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Approved For Release 2003/08/12 :EfFEREATt7R008600420008-7 CLASSIFICATION isitztt9971 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFOR .:1! ATI IA RE_PORT ?6b tsfo. COUNTRY 'tat-Di-ft:if (Russian Zone) HaulltIierwaltunt fqi-Ausbildung PiACE - 25X1 ACQUIRED -- -DATE OF: IDocument No. No Change In Class. ID I I Declassified Clan. Change:I-To: TS $ Auth.: Date: IOJOJ7j. Inv! 41% 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR. 12 Sept. 1951 .4:7! oi PAGES r 4 4.4r NO.OtENCLS. - -cum? .BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ..25X1 25X1 TRIS DOSUCTSVC coMAIRS ttIOSIIIIATIOD ANTRIM; Taa waveraza.OSPIRIEt 07 MS memo MATED T.I1TIS.11 TO'J USPIORAOR ACT 00 U. a. C.. St ARD 2. AS ANGSIORD. ITS TRA0SI1IA81011 00 TIIS EIMILATTOD Ani ITO COMMITS 2n /INV MIMES TO AR imaeortmer.r.ou P230CRI IS PRO. 1112IT0D IN try. PRP0000CT10:2 OF TES Ka IS raemarem. V444Alitm*;t- .41t" ?4' (ft ?zr kk.ral THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION THE FOLLOWING REPORT WAS PREVIOUSLY SMIIISLITED AS "CIA PREUVIVARY 25X1 25X1 -There nre no Indications that allerIPM personnel have been detailed to the Korean theatre of war, nor does it seem likeiy,triat suck an action is eon- -templated or-feasible. No evidence is aveilabl&within the HVA as to the possibility of recruitment of technibtl perisonnel outside of the HVA. 2. The officer-training course in the Soviet'Uniefoi 1952 is being attended only by-HVA personnel, not by any students *ace:ttie MVP.- the 'total attendance is not known, bUt it is reported ttaW about 75 per cent. of all commanders in Sonderabteilung 7 (armored) have been selected. The following officers are included: . Chefinspekteur Helmut Borufka insnekteur Siegfried Ueiss, commandant of he AA school in Pinnow Rat lunse Kommandeur Bauer - - Kommandeur Kemple Kommandeur Jahn, of Abt. Ausbildung Oborrat KUhro, of Abt. Ausbildung Rat Peter, of Abt. Ausbildung The students uere sent to Russia in three transports, the last of which departed on 28 August 1951, 3. The training programme for 1952 is being worked out. A two-year schedule for schools and Bereitschaften is to be completed in draft form by 1 October 1951. The first yearls training is to be based in general on the programme for 1951. 4. The objectives of the first year in the officer-trais'iing schools called for the completion of training as platoon commanders in the different arms of service. The second year provides for a first phase consisting of a repetition of the first year's work in infantry; a second phase for platoon commanders with the addition of special weapons training (heavy machine gun, mortar); third phase, familiarization with the tasks of infantry, heavy machine gun, and mortar company cemmanders. This outline of objectives has been approved by the Soviet Control Commission. 4 For the Bereitschaften the tirstyear'a _work palls for training up to. company inIth second year this _training 1,s to be_repeate4 and hattaliOn_training Oan olititte - ' GER CLASSIFICATION 34=14 25X1 STATE rx NAVY SRB DISTRI A.1 1 MTN I 5X1 immy I '1Ati2 RN I Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600420008-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600420008-7 00.D.VIDENTIAZ CENTRAL INTMLIGENCE A0721a . R3i1 is to be brought to completion. The trains ngprogreeea for non-commissioned officer lasts three ren-the, and is organized as special classes eithin the Bereitschnften, which are ttended by 30 per cent, of the total non-commAssioned coeplemert at a tine. 7. The cadre officers' training in the Bereitscaaften is to be continuelas hereto- fore, Me-At hours a week; Komnandoleiter ere to he trained as battOion cam enders erd Abtoilungsleiter as coneany commanders. NO training (ejectives have yet been established for the advancelschool ne; Koehstedt. 8. The future use of HVA effective now in training is a closely guarded .ecret; it will be deternined by the SOC in the light of the prevailing eolitieel attune tion as viewed by the Kremlin, Thus, it is not known whether the preset pc:room-el will conplete in 1952 the second year of the new training ereetutee or will be put through the whole two-year course, eginning on 1 Janw ry 19t nor whether officer candidates now in school will renain there to complete th two. year training schedule or be released for active assignments at the end e the 1951 training cycle. It is certain, however, that all personnel joinig the NVA from no on will be subject to the tvoeyearetraining described ',bats. 9. A reorganization of the HVA in 1951 is expeated, but there are no definite indications es to the form it will take. The following rumors ere current le the KVA: Tharp will be 24 additional'Bereitschnften;jource says this is impossible 'because of the lack of qualified officers. b. Six Dereitscheften or intermediete staffs Cwischenstellen) will be actieread., e. There vill be no increase in the number of Bereitscheften, although a pore: enel increase on a normal scale is possible, Six intermediate staff hondeuartele will be activated, each in control of four Bereitschaften.* 10. Insnekteur Johnahas stated that the development o'the, WA has been reterded because the Russians still hope to prevent Nest Ocrnen rearmament by prepaganda, end political methods. 11, The following personnel changes hey? occurred recently Inseokteur Julius Teigel (HA 7olit-Kultur)? has been dismissed from the HVA, and has also been exnelled from the SED. Inspekteur Sredski (deputy chief, NA Polit-Kuitur), has been dismissed on criminal charges; he has been succeeded by 7Coneandeur eeinrich Dollvetzel? who was chief of Polit-Kultur with the rank of Ghefinspekteur in 1949$ before he, went to Russia for training. Icor/candour Zrain Fmeelbrecht has been relieved of hiseneition with the organizing conmittee for the World Youth Festival, and replaced by KcerAndour Brucker as of C Aleust 1951. It is believed that Engelbrecht is now attending a training course 'in the USSR. 12. A campaign which had been launched by HA Polit-Kultur and Abt. Kader to induce personnel whose contractual time has expired to remain in the service was suddenly discontinued. Komnandeur Schatzele of HA Polit-Kultur explained this on the ground that the methods adopted were not conducive to the strengthening of morale. 13. On 5 September 1951 Chefinsnekteur Dr. Lohlmackt the chief of the medical branch of the EVA, requested the assistance of the HA Aunbildune in drawing up a theoretical training progrenme for 500 nurses, to start on 1 October end last 10 months. Durbin., the training period the nurses would not be members of the EVA, but would have contractual stetus. 14. The following special training courses have been initiated* a. Beginning 1 August, for a duration of 17 day i: heavy machine gun and heavy mortar platoon loaders and coepapy concanders were to be trained in the use Approved For Release 20 : " 25X1 CONFLDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600420008-7 C:5.73:1AL I'7:'alia=C11 =CY - 3 - of their special weapons; location of the training, Kochstedt, G18wen, and ::'eithain. 25X1 25X1 b. oginnina 15 lugust? for n duration of four nonths: non?co-niesioned officers In Eereitsch,ften, to be trained mplatoon leaders. 15. At a oonference of commanding officers at Ktiohennee on 10 September there was a demonstration of a reinforced regitent fording a river against one resistance. This was executed by a reinforced 'Commando, representing a battalion involved in the men effort. Assault boats were used in the exercise, a bridge was constructed, and underwater cables were laid. 16. Deterioration in the morale of the HVA is indiented by the fact that Stab III of Abt. Orgnnisation under Inspekteur Garinper, which handles desertions and similar oases, is swamped with work. 17. HVA indootrin-tion currently echoes the latest SED propaganda line, directed primarily against reviving German imperialism. IF-to propaganda against the Anericans continues unabated.** ** ent: The above report shows that there have been no major changes in the basic factors affecting the conbat capabilities of the HVA. The methodical military training is continuing, as evidenced by the sending of officers to the USSR. On the other hand, there are no signs that a mass army is to be foamed in the near future. The Russians nre anxious, for the time being) to aresemo full freedom of action in determining the rate of exransion? but moantime they are preparing the HVA for cadre functions if they decide to launch an oatriaht romilitarization of East Gerrany. Comment: This is he most generally accepted theory. CONFIDENTIAL' =Ural Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600420008-7 25X1