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25X4A COUNTRY SUBJECT 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1C Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0 0 a ;:i411 -61 CIASSIF1CATION CENTRAL 11=-ENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. 60 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. Germany (Russian Zone) DDR Export, Irports, and Requirements of Chenicals tg5t1TDANI_ DATE DISTR. 14 August 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 1. OF ENCLS. Co BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO DO NOT CIRCULATE REPORT NO. Imports of calcined alumlna are urgently needed in the DDR. Approximately two-hundred tons are at present required. The import is urgent because in case of nondelivery, parts of SAG Kaustik Elektro-chemisches Kombinat Bitter- feld will have to close down. The most important supplier of this material and for the Kombinat itself is the United Sterling Corporation, New York and London. This firm also trades under the name of The Propan Company, London. The director of the firm is Sternberg (fnu).* 2. Sternberg is frequently engaged in business with the DDR, especially in illegal Imports via MAG. Sternberg has also done extensive business at the Leipzig fair. He has considerable properties in Belgium where he also maintains a large motor pool. 3. The most important article for import at present is calcined soda. According to the DDR import plan for 1951, an import of 36,000 tons (100 tons per day) is planned. Allegedly calcined soda is used for the manufacture of soap powder and soap. The main supplier is Great Britain, i.e., the firm LW. Hardy t:Cca, London. This firm has also arranged for other Imports, especially of stannic oxide. 4 In compensation for a delivery of 8000 Ions of calcined soda and stannic oxide the DDR delivers 8,000,000 liters of nonmethylated technical alcohol. The first delivery of 3,500,000 liters was shipped on the tanker MARABU from Rostock to Texas City. Transportation and pumping was carried out under observation of every possible security measure and inside a cordon of VP, SSD and boats of the fire brigade. 5. According to a trade agreement between the USSR and the D1R0 the USSR is to be supplied with 3000 tons of methanole. Actually 17,000 tons were delivered by the Walter-Ulbricht-Werke, Leuna, during the first half of the year 1951. Be- cause of a standstill of the Polish coke supply in February, the plants in Leuxacould only feed 2 chambers temporarily, while at present four chambers are again being fed. 6. In r50, 42,000 tons of paraldehyde alcohol mixture were delivered to the USSR. It has not yet been decided whether 36,000 tons or 42,600 tons will be required by the USSR this year. Until narch 1951, 3000 tons of this mixture were delivered per month, in a ratio of 80 parts paraldehyde and 20 parts alcohol. The ratio required by the USSR is 90:10. So far Leuna has not been able to deliver this mdadan CLASSIFICATION . "leilia6a" od 7 STATE NMN X'. NSRS DISTRIBUTio N fj ,,:, ?ri ARMY MR MN J! :L., 21111 -a-obriDENTTAT, TinIcm Lit_ _747^____ 4 .....a_Y- Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00 i 25X1.A Approved For Release 200 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300500003-6 ONTRAL rTELLIGENCE 1G3NCY ? 2 ? . The USSR pays 972 rubles per ton for 100 per cent paraldehyde cnd 410080 rubles per 1000 liters of 100 per cent alcohol. 25X1A Am.* Comment; Sternberg has been mentioned previously in connection with? illegal dhipping procedures WillgiligliMIIIMMONI * however, the 25X1A Nov. York Company has not been identified in the New York telephone directory. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300500003-6