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Publication Date: 
September 20, 1951
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Gi CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. CLASSIFi ,ATl I 'j ` i`illtOL - U.8. O 'V1CIAL5 Approved For Release-.1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00850 ('41LL2-2 INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone) SUBJECT Stocks of Steam Locomotives of AMXussian Zone Railroads PLACE ACQUIRE 5X1A DATE OF I 025X1X Op YA!3 IM41.40 SUM Td`.TRIM WE MRAW JG O9' 799 @SPTONA ACT eG @. ti. K,,. of Aid!? 8a. As AL.&H713i.?. iY TAti13YDMW"'"" 03 T34i 9TTALA?I3I9 ?P iT WRT)"MTS M AIOY TIATSHVIR TO Ali !iE#GIIY:. _ _.90D PO W011 IS Fade SOURCE CD NO. DATE DISTR. 20 September 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OCLS. B ow) 25X1 A ENV M-14ARTIONMEMOMAT-1 DO NOT CIRCULATE The tabulation, of steam loco,,-,motives is eased on information obtained from official railroad records, dated 23 February 1951. Serviceable engines 3,1`60 Engines deadline d or under repair Z Total 86 1,097 (5) Of the serviceable locomotivesr 257 are being, kept in reserve of which 237 are a reserve of the Directorate General, chile 20 are at the disposal of the Regional Railroad leadquarters.(2) (at the exclusive disposal of the 'CC) Serviceable engines Engines under repair Total 341 376 (3) Of the serviceable engines, 133 are operational hand locomotives are being kept cold as a reserve. Serviceable engines Engines in need of repair Total (1) 158 WT110L - U.S. OFFICIALS OILY ClASSIFICATIi3 'Co FM MIA-- [AIR N. Chan:0 !C Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-R TS $ % 4100 5780850007001 WWII ~_ 48 ----- leis s~a Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500070012-2 o~ --- TROL - U.S. OFFICIALS 0 95X1 A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -2- d. ;ar rov -gag 7 acQa of 600 mm gauge 10 locomotives 750 m- gauge 148 locomotives 900 mm gauge 5 locomotives 1000 mm gauge Total 210 locomotives (6) Of these 210 engines, 66 are not serviceable. o. Forty-three engines were deactivated in February 1951. (7) 25X1A 25X1A C9 (1) According to the last tabulation of available 1ocomotivos dated 31 December 1950, the total number of engines was to 5, 66 3,343 of which were serviceable. See v..e decrease might be explained by the nun ~er o ocornotives deactivated because they were beyond repair,, C' ctio a of the above report,, 2 These reserves were reported previously. See 3 There are no changes in the stocks of colinan 1ocomot Ives , (4) The locomotives of the four columns stationed in Frankfurt/Oder 25X1A and of those stationed in Cottbus and H-ioyerswerda are concerneda see The serviceable engines r, hich are being25X1A kept col at various railroad stations belong to the s1x ?.ocomotive columns deactivated in the fall of 1950, See There is no change in the total amount of foreivn-owned locorotlies 6) The total of narrow-gauge locomotives has decreased by three. information on the gauges of these locomotives is given for the 25X1A first time. (7) m nes were probably deactivated to be scrapped, See CO D~,S~ kVTROL/[ S OFFICIALS 01!1-,Y Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500070012-2