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CLASSIFICPT fkk, Approved For `v -el; COUNTRY.-2=Mr - EPORT NO_ _ ;TOM Soviet Troops in Dresden. Leinsir.-. and Leisniz 70L/US OjiCLjONLY rerAtR1DP8200457R008800230 11-2 EVALUATION_I DATE OF CONTENT DATE O8TAINED-- 25X1 __PLACE 0131AINED_I 2bX1 25)51 25X1' 25X1 'ATE PREPARED 12 Seiptellber 1951 25X1 R.EFERENCES.J 'PAGES.,----- ---ENCLOSURES (NO. et TYPE) ."7477.,11?1".11?11110/MlbilMOIMINik...94.????111.0[1?1-41MOMI.s,././....nalaolfiNaptual.../....1?0110.4.1*Inronlii.swel*/40.3.01/.....I..c asitaLusa. r 25X1- 25x Dresden. 17-Ml" and 6 August 19519 the SS-Kaserne Manny Dresdens appeared to be occupied by a tank unit and a signal unite All the soldiers observed wore red bordered black epaulets without branch-of-service insignia. T--.34/8.5 tanks 5X1 were identified in the billeting area 5X1. that 03 tn 600 troopb marcnea out of the installation in 5 motorcycles, but not more than 3 tankr- aa a tume. inta signal unit in the SS Kaserrke was observed practicing stringing lines ? :near the installation. Materiel I inclIded 4. AT guns 1 armored 25X1 reconnaiseance 'cars sedan land truck I (1) 25X1 25X1 Between 2 and b Augusts tho military billeting area containing the Hermann Goering 'Kaser,nes the Napola and the veterinary has ital Dresden al, .o,t.ed to be only partially occupied? ? 25X1 most of the barracks builCings observed groups of 3 to 8 tanks being driven by student drivers and or being 2541 repaired. I four tanks at the veterinary hospital on it Augusto Small groups of so1diers0 wearing red-bordered black epaulets mostly with tank insitniao were engaged in recreational activities. 25X1 3 Truax; ? veterinaAx nobpltel on jAutszt* ( wero parked at the On 6 Augusts the collective billeting area Of the Hermann Goering Kaserne and the Napola seamed to be only partially occupied. Only a few soldiers were seen in the bil4tting.area and 100 to 120 soldiersD wearing r(x).-bordoreri black epaulets and sorno 25X1 . with tankreceived instruction in tlri neighboring training area. Truck was occupied by tank z troopers at noon on 6 Auaust and by air f`nro.n. 17tAri the evening of tho same day. Trucks area, bectan 25X1 I lwere identified on biockti parked at the guardhouse. (2) ? ? was 25X1 F-3 50 ?Too companies of recruitsD wearing black-tordored red epaulets D were seen marching out the main gate of the Dresden-glotzeche airfield installation on 10 A ',usto 1.10tor vehicles oba-a4ved there betwe..;e1 5X1 25X1 L.4110101.111.1?19rovr? Or* CLASSIFICATION )pe. /CONTROL/US Medium tanks FFICIALS ONLY Ner''25X1 25X1 1 Document No. No Change In Declassled Class. Changwi AutiNt Nic? in, Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-R IN2,500474N,qt8 Class. ----------------- To: TS S 9 (017133 0 0 1 1-?, r STAT Approved For Release 200Wk: CIA-RDP82-00457R008800230011-2 T/CONTROLAS OFTICIALS ONLY - 25X1 identified in Klotzsche on 19 JI:4,) 25X1 6. During the period from 30 July to 11 Ininust? the Hermann 'Jeering Kaserne and the veterinary. hospital, Dresden-Klotzsche, mere occupied by a repair ohop unit and a rear detail in the total strength of about 200 soldiers who more red-bordered black enaulets with tank insignia ? Truck was 25X1 seen hauling ration supplies to the billeting area. The Napola was vacant but guarded by soldiers from the Hamann Goerinn Kaserne. (2) The Polizei Kaserne and the Festspielhaus (festival hall)? Fellerau, were vacant. Only one windal was lighted there at nightfall. (3) he following observations were made in Dresden between 30 July and 3 August Adolf Hitler Kaserne, Occupied by a unit of soldiers who wore black-borderee tlack epaulets without branchof-service insignia, About 10 to 20 of these troops were seen policing the billeting area and performing guard duty on three days. r-ibree sedans and 5 trucks, includingi 1 25X1 25X1 lmere parked in the barracks yard on 31 July. Nine 25X1 sedans and trucks, including truckl !were seen there on 2 August. (4:: 101st Grenadier Regt Kaserne. Apparently still housing a headnnarters and olarinaa-7-06ign- who wore blackbordered black epaulets and red- bordered black epaulets without branch-of-service insienia. A great deal of ectivitymas noticed in the billeting area on 31 July, Individual soldiers of all branches of service, except . air, w 25X1 we obse 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 v%sa end t installation. Vehicles ideetie'ios3 there :Laclede:1d truces I land sedans N n lascnanon-ewehr Kaserne on Alaunelatz, Quartered about 600 troops who more reds-bordered black ?palliate without branch-of-service insinnia. About 70 eoldiers were seen drilline in 4-Ain har'nw,ler, 77-.,y0 rrUckS eareaoss area on 31 July. (6) Koenig GeorgtKeserne. Occupied by about 1,000 troops who more red-bordered TIYL epaulet'i without branch-of-service insig:nia and a few soldiers with lack-bordered black epaulets who mere seen there for the first time after a long interval. Despite the larne number of troops in the installation, only about 30 unarmed soldiers were seen drilling there on 30 July. (7) SS Kaserne Wilder liana. Oceupied by least 1,200 troops who belonned toz a uE177,i1Tri-gaZiMerd'd black epaulets without branch-of-service insinia; a unit with red-bordered black eeaulete and tank invienia; a unit with black bordered black epaulets.; and a unit with blue-bordered black eeaulets. Soldiers from the installation were seen stringing a permanent telephone line, suspended from two mem of poles. elm% Tellerhofstraeee in the so-cared Heller area on 30 &Un-. The setting-up of a third row of poles was started0 haterial was hauled in trucks driven by soldiers who wore rod-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia,,. About 50 soldiers wearing black-bordered black or blue-bordered black epaulets were seen returning to the installation from bathing on 2 August. Intensive activity was noticed in the barracks narl, (1) , A German laborer morhinn in the Adolf Hitler Kaserno stated that about 325 recruits arrived at the instellation on foot from the Dresden-Friedrichstadt railroad station on the evening of 15 euest. The recruits belonged to the 1932 and 1933, were led by asenior lieuteeaat, and looked hungry, Sem of them mere without headgear. Ihey said that they hed been entrained in bmolenek on 28 Juno 2.951 ()) were perked in the 25X1 .0? CONTROL/1Z OF,FIC IA. TS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008800230011-2 no.EN/coliT;LI Ya; or- 'cats -111LY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457 - 3- 9: 25X1 25X1 25X1 1 A barracks employe, stated that about 260 Lrainod troops black-bordered crirson oL)aulets and comr.)anded by a najor aryc at the last Grenadier Reg-t. Kasorne on 12 Au,..:ust?Iteles park d in the billeting area on that dav-incindr-d tr-7,to.r.: I and s Trucks hauled fuel ba:.re12.3 to Iron 13 to 1"( They were driven by sc.)1&_ars and escorted by soldiers with b1ack-horde:N.1d fl-r..itrisort (5) I21P0-'0 10--Prom 3 to 16 Aw;ust,t, the Hoiterblick Flak Kaserna in Teipzig was occupied only' vent I the civilian ermAcTecs liorc 25X1 truck J I -which iaf t uaserne loaded with 30 men, that the so! lam on his truc!1were. taken to Liebertwolkwit2,- (N 52/3 20) I t,itat the unit auertered in the tr.-,.7.'racks 1171E3 .1_f_ation was proseatlz, t near Otterwisch (11 52/E 30) 5 while the other half was staying -a, training ends,.gr( 8) 11,, The Plak gaserne in Lainzig-Cohoonau quartered only a ;T:tavd con.: soldiers t'ha wore red-bordered black epaulets without, b.4....-anch-of. insiznia? During the period fron 11 to 1() "UgliSt.;; thnee platoon- Filen each repeatedly narched from the instaltion to the -;estba: (swimming pool), Truck hauled ration sup:Jlicd to the (9) 25X1 H*1 25X1 52/E 21). on leav .1-qak 2 I to be half 0125X1 ?a-ining a troop any of -saz.vice of 35 nsta a?,R.41. 12, On 9 liugusto the barracks building west of the gate Kasernop Leipziga claartemd troops nith blue-bordered instead of troops with black-bordered rnd pvIrt1-1,,t,1 as there. Trucks ) and sed identified a the invta.1 a .on between 9 and 13 AIITSt ' the ;If.rtc.Lubtlx.E; black (!pal-lets ,i2retriolts1.-::' seen H31 were 3.3,, DilrinfT the period f'T'oin 11 to 12 Au.,::ust, the foil:mini; obs)x-r.rtti,:ins were made in Leipzig: Hindenbur, f4, Kaserne?. Occupied by about 303 troons who beld ?'. 3 a unit ZETraar4r-bord-erea. blue epaulets and a unit at blz-ack-b:xr:thrs,=3. CriMS012. epaulets, ,..3,oldiers wearing bla ck-berciered crizIs on epa-,Jlet3 tr.-..d. W-1..a ck- bordered black epaulets were seen in he windows of -1-)-,,,,4 17?st.?ira buildinT.r,? Trucks barrack 25X1 and sedan -were also observed there? .....; Pak ZI:asei'ne on, the sou.::11..side oil,;iederitzscher Vire.:? liousod z ri:?air siTc:FZZ---r-fe75a-i.Ti;_n'it --or-scTlifieis- ?11.w ---7o ei-O7e. .1---t-ZZ'o7r-dereci black trnaulots without branch-of-service insignia? Zruck25X1 With ;iokiw.s wearinL,:_red-bordered black epaulets stoppec in J...:-..)nt of tlle installation a Truck 25X1 I kas )arked in the barracks yard? (n).: Train Kaserne _ on the west., side., of Olbrichtstra se.., Apparently os supied by *ibouflarri.:6"c'.)ps,, boViers observ7id b'Y sonrce wore laack-borderel cr_iason eDaul ets:_, red-bordered black epaulets and bla (A-border:y:1 back 02aulets? Truck 25X1 Lxided soldL)rs wearing b1ack-1.:ordePed cri.;:son epaulets) was.pored. op2osite the nein gate of the instartation? another truck with a nDA)er of the ;,:a.irle s.-::7'ies in the barracks yard. (12) Ylak Kaserne in ,..,chlenau? :4;uarterin: about 21.) troo,..)s who wore ::.-ed-bord.o2s-jo rarrli eFarilet:71'711:hostirbr-alch-0:-service si,-nia? l'he '. k08 ;Oita? Iluilding ? _ of the installition was occu)ied by soma military patients on 16, Twenty soldiers were seen drilljn7 in the barracks yard, ".t'ruck- hauled in ration sup-,-.5110S. (9) irlakica3errze:Iejtel'aliCk OCCilpied. I.:7 a unit of sold-Lrs 7,fOrC.: red?- .T.ZillareCri!ancl7i opaillia.,a without branch-of-service .ins17nia. About 300 soldi-:,rs TIE.'70rirlf:: red-borderod lila ek e7aulets, with one fifth of then wearing tank illf5i7iliti , attended a socer came in the billetin:, area on 19 .a.upust? 25X1 install ati on olieved that all these troops were stationad in the 25X1 SIZRET/00-WROL/US 0.-VICIAL5 ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008800230011-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008800230011-2 Sin:LT/CONTROL/US OF.,ICIAIS ONLY !Truck - 4 - 25X1 was identified in the billeting area, (8) 25X1 Loisnicra 140 Between 19 July and 15 Aurust on., a few soldiers wearing; red-bordered black epaulets and truck gore seen at Leisnig (N 52/1c 69) 25X1 military nost4 25X1 1 \the Bnsene Kaserne quartered from W to 00 soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets and the e'riedrich August Kaserns about 35 soldiers with red-bordered black epulets.I I observed 25 soldiers drilling in the Friedrich August Kaserne and 20 25X1 soldizs with red-bordered black epaulets marching out of the Busche 25X1 Kaserne, Truck was identified in the Busch? Kaserne on three days ? (13) 25X1 Comments (1) ?Y paragraiihs 1 and 7 indicate that the SS Kaserne, Dresdenr.Wilder Lana, 25X1t5 was occupied to capacity, as was also reportedj at tbX1 beginning of July 1951? See ? 1:he present report confines 25X1 to a certain extent the motorcycle unit and the signal unit, which are carried in the installetione See ? On the other handl the present and previous reports make it doubtful that the SS Kaserne shoulC. 25X1 also quarter the I Hit Tank SP Rent of the 1irst Ods Llecz ertv which has been tentatietely carried there. Two of the four tank regimente of the 11th Gds Tank Dtv are believed to be quartered in the Koenig Georg Kaserne and the Hermann ;--loerine Kaserne respectively? In the course of three years, 30 to 40 eanku were seen by sources at least once in each of these two installations, brot only 7 tanks were once seen in the SS Kaserne? ,Iilder Mann. According to the analysis of turret numbers of armored vehicles, indinidual tanks se_n in the SS Kaserne belong to the llth Ods Tank Div? Thua, it may be possible that the unidentified Iry Tank SP Regt of the First Ods Moos Arev does not exist at all, and that elements of one of the. t,ank regiments of the 11th Gds Tank e'iv or teaks of the army undergoing repair are located in the SS Kaserne ? Turret numieee 319 mentioned in paragraph 1 of the present report was probably mistaker and should read 913 which was observed by another source in the 25X1 installation in July-1951, See 25X1 I Iwoule, indicate that the tank belongs to the 9th Tank Div and would indicate the presence of an ariri repair. shop in the SS Kaserne,, 25X1 Ion the other hands would be indicative of the llth Ode Tank Div? The statement in paragraph 1 of the present reoort to the effect that never more than 3 tanks were eeen at the same time would rule out the presence of an entice tank regiment. ( ) According to information in paragraehe 214 and 6 by three, sources, the components of the 11th Gds Tank biv? including the 40th Gds Tank ant, which are carried in the collective billeting area of the Hermann Goering Kaserne and the Napolewere still at Koenieshrueck about the middle of 25X1 August 1951? See li.ost of the vehicle numbers mentioned in the present report belong to the llth Gds Tank Divn (3) According to two other sources, a procesoinn center for troops was apparently located in the Polizei Kaserne Hellerau? in Lay and June 19!;1 25X1 See I 0 The present reoort indicates that this center vam deactivated in duly 1510 (4) Paragraph 7 confirira the army signal unit periodically observed in. the Adolf Hitlsr Kaeerne, The inforeation indicates that the unidentifed component of the 11th Gds Tank Div from the inetallation use at Koeniee- brueck at the tine o ebeervation- but sizable continents of recnui_te 25X1 arrived there,, See I , It is tmnnobable that the recreite mentioned in paranrann 3 of the present renent should have belonged to the 1932 and 1933 classes,, because available docueente indicate that tho 1932 clasp was only registered for the draft in January 1751,, 1fco1RoL/us OFnICIAIS OHLY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008800230011-2 Approved For Release 2006W: CIA-RDP82-00457R008800230011-2 coNTaairs OFFICIALS ONLY 5 ? 25X1 (5) The information indicates that the Nq First Gds lifecz Army was still located in the 101st Grenadier Regt Kaserne0 (6) The Laschinengewehr Kaserne on Alaunplatz is headquarter unit of the first OdsAlecz Armya apparently increased from about 100 soldiers 25X1 by the arrival of recruits after (7) The 7th Gds HY Tank SP Rogt of the latn UCAS Tank Jiv oelievea to oe stationed in the southern portion of the Koenig Georg Kaserne has been 25X1 at Koonigsbrueck since April 19510 Seel k Recruits and the personnel of the 100th Repair Shop located in the northern portion of the installation are probably the only troops quartered there at - present. 0 (8) Paragraphs 10 and 13 agree with previous information on the Hoiter- 25X1 blick Kasernea Leipzig:, Seal 1, Accordina to this information, nest of the components of the 8th Gds flecz Div, which went to Koenigsbruock in 11951, wore still there in the midelle25X1 of August 1951a A large training unit which was called a training course for junior officers 1 probably rotates to a25X1 hitherto unknown troop training grounds between Ottorwisch and Liebortwolkwitz? southeast of Leipzig, as stated in paragraph 10 of the present report,: Paragraph 13 indicates that this unit was aeain its here station afterl 119510 25X1 (9) Paragraphs 11 and 13 indicate no dean:a() with regard to the occupation of the Flak Kasernea Loiozia-Schoonau since a reeort of 13 July 1951 by another source:, See carried as quartering a Its occupation was in Lay 1951 to about 600 1 25X1 Paragraphs 12 and 13 indicate that the SCO komendantura and Air b'arce 1 lwere still located in the Hindenburg Kaserne. - Probably the Ulanen Kaserne bordorina on the central hospital to the northeast, Th a existence of a repair shop was previously knorna Detailed information is not available, (12) About 300 to 300 troops were periodically observed in the Train. Kasen on Olbrichtstrasae, which is also believed to quarter a sienal- aorlaunications unit of the GOF0a Seel I 25X1 Compare with information of late July 1951 by the same source, Sep 25X1 (13) 1S0. *S4'r? OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008800230011-2