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Document Release Date: 
April 20, 2011
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Publication Date: 
August 31, 1951
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C Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R008700260003-2 -o-r .ny ( ovi,t Zone) E2EPORT "" ~..ilitary lrl%ci?natian from the Tor Iar:aelsnri Area bum -HU IVI EV/ LIJ J T10N,.... DATE OBTAIN REFERENCES AGES_e. .~, .....ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS... ~. ~. , "ere observed in the Zehdenick-Tomplin (i1 54/t 61) area.Field exercises continued day and ni^?ht at a rate previously observed. Road supply traff i n kept up unabated. 50X1-HUM ATE P EPARED 31 August 1951 , no incoming shipments of troops or vreapons l1 tvm 23 July and 1 August 19 5,1 c onarcy of 18 trucks, with one truck carrying a motorboat and the others '1'fC0flT is :Fi,0L/U OFFICIALS ONLY CLASSIF'ICAT ON S ing training activi50X1-HUM rarer of troops lightly diminished Vehicles uded dan 'rith officers awrearing red- 50X1-HUM seda occupied by infantry officers 50X1-HUM engineer equipment, ssed through t'ari.enthal at noon on 1 August and proceeded 3, Three: T-34 tanks tried in vain to cross the Havel River near Durgwall during the night of 2 August, the crossing exercise being supervised by a senior ...ieut;nant. Ttvro of the trucks stalled in the river and had to be toned out. The crossing attempt was not repeated thereafter. Other materiel involved in the exercise were 3 AT guns of about 100 m.; 3 full-track tractors, and truck 50X1-HUM On 3 Au ust, about 1~O0 tr oe ps wear in? red bordered black epaulets and black- bordered red epaulets were seen practicing in the area east and Southeast of Camp .lair: melspring b The troops were organized in squads and platoons and practic.- ed the construction of field wire lines, the advance in overgrown terrain,. an, co bat in the woods. The troops had a rag- ed appearance but appeared to be excellently trained. Another 30 soldier: wearia.g red bordered black epaulets were seen drilling with six 7602-- AT guns near the c=uspo A group of about :'.0 infantry officers was observed receiving instruction in nap reading. Fift,, canvas-covered tanks and 30 to ) 0 trucks were parked in the eastern observed at the camp incl bordered black epaulets; JCCticn of Car. fanmelspr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R008700260003-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R008700260003-2 C c epaulets; trucks occupied by 50X1-HUM so s ':;rith red-bordered black erna e s and black bordered red epaulets,, driven by soldier's with red bordered ' 2 nd dri ?en by a soldier with d black epaulets- trucks The number of troops of all ranks and branches of service who were seen in 50X1-HUM the streets of Templ in decreased compared to previous observations. On 3 Au,-,ust,A 2 officers and. 30 recruits with red bordered black epaulets arrived by train P' n ' ? direction of E erswalde and drove to Carp :Ia lsprin~ t Phi%Ir-~ u...,,..,,,,---I --- 1. , 50X1-HUM darn included sedans) (with officers t gears r red-bordered 50M-HUM 'L lack ePaalats, including sores with tank insignia; truck with srldiers wearing red bordered black epaulets; true with soldiers 50X1-HUM searing red bordered black epaulets and black-bordered red epaulets; and a ruck occupied b v sold i are wi i:n rp 50X1-HUM 1e ` Eriplioap training grounds. 50X1-HUM Comment? The report indicates no changes in the overall situation at 50X1-HUM the convoy with en-Vinser qu pr.n , nentiona In paragraph 2 WA1I-hUIVI -"or Tern on 22 July 1951. The recruits mentioned 50X1-HUM i jaragraph 7 of the present, report were personnel of this AM division. All other vehthle mentioned in the rresent report belong to the 25th 50X1-HUM sank Div, the 6th Gds Yeez Div,, and headquarters un4.ts of the Fourth Gds ?_ecz rrv of ? presen report, belonged to the 25th Tank. Div, A component of .the un- identi fed AAA division of the Fourth Gds I'Iecz A left Eberswralde L ? rail IrC ,.7'fCO;'Tiir?Ilftt OFFICULS, ONLY _O \1H I ENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R008700260003-2