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Approved ForRkailikiitaining2 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0085006300(11:X.0 25X1 25X1 CLASSIFICATION . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFOR ATION REPORT COUNTRY Europe (Soviet-70ccupied)/US5it SUBJECT 25X1 rLACE ACQUIRED 25X1 DATE OF RIM iv) OB Situation of Soviet Ground Forces from Information Obtained from 1 July to 1 August 1951 REFE YNT CIRCULATE REPORT NO. CD NO. DATE DISTR. , NO. OF PAGES ? 0 , c- --1 O. OF DIMS.,? 1 List,* 1STED BELOW) - SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. rr,r4 1951 WRig HIS DOCIEMLIT CONTAINS INFOIMATIONAFFRCLINGSN6 NATIOOALDEPEOLSE IDOISED SRATBS tVITH1C4 TUE NEANINO OP TES ESPIONAGE ACT 50 C, AX3D S2, AS ACIERIDEM ITO ITIANOISESSION o1E NEVELATIOEI Op an cotritras AEC ISACINEE TO AN EMAUTS011172D PERIL:El IS PRO- IT LAW. illiPRODUCTIOLI OP THIS POEN IS PROSIMINF.4. '131,4,1T.StaV104011tr,AW reff:AS: NOM ? 25X1 25X1 3 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION There have boon no discernible changes in the strength and dieposition of Soviet ground forces in the Soviet-occupied countries of urope up to the middle of July 1951. The replacement of trained personnel by recruits vas completed during the first half of July 1951. The majority of the division: continued training at the troop training grounds and at special training sites during the period covered by the report. GEMANY. Order of Battle. 1. reports in the disposition of the soviet ground forces in Germany up to the middle of July 1951. The following units end rear service installations in the Soviet Zone oi 25X1 ner-ea;? I Ilocation? and date of observation, were confirmed between 1 July and 1 August 1951t SIIQ Units of the Group oflEsmation Forces GormszlEE222 Wndicated no changes 2 ac 18th CO Hy How Arty Brig An Arty Div A Gun Arty Brig 6th (?) Gds AAA Div 32d (?) AAA Div An itigr Regt 8rArE NAVY trailltitent MR No Change In Class. 0 DeclassibdApproved For Class, Changed To: IS 25X1 Auth.: MI 70-2 CLASSIFICATION NSRB 25X1 '3311i1G July 25X1 POT3DAri 11 July POTMAE 8 'hay 23 June AM Area FRANKFURT/ Oder-KUESTRIN area July 1.314ZBURG (?) 1J July OPPID,Effi , I 1 ase120C 3/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 25X1 25X1 ? 4 Approved For1-1 Releattra3ThiEfdittrAyse5770850063001 CONFIDENTIAL 36th Pon Bridge Regt 53d Central Repair Shop 54th Central Repair Shop 123d Tank epair Shop 800th Ration Supply Depot 820th Ration Supply Depot Main Clothing Depot A Quartermaster Depot Main Medical Depot Main Fuel Supply Depot Mn Ordnance Shop A Repair Shop b? Eirhth GuarALIEN0 257th Motor Trans Bn Army Ration Supply Depot Arpy Repair Shop At Fuel Supply Depot Ar.-y Sig Depot Mg. 39th Gds Mtz Rifle Div 117th Gds Mtz Rifle Regt flq 20th Gds flecz Div Hq 57th Gds Mtz Rifle Div 172d Gds Mtz Rifle Regt MI 21st Gds Mecz Div Third Shock Arr.- Hq 3d Gds AAA Div 15th Gds Eingr En CONFIDENTIAII 4001 ROSSLAU '11 (July BERLIN- 11 July OBMSCHOENE- VIE= ViURZEN January LIMULROSE 10 jUly KMCHZOESER SATZEORN 12 July FRANKFURT Oder 11 Jul; BERNAU 6 July scHomma Llay FUEI.:STENVifiLDE 5 jitly vanN 1.5 J3/.714- JESSIO L. July WILDAU 13 ally VIEI7Art ERFURT- MARBAPN 11 July BURGOTAIW 13 July 1:1W MN- 1.5 July BraNSDORF BURGSTAEDT 6 June RUDOL-_,TADT 21 June :EIEINUN 6 July LUTA 6 June NAUMURG 21 June GOTHA. (?) 17 June HALLE 12 July UAGDEBURG 16 June BARBY 29 June Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 UgslAda Ult&Azu IQgZth qd1 Approved For Release 200003N/1081/D1ET 2N:CT TI-.RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 Nat 12th Gds Tank Div; AAA Diva 14th Gds Mccz Div: 6th Gds Tank DIv: 7th Gds Tank Div; 9th Mecz Div: AAA Div: 6th Gds Lecz Div: 7trt Gds Mecz Diva 14000 25X1 Annex 74=ALIQD Bulk at the posts (Mid-July) Signal battalion, absent from NEURUPPIN since the end of April Elements of the artAllery mortar and rocket launcher units in the TUETERBOG area and in JLRICHOW (10 July) 205th Engr Bn in. the JERICHOW area (?) (11 July) Elements at 'aUSTRO* 'I (uncon- firmed) Detachments at LETZLING HEATH (23 July) At JUETERBOG (July) Bulk at WERDER-MARKENDORF (21 July) Detachments at LETZLING HEATH (23 july) Bulk at LEMING HEATH (29 July) Mortar unit in the AKEN area (14 July) Bulk at WEISSWASSER (9 July) Elements of the 692d How Arty Regt at LIEBEROSL (10 July) Elements at WUSTROU (15 July) Bulk at TEMPLIN Elements of the in the JERICHOW (23 July) 22d Gds Engr Bn area (?) (12 July) Elements in the RATHENOW area (until early July) Bulk at LILBEROSL (14 July Elements of the 122d (?) Gds Engr Bn at TEMPLIN (13 July) CONFID*ITIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 25X1 110110Lase_ . _ Approved1 For 9nniingii 7 ? CIA-R111DR2-00457R00850063 011-1 CONFIDENTIAL ? Third Guards !riechanized 91st Ode PI Regt Ho 14th Gds necz Div Bq 6th Gds Tank Div 51st Gds Tank acct 52d Gds Tank Regt 53d Gds Tank Rect. 78th Gds HV Tank SP negt 272d Gds 2ort nogt 3d Gds Ltrcl Hq 7th Gds Tank Div 23d. Gds Utz Rifle Reg t 14 9th Necz Div 69th Ueoz Regt 91st Tank Regt 80th Gds ihr Tank SP Regt 692d Ikmr Arty Regt 616th Uort Regt 82d En-:;r Lh Fourth Guards Nechanised Arave 312th Gds RL Regt 12th Nobile Arty Shop -351,h Gds !loco it 82d Gds Hv Tank SP Reg t 676th Hew Arty Rest 34th Tank Tng in 7th Gds l'ecz Div 6.uo BP Rectt 5th. Gds rItrci Bn Hq 25th TInk DiT 175th Tank Regt Hq fkROPYVJse '003/08/12 4 julY JUBTERBOG 13 July 4ITTEPBER0 /3 July ITTIZTERG 16 Jure jITT2;N MPG 16 June IIITTELIBERG 16 AlTlia JIT2G 16 June arSTAIBOG 16 June 16 June RO.SLAU 14 June KOETIIEN 23 'flay C OTTRYS 29 June G OTT BUS 15 June LUEBBEIT 2 June SPREI,UIRG 18 June corms 8 June LIJEBBEN(?) 18 June COTTIRIS (?) 2 June Ea.:IRSALDE 6 July Vag:IOU) OJT 4 Jul BERIIA_U Jkozr F.ErEas..-aa.ax, 15 Ju],y. BERNAU. 9 .Ju17 BEiiAU h duly FULAST.14.;MAID E. 13 July 4.c.. FUERSTI1MAIDE 20 Jane CRAntlIBURG 23 jone PRAIZIALT 7 July LALj LL 1-i NPIDENTIA Approved For ReleasecippOK12 ? CIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 J.DZIVTIAZ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Movements. 3 Both the officer and NCO training schools in the Kriegsschule, POTSDAll? and in DOEBERITZ-OLLTISCIIEn DCRF were transferred to AENSDORF during the first half of July 1951, The Zriegeschule in POTSDAM was allenealy to be occupied by liari offices from Villa ineenheim, POTSDAM, The uniden- tified engineer regiment el the GOFG from the Delius Kaserne in POTSDAM moved to BERUDURG on not :ss than seven trains during the same period of time. Since the unit iook all of its equipment, repair shop nachinery, wooden barracks sections, and officers g families, it seems as if the regi- ment has been reaseigned bo the MRNEURG military post. 4. Information that the SCC Germany. in KARLSHORST would move to the DRESDEN BAD SCHANDAU area, whicl was received by several sources during the first half of July, has not Ix= substantiated, * Field Exercises and Traininel 5, Division Training. In general, no essential changes in the occupation of the training grouhdu took place between midr,eline and mid-July 1951. The units continued training at company level ands in some cases, at battalion level at the training geounds and thein vicinittesn Furthermore, there was intensive basic training of recruii,s who arrived inthe Soviet Zone of Germany in Jane. Orly some of the recruits joined the divisions at the troop training grounds s while the majority were drilled in special training units at the militar! posts. Night training at the troop training grounds, which began at the ond of nay, was continued during the period covered by the report. It sof-Az that night enereises were conducted during specific periods of time, apparently one Nook per month. In addition to regular training of the ixoops at tha treining grounds, training outside military reservations wee started early this year. Principal subjects of training seem to have been river-crossing exercises involving engineer units. Such exercises, lasting one or tee nooks, were continually observed on either side of the El1:0 River and in tee adjoining hinterland between Dessau and Attenbergoo Specifically, reports on the units at the troop training grounds, and their activity indicate the followingl e0I1 hth Guards Lem. r Area. OIER.DRUF. ? 25X1 qlements of boti the 39th Gds Mtz Rifle Div and the 20th Gds necz Div, and headquarters units of both the XXVIII Gds Mtz Rifle Corps and the Eighth Gds Ari v were confirmed in the training area until mid-J.112y 19510 25X1 /vehicles of the 43d tOda) Gun Arty Brig and the 220th Hy Tank SP Regt were als? in the Ohrdruf area at that time? KINDEL. Araffike????191........ 25X1 Elements of 'he 57th Gds Mtz Rifle. Div -and the 21st Gds Mace Div were at Kindel until mid-july 1951 me training activity of the troops at ,o OTIRDRUF and the KINDEL troop training gryunds could not be determined. T Vehicles nf the 21st ads Mecz Div, loaded with engineer equipment, were observed in the -3.AD KOPOEN infleprand of June and the beginning of July 19510 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/0811-2 : CIA-ROP82-00467?R098600630011-1 Approved For R CENTUL INTELLIGENCE AGM! \ b. Third Shock.lgy Area. 25X1 Letzline Heath. The 19th Gds Jocz Div, the 207th Mtz Rifle Div, and the 7th and 10th Ods Tann-Dive were confielred at Letzling Heath during the second half o; July 1951. In additionX 25X1 25X1 /detachments of he following units were at Le-1.71=g Heath at the same time: 6th Arty Div of the GOFG; 13th AAA Div and headquareers signal regiment of the aghth Ode Armj; head- quartere uni:s of the Jana Ntz Pine Corps, 18th Macs Div and 94th Gds nte Rifle Div of the Third neck Army; 6th Gds Tarll': Div and AAA div felon of the Third Gds nocz Army; and 7th Grin Llecz Div or the Fourth Gds Lem; Army, Individual vehicles of the 8th. Gds flocz Div wmos observed only at the beginning of July. \ 25X1 Ifrom Letzling Heath, vehilles of the 14th Gds necz Dir and the 13th (Ids Hv Tank SP Regt of the Third Mock Army were there at the beginning of Juno; vehicles of headquarters units of the Third Ode necz Army and the 31st AAA Div in mid-June; and vehicles of the 6th Gds necz Div and the AAA division of the Fourth Gds NOCZ Army at the end of %Tone. Hence, it anpears that there have been zo changes in the disposition of units at Letzling Heath, Thie is supported by the fact that only minor movemiats were obeerved in the area during the period covered by the report. The troops at Leteling Heath are quartered in can- tonments in the B0121-PLAMN area and eouth of the MUTSPRIDGE- JABVSNITZ railroad line; and in numerous tent camps in the Ivainz..., LEBEN-LBT41.11310 arn the CC&BITZ ireas. Field exercises observed in the northe-n portion of Letzling loath during the second half of July incluied one exercise in nhinh major components of the 207th fits Rifle Div, and, poisibly, also elonento of the 19th Gds Mecz Div seemed to have participaned, 25X1 BITTKAU, Camp BITTKAU quirtered an estimated 1,200 engineer troops in raid-July 25X1 1951. Both error headquarters and. corps headquarters engineer units 25X1 nf the Third Sheen Army were coninrraed there time in late Jrne and m d-July 19, it is believed that components of the regiment moved to BITTKAU ie June 1951. The units of the 9th. Gds rtz Rifl! Div $ which left SnHeERIN at the beginninn of :',e.y? had not returned to their post by mid-July 1951. The, were possibly still in the CV-VITZ area, east of 3Clio11grekl, * c. First Guards Llechaniz21122mAmst, 'erforts obtained from the KOENIGSEBJECE troop training grounds 25X1 only vanWy confirm the divisions of tne rirst Mecz Amy tnere until June. However, information from the military poste in the army billoting area indicates that no ehannes in the occupation of the troop training grounds occurred up to the beginning of July 1951. * d. Second Guards Vechanized Armitmls . ..o8 t. ui -one e.6on : ooz Div was at :ne eintstock troop traininn grounds on 23 July 1951. The troops war( euartered in a large cantonment east of SCHJUNRICH and in seveeel tent carps at the troop training 0NFIDENTIAZt 101 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 25X1 Approved For ReleasZaMOMMAcIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -7. grounds, Oomponents of the mechanized regiment were engaged in training at company level outside the training grounds whiles, simultaneously, tank units, practiced at battalion level in the training area. Elements of the division's AAA regiment practiced firing at towed-sleevp targets* Host of the 9th and 12th Gds Tank Diva and of the let neee Div were still confirmed at their posts until mid-July 1951. Elements of the divisions moved to the area of IZICHOW on the Elbe River and to the JIM,RBOG area for special training in mid-July 1951. Troops of the AT artillery brigade and the rocket launcher regiment of the Second Gds recz Arun which renained at their quartore in the restricted 'deism Stadt area in ORANIMBURG until early July departed aboard 6 trains between 11 and 20 July? possibly going to JUMRD03 and/or tr2,RICHOO. t Thied Guards 7lechanived Any- Area* a;RDER-':AnIMLDCRF and JITETERBOG. Moments of the 6th Ode Tank Div were confirbed at Camp nERDM- MARKENDORF until 21 July 1951. A bulletin board at the division headquarters indicated that, in mid-Junes eight component units of the division were at the camp These included the four tank regi- ments, the 272d Gds Lert Regt, and the 3d Gds Ntrel Bn. However, it is fairly definitely believed that at least components of both the 22d (?) Gds fltz Rifle Regt and the 385th Gds Arty Regt or Dn. mere also in the cam, In the mornings during the first half of July, the troops left the camp on foot for field training, and most of the wheeled vehicles were on blocks. In the afternoons, training was conducted inside the camp. Occasionally, troops, including tank troops, trained at night. Vehicles of the 7th Gds Tank Div, the 25th Tank Div, the 10th Gds Tank Div, and headquarters unite of the Fourth Gds llecz Army were seen in the !CO area at the end of Jene; and rocket launchers of the rocket launcher regiment of the Second Ode Jecz erpy in mid-Jeezr 1951. Two troop trains left JUSTKRBOG on 21 July? with one going to LIMEROSE and the other to ;;EISS4A3S;.:R. They may have carried units from militare- posts and troop training grounds of the Third and Fourth Gd e Llecz Armies, which had moved to JUILTffiBOG at the end of :Jay and, apparently, returned about 21 July 1951* * nBIeranASSER. Several reports stating that upwards of 15,000 troops were at the WEILSWASSeR troop training grounds also indicated the possibility that more than one mechanized division may have been there. However, this hypothesis is not supported by reports on incoming and outgoing troop shinments and is even refuted, inasmuch as I- r---lthe troops in Camp eBISSOASSeR had come from the COTTBUS-LUEBBEN- 25X1 Fe'71i1730aG neer. 1,e .P;ne hj1i,otinr area of the 9th''Pr"7 0.4v, Tt is tnereIore eiioveU tri-lt the estimaece en the number m (Atrupb ee eBInSWASSeE were exaggerated, but that small detachments of units from Polish-occupied Germany may have temporarily participated in exercises of the 9th TJecz Div. It is doubted, however, that a whole division of the Northern Group of Forces should have practiced at nEISSMASSM CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1 Approved For C sN I ? - ; ; ; ; CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY \\. -g. at the end of June 1951. Reports of early July also mentioned exclusively motor vehicley of the 9th nece Div in the training area and on trains unloaded at the ':411.1:13SWASSYR railroad station. f. Fourth Guark.liqsled",Arm_apa. TE:PLIN, Elements of both tie' 25tle Tank Div and .Ule 6th Gds Nene Div and headquarters units (f the Fourth Gds 1ea& ArNy were coneirmed at Camps VOGEL,SANG and HALT.Jazimuc, at the TiCHIN troop training grounds up to the (led of July 1951. In general, the troops there were engaged in emell-scale exercises at the restricted troop training grounds ad south as Far as the 4ENDENIGK-EXI46rea, recruits trained in the oempe. Training was shifte to the night the fourth week of each month, Several tnits, includeog engineer units, returned to TEOPLIN and th( military posts of the Fo:rth Gds Mecz Army from the RATHENOW area betren 5 and 22 July 1951. he troops and materiel which detrained, included an engineer unit o the 7th Gds Noce Div and vehicles of the 10th Gds Tank Div. See 0.so paragraph 6c0 Engi- neer units feom tte MPLIN area and from poses of the Fourth Gds Mem Army were ehipped 07 ral.1 to the area south JCICHOW in mid-JulY 1951. See also parxgraph 6d. LIeBidiME. ..?????4+?.???..4...? 14.1.4 The LINBeROSE troop traieing grounds was still occupied by oleeents of the 7th Gas Meez Div up eo the middle of July 1)51, Coeponents of the 692d iiew Arty Reut zed of the 9th :7Asce Div arrived at Camp LIEBB- RO6B on 10 July and prolably departed again atter ytaring for one week* Five rocket launchers oi the 312th Gde RL Tteet of the Fourth ads Mecz Army were entrained at IINEFROM, ehipment trward VRANITVeTiOder on 19 July 1951. Night exe'cises? as observed dur.ng the seconc . half of May 1951, were continued at reader intervals ue to July 1951, Advanced combat practice firing TR.S hell by Individual tenks in the LEPOKea- TAUSR area with four to Iix talks practicing at one time, 25X1 25X1 Special 'Exercises. a. Uni,s at the 4USTROW AAA raege until the middle of July 1951 incleded: elemeets of the 2d Gde AAA Div, the 6th (?) Gds AAA IMF of the GOFG? the 3d '3ds AAA D117, and t7le AAA division of the Fourth As Mem ArA7 Report e on rail move- ments fairly definitely indicaie, that elements of the ?Id (?) AAA Div, the 4th Gds AAA Dir, and the ueidentified AM unit fron PARCHIM were also on the WUSTROO Peninsula A that time, The presetco there of units of still other divisions of the GOFG and the arnies is probable* According to reporte of the niolle of Juin, the units ereat to the ZOTRM AAA range for four-weep training cycles. The -information seems true in view of the intensive levements of Akil. units in .he Soviet Zone of Germany? The units at .)USTROW were allegedly engaged in prac- tice firing at towed-sleeve taieets only once I, week duriag the period 25X1 covered by the report. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 3/0 630011-1 25X1 Approved Fo CENTRAL INTELL/GESCE AGENCY 011-1 lather motor vehicles seen at ALTalehABOa in the middle and at the end of June belong, to the 6th (?) Gds AAA Div, the 4th AT Arty Brie of the IV Arty Corps from JUBTRZOG, the 43d (Gds) Gun Arty Brig of the Tiaghth Gds. Army, the AT artillery brigade of the XXVIII Gds 1-4te Rifle Corps, the 18th ilece Dive the 31st AM Div, and head- quarters units of the Second Gds Ilecz Army. The 30th Gds Gun Arty. Brig of the unidentified artillery division from POTSDAM was still at its quarters in the Delius Kaserne in POTSDAM on 13 Jay 1951. However, since a large advance party of the unit left POTSDAM for ALTENGRABOW on 5 July, the unit is expected to move out soon. An exchange of personnel and vehicles belonging to the brigades of the 6th Arty Div was observed between the RATHENOW military post and the ALTENGRABOW troop training grounds in the middle of JUly. At the end of June and during the first half of July 19512 exercises are believed to have been conducted in the 3CHOENHAUSEN-RATHEN04- GROSSBEHNNZ-P2ITZERBE area. Mece Army and the 19th Gds nem Div As several engineer units were seen believed that the problems included the Elbe River south of STENDAL, components of the Pourth tics participated in these exercisesa departing from this area, it is a river-croesing exercise over d, Engineer units of the Second and Fourth Gds T.1eo Armies were entrained at tho military posts and the TEMPLIN training area for shipment to the area south of XI:1MM in the middle of July 1951. No information has been obtained regarding the purpose and duration of the exercise there or of the strength of the units involved. 25X1 25X1 25X1 e. The construction of engineer units in the JZRICHOO area was simultaneous:e to the arrival, in the AKEN area, of engineer units of the Eighth Gds Army and its two -ecorps, the 57th Gds Mtz Rifle Div,1 and the 21st Gds Ueoz Div. It is possible that engineer exercises were to be held there, but on a smaller ecale than that of the exercises during the first half of 27ay 1951. f. Air landing exercises by infantry units of the 39th Gds Nte Rifle Div were conducted between the airfields of ALTENBURG and DRESDaN-KLOTZSCHE at the end of June and the beginning of July 19512 with the troops riding in gliders. This is the first time that the division has been employed in such exercises. During preceding years, only elements of the 57th Gds Utz Rifle Div performed air transport exercises. reported- troop movements from east to west in, the GOERLITZ area at the beginning. of July 1951. Their identity and destination could not be determined. Since, according to unsubstantiated rumors, a large troop camp has been established In the NIESKY- area, it is possible that the troops may have moved to that. camp. 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL 4010001 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 25X1 C ObinDEAT27 A ? ApprovAi ease 2003/08/12 : K '16A-ui-'82-uuziotK0085006300-1 -1 lli CENTRAL organs= AGENCY they returned from the east. The other nine trains which were not observed when returning from the east, are fairly definitely believed to have brought eecruits to the Soviet Zone of Germans. The number of incoming trains with recruits may have again increased by trains which were confirmed ao having departed eastuardn, but were not identified when returning to the Soviet ZODO of Ge ::;ince it is doubted that these six tzains should have returned empty, they are believed to Save brought total of incoming trains with recruits to 53. assuming that each train carried from 1,200 to 1,400 men, the total number of recruits who arrived in the fjoviet Zone of Germany between 1 Jane and 1 July 1951 is estimated at 63,000 to 74,000. The fact that the east- bound trains were sometimes loaded with soldiers and sometimes crafty excludes a similar computation of the number of dischargees. However, it is believed that the number of dischargees was equal to at least 50 percent of the incoming recruits. No trains carrying either recruits or dischargeeo have been observed in KUESTRID since 2 July 1951 however, reports from FRANKFMT/Oder have been conflicting0 reporting from there claimed to have seen no shipments of personnel, both westbound and eastbound, since about 1 July, whereas trains with personne7. arrived from the east every night up to 17 slily at A-, rate of one train per night. f Ispecified that the trains, 25X1 were picked up by shunting loco- motives east or toe toper itiver ana nauiea to Camps GROTTEITME and PUN= in the western sector of SILNEFURT/Oder, where the Incoming personnel stayed for several days and subsequently left aboard regular trains for military poets in ties Soviet Zone of Germany, primarily toward SCH.E1C1.11, Singe reports from =LIMN and STU-41)AL mention the arrival of small ship- meets of recruits up to about 20 July, it appears possible that recruits may have actually arrived at FRANKFURT/oder on sane trains during the first half of July. It is doubted, however, that they should have arrived there at a rate of one trainload per right from 1 to 17 July? 8, Officers continued to arrjve at FRAMMT/Oder aboard leave traina and the Blue Express untti the first half of July 1951 with the result that, for example, the ?Meer corps of the 175th Tank Regt of the 25th Tank Div, which Is at =MIN At present,erportedly increased from 150 to 180 officers? Leave traffic through FRANKFURT/Oder in both directions decreased during the period from) June to 18 July 1951. Some troop units have canceled furloughs for their nyrsonnel since about 1 July. Dat in spite of this, a second pair of leave trains. ran in both directions on the FRANKFURT/Oder-BREST-LITOnK 25X1 line ever/ third day up to the middle of July. 9, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Transn)rtationo The traffic situation of the Soviet Zone Railroads has remained virtually constant compared with the previous month. However, the backlog of loaded c8rc imrva!led5 and as nany as 2021T. leaded rnilroad cars- viore awaitltf; tL0-, patch on 2 Jay. Of these 2,114 cars were consigned to the East and the Baltic. Sea ports. The backlog was probably due to late acceptance on the part of the Polish railroad authorities? CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 25X1 13. The coal st cks (in metric tons) of the Soviet Zone Railroads on 2 July amounted to: 125,679 tons of hard coal, 170943 tons of raw brown coal, 75, 090 tons of brown coal briquettee, 2,204 tone of coke, and 186 tone of coal dust. That is a total of 221,102 tons which was increased by about 54,000 tons as compared to the previous month and constituted about 13 days' supply 14. The park of operational cars amounted to about 75,000 units on 2 July and is still below the intended target of 80,000 cars. An average of 23,000 to 25,000 cars, including from 300 to 700 cars reauired by the L,oviet occupation power, were loaded daily* 15. On 31 2471 the following locomotives were available in Zone of Germany: Parke2EEatlEng-LIEREalives Type of Locomotive Serviceable Under Repair Total or Awaiting Repair German locomotives 3,148 1,619 (learning coal dust) (13) (32) Column locomotives 323 53 locomotives 23 5 Foreigekeowned Narrow-gauge locomotives 147 56 the 3oviet Unservice- Grand able Loco- Total motives .?1111.1.01141?01/m...1111.0....1111....114...........ceumtelbetiVr!LOrivilOCOAC8.??????Ali^ 14,767 764 50531 (45) (-) (45) 376 - 376 28 1,069 1,097 203 209 Total 3,641 1,733 5,374 1,839 7,213 25X1 Compared with the status of 1 April 1951, the stock of locomotives of the Soviet Zone Railroads has increased by 11 units, while the number of serviceable locomotives decreased by 107 units, which is indicative of a deterioration of the repair situation. The scrapping of locomotives has been allegedly stopped, by Soviet order, since late June* 16 flo new information has been received on the park of serviceable freight cars. On 31 Say 1951, 7,802 freight cars and 1,092 passenger coaches were reported as being in need of repair. The return of Gorman freight cars from the U.S.0%R. continued* 17. A total of 376 column locomotives are available in the Soviet Zone of Germany. Locomotive Coluens kith about 120 locomotives 25X1 are still active and stationed in FRAnFURT/Oder. Locomotive Columns 25X1 I frith about 60 locomotives are also active and stationed in GOTTBUS and HGTERSaaRDA respectively. A total of 173 locomotives of deactivated Locomotive Columns' are being kept 25X1 cold at various railroad statibns. Twenty-three express-train locomotives wease reassigned to Soviet Locomotive Column for military passenger 25X1 traffic between the Soviet Zone of Germany and BREST LITOVSK, U.S.S.R. The only chane observed in the locomotive columns was the transfer of 25X1 Locomotive Column from RBEDNITZ to the LIMSOLV area. This transfer may have been only a temporary measure in connection with the 1951 inter- national Youth Festival in BERLIN. It appemrs that locomotive columns in the FRAEKFURT/Oder area were employed at an increased rate during the frw-, 22 '1117Y) 1.1 1(: Ally 1951, apparently hr"-"In'4f 1,71 freight traffic rather than troop movements. During tte period Iroe 27 June to the end of the International Youth Festival, furloughs were cancelled for all personnel operating column locomotives* CONFIDENTIAL oir Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500630011-1 25X1 CENTRAL INTELL/GENCE AGENC42Y 30011-1 18, Principal construction projects: a. The plans for the construction of a second track on the single- track FRAIdKFULTAder-REPPEN and KUESTRIN-STRAUSBERG railroad lines also provides for the construction of a second track on the Oder River bridges at FRANKFURT/Oder and KUESTRIN. b. The MUBUKOg railroad station on the ROSTGCK-ZSflAR railroad line is being improved. It serves as detraining point for the M1STROU AAA range. c. To establish better railroad connection for the Foundry Combine East under construction in the FUERS1ENMRG/Oder are and to relieve the KiaTIOIJIZT/Oder-B1-MIll trunk line, a new railroad line between aRUNOW and ZILTENDORF is planned. In connection with this ploject? the ZILMDCO freight yards requires improveeent. The FRAVKFURT/Oder-FUERSTENBERG railroad line is scheduled to be recon- structed as a double-track line in the fall of 1951. General. a Soviet AAA division is carried in Hungary. On the whole, no eesential chances were dis- cernible in the disposition of Soviet ground forces in the 3oviet Zone of Austria and in Hungary up to the middle of July 19510 20. The Hq 13th Gds Lem., Div eanization0 was confirmed until 22 July 1951, 25X1 The subordination of the 2d Gds necz Div, in the area southeast of BUDAPEST. to the He Central Grey of Forces in BADEN near 1714 25X1 definitely confirmed by a document of August 1950. 22. The observation of AAA units arriving at, and departing from. the APETLeN AAA range since the beginning of June 1951 linaicated that, in addition to the 23d AAA Div in Austria, another AAA division muot be stationed in luneery? probably subordinate to the Central (amp of Forces. Transfer of Units. 23. After being vacated by Soviet Air Force units, the troop quarters in MIENSTADT wore reoccupied by elements of the 9th Gds Utz ti.ifle Div, possibly the 2011th Gds Ntz Rifle Rect, from 3AD FISCHAU at the beginning of July 1951. At the same time, the barracks installation in KAIST,2,- EDELSDORF was vacated by a component of the 13th ads Necz Div and turned over to the Austrian Federal Government. 24, According to an unsubstantiated report, the Hq 13th Gds illeez Div departed from VIENNA between 16 and 22 July 1951. Its vehicles were seen driving toward BADEN and SanECHAT. It has not been determined whether the headenarters was reassigned to another note Traintipre. SWAIM lit