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SUBJECT CUSS!' Fl CATi 0 0047 Approved For RelefiWitbitOSiO8C',:rea-ft 420457R:00850049 IN FOR TO rcrizr CD No. tore Nol7t,h Ko:cen Arm 1,,a,!1/2r..s 2 PLACE 5X1 C ACQU!RED DATE OF 25X1 A INFO. 0,,f0,Vk DATE DISTR. 20 se.c; 51 NO, OF PAGES 2 NO, OF ENCLS, (LTD ELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT Na 25X1 X ? : ? , ? .The clothing fact-a:7 ef :th.(?, 1.18.12LC7Z1,?-.:,,rit Duroau of "the North Zerem Ilinistry of TrartliprvAntAor.,is in a -171110 ono 3,:....rt.orn,4-,nr nortiaccaot . of P10672041 Taedezkrora (1.2:5--35t., 39.-41)c ,.'34,:viltal Pi Pr ,1".L.:- manager is 7.7. cll'olt (,./.1'; 1;,'zr 'h, "scot?. 36,-,, and tho asolgeser 544 - MEP t.Icarau ( -3).&-Z,:i lz.--' ;.:; ?. aged Zi, There ,a-e about 420 trorho2's,,,, mostI,Twomrip and :6-'0 caard8? EquIplIallt oanalate ot 45 naehimz ond '''ITO horse oartoG, ',Iatoi.1.-al ic in,orted craw. :Manc.01-z-la thro.aGil ' the Tra1sportri.tionlari3tr7h Ebtiat 100 ITorth Kora Arrw arytre.rco . are produced daily? Thorn aro'''.:::?7C70,!.a 1-437.1,-4'7,Clar Edigt:,:1,-, 1?:::OrkOro paid from.. 700 on .1,:,,:120C1)- Ilan f..;x3n:171:11:: r_xii. givon a frclo, zeali, lug of a 600-gram zTice.:cation,, eticil clar,. The fne-Lory liar, been rapnrged by the. Transpertatlort :11.7)latry aIn.e,:, tn.lz.,;) 193'5. 7.41or, tl.r.1 euployeso .of the mi...nittry Icgaa 1:77.:.I.,7..1-,tt na:'2-4.? urcif.cri:I.3?, 2G Tho theoor. 65 Faotczy of the, Woro7Zorson ALlry L.1 1 13,3540 the Sn.rls3n ICEmedOtr:,-Prt (123; -.39-12;,,, g40.11,',h Eyoncark, Tho factory' produces rrshla and abells for FISThHIs for Vzo 1:7erth Itoioan ,itrriv,. 10:, , this factory there are attygat 50 oltTilzikq.::::roo 110 offi cc 193.accors9 .. and 140 guardo? SmTlp trou m4 goinl!romiet,,, for :,:),7ociu.c.--..tiou C oze girop tlanotzuria an. cool or,,mer. :.:Zron. Earca,? The factory 1:toem font. Soulot truoics and tamer/ 3r,Tarnoo traet-q,-, The lab,..or?c-,rs t.-Jokri in three shift.% g,L7',:t paie. 1z000 1:,:m to :11,24n uon a ramith and 77'..)cel,:.:re ? a daily ration of '7100.3,L..? of limiters ars z-e'L S:11:7c3 to van around the .factory yr:,?77,::1 fv.c,.;ely, ?. . Tho Iliar4bo: 101 Fac.,-toz7 of thollorth Kon.,,iaa Arcer to laurIde the :Zoixs,-1. lane at Uonrya-ril ryoligma-nvori2 rycnat; Ci.2.5.,46 35'7,46).,.,, an was formerly in Pyongy.,,,vr The,L1-'`,I1 ax- ic :EN :7;0%4,-1 (r: V) -,,,-, 1- ..'44,,-- -,' ' aged 382 foret-.1r ol...s.,:irran of -blao :1:,:Aa, Vilinc:;-, Pecrplo F .L1 CT:Amittc.6 In ,. ryorcuorpttai. The crc inct: lc IT,: V -EL ( ,f; 1 - ) ..rzed . formerly, a tailor* me tlx1 ehrt.T'lxv,:z,a of the -trade uzion I.r1 7,,4 7.1- Von ( A?:?,T; -,k.._.) ), agei 131or-147-: 3avager?,-f ,i',1740 ryongeon4on rtato , ..departrut,,nt Store. Tlizre. are 120 laborors2, of ritx,ra half era 7.1toonv . and 50 office employeesalx.1 gulret,? They p.roeirco 7150 1-Torth !or a. Army1224,..f.'021313 daily trz,t or cloth 'Adeh is 1mportc6. l'riat'..1 1,7,1.-ir.eburS..s,, There axe to tem-hour ,ste.fts daily and the ?T,Jorkers recolvo a cinily. . rition of 600.graris o-f .::c:?, 7!...:o .f.--c-!--o-r.,,,,r ....7....-: 47,1-'17 2..'.777,01.1. 1 7"!,..ill 75 r maaoh.inos pci. five horse carts. . ? CLASSECATION omiti101111r CONYIDENTIAli STATE : H AW 1,'SF:13 F---1 , , DiSTTnOUTICill CjcIFA.6, FLAiEV._1 r;,i,itioug ?. co7,1.7t i AR MY * ? i A; R I 1 Cul?111414:V.JNCPAGF14TiA. CO.LNAVIPHILe, ALudtli TA .:i i;T#, Approved For Rel Document No. No Change In Class. II 0 Declassified Class. Changed To: TS S ?,7 iikAte00a/081a6 :c44k-RDP8A 7,n4t, ---------i7LP By: 40. ISA R008500490009-0 Approved ForReleilfilioth/03i06-t'elAAD1582-00457R00850 CONFIDENTI 2- Yictory- Loons a day, 101 ain a ,h5 amployees, The )0 This factory prf:, las 26 seving rtachino,.: &DIU j zrnfacturi Ochung--A ; To ...gara-ivoni.Tdrr aged 47, is mnagr of thc-. pi - aCeci 2ITh ( The pivat 173mploya 20 oneirsers:; and 50 guk?rds, Th plart prothc mate*Aals are shippad by train fvom by Japaneso-rede tra,ck to the mln pU! Power Plant threlit, the . 1tQ?repilir ? shop itt PYOr Tt.--Itortg tbee eibt-bovr shirts ror both Laborers receive 'M) grams of cisriiar.NAvisero are attached to and talc 5C c..'ploys ten. Plant in in MANG P a-kyon age-d 341 f IC hand. gronadQs achuria to Sokam Stat: E.Jupplied from thz Q4t, 2he 41azacw: of vged 35, Thero /Aro -Icor s a di cl a daily ratien?, Two 25X1A 011oc,c1;-141- 6 0111DENTIAt 4000' Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500490009-0