCei~?,KatscL1(?ndor' r'lr a 3L ``ay 1951. t4he large one The shipments Brest L5.tovsl., station. A total located on the promises of the former Ful-m-moon plant at the Jesson railroad the GCS`"; ordnance depot and :?i.s ri? w{:iori po:in of 60 boxcars frith milit1.i j r.";ateriel ship x d from re',i Li.tovclk. v' i.a Frank- f Irt/0der to Jeesen and a: r n bete, .'.o ? I and, 1; June 1,151 4 :ey iray be identical t; the carloads rien.ti oned by the preserit report, A branch of the Jessen depot, is kriovrn to be locatod in Anraa?,n~x? ;~ 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R008900380007-0