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Publication Date: 
September 7, 1951
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ALUAT1O~`V= ~1AT E OF CONTENT. W1 OfITAINEli:_ R1:E' ERENCES. REPORT NO._. I-PLACE. OBTAINEDL ___. I 25X1 C 25X1 ~uw tac u. . ui ujer --------------------- Kas orne9 Drosdon, the installation was occupied bar only a si,:nal cotr)any open^a~'ing the radio and, toletypo office .:Jost of the troops f ors t ? n$tallatjon' vfno wore red-bordered black epaulets, t^rere at the I !; serve, e k isa.tod,.tho,.Adol.f Hitler lcasorne. 'oririariv +.i, e is oa a w?~ava ta-I~~n :gip rcrsidanco in the Inn arr i H Officers Identified by the inforrlat an the hdolf, Hitler Berne included Colonel Visiairilyov, (fnu), corrianding officer of the troops wearing 'black bor%-:tired green epaulets; ; 1ajor 2otin (fnu)g adjutants ;;ajor I azan ,(fnu)S barracks co mandant ? Senior lieutenant Bas (fnu.) 9 drill officer; and Lieu to- nant : az3r ev rfnu) officer in charge of drivers' training. 11ajor lRazan was alb in char,, .,,o of the German labor employed at the installation,, 25X1 3' , the Adolf Hitler Kasorne quartered about l$ Y 000 troops yy ' 2n rjrsro Sa n!.r~..,aro,r.~Y Z.-1 .,-I- -., -A-- I , .. - band,' and basic training of 30 sole- iers with black bordered black epaulets, no ,training. , activity was noticed on three dmr di ' nxr +11a ri__4. A ,.s' w___..v~.A -__ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 `its the forner German let Grenadsar Kanerne housed a head- 25X1 quarters. at which primaril offs it se h re tr .-. _ Ys green and crii son . service colors wore seers" mad a ?card unit of soldiers wearing, black-bordered black epaulets and.. red--bordered black epaulets without branch-of-; erzrjce insigniam (2) 25X1 Document No a --------------- Mo Change In Class. [] Declassified Class. Ganged Top TS S Auth,: HR.7. Date; __2_4 --- 1576 6V: Approved For Releape 2005/12/14: CIA- 0002 4 A -Ieneral Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP82-00457R008800120002-4 2 The 1_; aschirenge^wehr Kaserrao on Alaunplatz quartered about 600 troops w 'io wore r pd-bordered black epaulets without branch -of-se,rvIce 1.nsi~'ni a? Troops were seen drilling and engaged in physical train-in Five groups tttaling 60 to 80 men with rod-bordered blac:. epaulets were observed drilling and practicing with hand grenades 25 had increased after 9 Ju],y, Troops )bscrved were eluding new ax rivals because training activity 6. The SS Kaserne, gilder A rsn, quartered about 1,200 troops probably in- yo=3 and wore red-bordered black epaulets with and without tank insignia, About 100, soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets, 1 TD-34 tans, truck 25X1 1120 recruits arrived in the ;:.iaschirers ew hr uuserne or, A3:aun- platz on 4 trucks (5). 25X1 1 On the Adolf Tiltler Kaserne and the Grenadier Kaserne still quartered the same troops previously observed thee? The number of troops in the forcer installation was esti-natedd at 700. A truck in the terrain adjoining the li ] etint; area lank and 25X1 several sidecar motorcycles were seen in the barracks card (i~) 25X1 C 7? The barracks installation in Dresden-Ueb' ~gau still quartered a unit of about 60C non who wore black-bordered epaulets without branch-of-se:'vice insignia, The apartment or Scharfenberg Strassep which quartered soldiers with rest-- bordered black epaulets,, indicatIng that, the ttrobpa had left with the exception of the soldiers maming the six AA guns emplaced at Ueb gau. (S), 25X1 8 teas seen tore. 25X1 25X1 25X1 a camp of 1 *0 tents quartering about 400 troops was seen on the eras u bank of the Elbe River bettacen the autobahn bridge at Uobigau and the channel at ditz. The troops were black-bordered. black epaulets,, blue- boader ed black epaulets and rod-bordered black epaulets. They practiced bridge building and handling of engineer equip Herat, (6) it was learned I that, Soviet troops hm>d c~, zped in the woods just east of the Luftlsriet Schuie~ in Dresden- 1_ 10.otzsche., On 23 July., inspected the camp site in the woods and deter fined that the quartering capacity of the ca-in could have amounted to e, 000 men, 1(7 ) the Flak Kaserne in Dresdon-N ckorn seemed to be only partially occupied. the guard Unit there 25X1 numbered about 100 mens eatiriatec. the number of 25X1 troops quartered in the :installation at between S0 and 15C soldiers and believed them to belong to a penal battalion. (8) 25X1A C ory.ents (l According to the present and previous reports the 25X1 Adolf Hitler Kaserno has been occupied by between 700 and 1,-000 troops since mid-June 1951. Prior to the beginning of June 1950, they strength of the troops there was reported several times to have been about 19800 to 2,000 n4n. The statement in paragraph 1 of the present repor ; that an ,~1e>nent of the llti? G s Div. wh'.ch is c r.i tee there r tb ? has c..ovod to ~ ocr i. 4 s~xr uook is given credence r, and 25X1 A 25X1A It is moss lble that the installation is, at. Present,, occu- pied pr imar31y by recruits in addition to being an. army iieadqusrtors signal unit with a radio station, a filling station and a depot for electric equip- ment, S? CR? .T4 Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP82-00457R008800120002-4 Approved For Release? O x[12/14 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008800120002-4 ~ . ~,.. 25X1 25X1 25X1 (2 The information indicates that the lIq First Gds, :,.oc3 Ar was still located in the former Germ &n 101st Grenadier Refit Kasorno0 I (3) According to the present and previous reports dle . ch inenge o+rohr Kasorne on Alaunplatz wa& occupied by a headquarters unit of the First fGds :1ocz !rroj in June and July 1951, 25X I (I.) The information on the SS K serve, Jilder jann, suppcrts previous 25X1 A c+ ncInsions as to the trod s stationed there until the beginning of 11-11:1;7 1951 The number of trcops there has 25X1 A fluctuated greatly since May 1951, apparently due to the rotation cf wits to i1oeni~psbruccieo ( ) " 11, e occupation of the barracks instn Ll.atior= In Dresden-Uebigau has not Changed. (C,) Vie engineer training site at the 'Alt Kaditz ferryhouse was previously 25X1A r :portcdo Seel I The troops who, according to the (7) present report, practiced Uiere are believed to belong to the 134th Gds Engir Un of the 1-th Gds Tank Div from the barracl s in;itallation in Ucibigauo received from -oho observed an amount of tents, weapons and vehicles which could have constituted the equipment of not more than a battalion e F_ I 25X1 A f 8) The Flak Kaaser ne in Dresdon-Nickern quarters the 496-La (Gds 7) Arty !'C ,,-t of the 11th Gas Ten% Div., which is believed to have been at Noon. ,s