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Approved Forp~Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R0083004800Q '9( btASSIFICATIOI -"- T -4--l 'T ~; _?nn?r rtiT?~ 5. .-. .-_ COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO, bn For failing to safeguard the Corporation's dollar funds properly. T-, '11I ''~2CI T debacle ca ~, 'For not ~. fioxeSeeinr the SS va ~ ,~.,..~ z8', dd For raal .rg; insufficient deliveries to China as co.:ipac d. with the x~es z? us achieved by other Caine-se purchasing agenciesn e t For buying useless goods o CLASSIFICArION Zliz CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY . f ~ONF DEa Gemany (Russian Zone(iestern ~, Current _letivitics of the China Export Coi-porati on October 1950 - mid-=.r BE C REPORT NO. DATE DISTR.. 13 August 1951 NO. OF PAGES 5 NO. OF ENCLS.. (LISTED BELOW) NOT CIRCULATE PORT Rio e Internal Difficulties 7.:, During April and Tlay 1951, rclations betveen the China Export Corporation,, Gr1il9 of 3erlin,on the ono hand, and the China national kz }ort Corporation of Tientsin and the iini --try for Forripa and lntor-nal. Trade, on the other hand, deteriorated steadily. Ernst Er :n9 r=acing director of the China ;xrort Coax at _on9 now x alizes that the East German iiinistxy officials, particularly Ti_inister Tlandl:e; his assistant, Eraznlow, fnu; and the 11inistxy's representative in Peking, Tuerpe, fnu9 are siding with the Tientsin cot_Zpary against hira. 2Q Erlacn has I cn attac1md on the foL orring principal grounds: a. F or originallyy having invoiced goods shipped to Chin, at cost pr ~_ce plies five porcent9 -iLi1e crediting Chirse exports at the for r October 195 0 prices o ., "~1 hough the China t ort Corporat7 cn has r.hade full anon ls, Erben's personal pz sti? e has suffered considerably as a rocult of his fraudulent rot'iod of accovntingo The :SDP '_Tinistayy officials T?.ho pro-- viously approved his r thods have now cc iplcte15 disassociaixd t':rerzselves frosty thin(. Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480003-9 INFO AT I REPORT cD NO. Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480003-9 SECS , T/CONTROL - U -S. OFFICIALS CNLY CENTRAL INTELLICr1ICE 'I.GI 1ICY q . 2 - OW f , For i n d u l g i n g in personal extravaganceo Erben considers h self he Chinese trade ambassador to Europe and is stated to have spent smie 315,000 on clothing, travel, and other personal i.tcm$ e He recently purc:lased a large Uercedes as a second personal care The furnish:Lngs in his Berlin offices, including panelling and carpets, are valued at bet-men X20,000 and )308000, 3, On the credit side, Erben is universally corended for the good prices and tea a beans ese so f Chi , , y n prompt pants he has obtained on the sales o silk, and other exports, M Difficulties and Proposed Remedies Almost all the large concerns which had agreed in principle to supply rolling mill products, machines, chemicals, and surgical equipment to the Chinar Export Corporation during 1951? had failed as of mid-May to deliver any goods iatsoever,, In the rolling mil sector, the 1951 requirements were or'i.ginaDT covered "on. paper" as follow t aA 30 percent of Otto WolffD including suppliers selling through, or in- troduced by, Wolff (Ferrum, Saarbritokenp etc,); b, 30 percent by Otto R. Krause, Dusseldorf (owned by Willy H. Schliecker), including Ernst Meyer of Dusseldorf, Dr, Kroth of Ost,71est Handel, Berlin,, and other associates; c. ISO percent by a miscellanea-is groups, including potential sup'+liore in France, Belgium,, Stiritzerland and elsewhere. 6. As of mid-ray, Otto ;tolff and Otto R. Krause had made no deliveries. Under the 40 percent miscellaneous heading, the following deliveries have been made: Metalinport Trust, Zurich and Paris 35009000 36OO$~ 33 Ocimex, Brussels 00,000 Gerimex, Berlin Others, including Intrac and local Berlin traders 3300,000 7, In all other sectors (i.e., other than rolling mill products) deliveries have not exceeded 9400,000, including goods bought from the DDR to a value of about 110,000. 8. Until very recently, the China Export Corporation had hoped to open up the following principal fields of supply: a, Great Britain, on a free dollar export basis, with valid export licenses E ~n giving the China Import Corporation of Tientsin as the end-users. had hoped to obtain considerable quantities of semi,-strategic materials, including railroad equipment, from Britain, However, the recent r asures of the British Government with re gaad to exports to China have rudely shaken his confidence. b. France, on a free dollar export basis, vrith export licenses for India and Ceylon obtained throufrii bribery. Erben has not given up hope entirely in this direction, but at the moment is unable to find a suitable channel to the competent -French authorities., c? From any western country' including possibly even the United States, via the 'Middle at by means of the barter of Chinese ores against casings., tubing, steel sheet, etc;, In October 1950, Erben eras informed by the China TlationaiilImport Corporation that a railroad line permitting the overland shi%nent of high-grade tungsten and chrome ores ;7ould be in service by March 1951, and that the China Exhort Corporation could then count on regular supplies. Erbcr3 has now been informed that 70 percent of the total Chinese output of tungsten and chrome ores has been rillocated for 1951 for export to other organizations, and that the China La;port Cor- Appro F~~Pe~99991'~It 5' b f 9 3C percent, Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480003-9 SECRET/COINTROL - U.S. OF?ICIAIS ONLY CEUTIL1L INTELLIGENCE, . t 'NCY 3- As.a result of these circumstances. the China Export Corporation relies increasingly on clandestine baying. Laszlo Vasarhelyi of the European Trading Company of Stockholm has had repeated conferences with Erben, and it is likely that he will become the principal purchasing agent for the China Export Corporation. 10. For smaller deliveries the China Export Corporation relies on Iietaliriport Trust of Zurich and Paris and on Gerimex of Berlin. In cooperation with the German trustee for east-west trade, Gerimex has discovered a method of delivering goods to the China export Corporation within the terms of the interzonal trade agreement. Erben, with his customary optimism, has now earmar:md Geritnex for deliveries of most of his electrical equipment requirements, valued at several million dollars. Gerimex has its own separate steel safe in the China Export Corporation of ices, whcrc all its files are kept. 11. Ernst L1ey~er~~'; of DUisseldorf continues to be a regular guest at the China Export Corporation offices, where he always receives a most cordial reception. .He also spends large sums entertaining Erben and other members of the staff. The cordiality is difficult to explain since, according to the Corp'oration's officials 9 Meyer has made no deliveries during 19510 12. Robert P. Schroeder of Ilamburg, litho refines and sells soya beans on behalf of the Corporation, recently visited the United States. Erben is so pleased with his efforts that he intends giving him the exclusive selling agency for Chinese scra.beans4 This move may be complicated by the fact that DDR Minister Georg Ilandke has accused Schroeder of making over 300,000 in. profits. on his soya bean deals. 13, Ocimex of Brussels, which has received tea valued at 31,000,,000 from the 10 1.00,QOO recently remitted to the Corporation between 3300,01)0 and ? 009000 in cash. The China Export Corn oration has lost all confidence in Kratly9 the owner of Oci:ex and of Ancotraria, as a buyer, seller, and forwarding agent, 14, The SS !'!O ;ELL1 arrived in Rotterdam on 15 May 195 with a cargo of soya beans and sills for the China Export Corporation. The Corporation intends selling this cargo for western DII's throui DI organizations in lestern Germany. The cargo is valued at approximately '?2,000,00). Two further vessels carrying soya beans, rice, and silk left Taku Dar during the last week in April and first seed, in I.iay respectively. Financial Notes The China Export Corporation lost over )6,000,000 in funds blocked by the Zurich Volksbank. Me greater part of this sump repre ?ents tie proceeds from sales of soya beans by Schroeder. The monoy crag in tram-it at the Vo1.ksbank for 40 hours only, since the Corporation intended using it for the opening of letters of credit. The moray seas placed in transit at the Vol.-,sbank on the personal order of Erben, despite warnings from the Deutsche Notenbank. 16. The China Export Corporation has another dollar account in its awn name at the Volksbank which it can operate freely,, since the counterpart funds are not deposited in the United States, but in 3svitzerland. As of mid-.Uay 1919 this account had a credit balance of 3010O,0019 366,OOO of which was being remitted to Metalimport Trust. Zurich. SECRET/CO,d'IROL -- U.S. O Fr IOIAI; Ott' Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480003-9 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CE IRTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 17. The China Export Corporation has further dollar accounts in Switzerland, registered in various names and numberso As of the middle of :ay 1951, these accounts totalled betneen 3300,,OOO and ,"400,9000- 10. The Corporation's holdings of dollar bills in Berlin amounted in mid My to appro:.imately w60.,00Oa It also held some 18000,000 western IT''s, some of which were shortly to be transferred to Gerimex0 19. As soon as the SS I10:IELU's cargo has been sold,, Ernst :I,,amlorr, the financial director of the China I zport Corporation, intends to visit Siaitzorland to mare now financial arrangements there. Ile still plans to open an account with Mans Celigman-SchUrch Zc Co 0 of Basel, and to open a small Zurich office under a neutral name to replace Ilobro A.G.; Visit of Chinese Delegation 200 The visit of a delegation of 17 Chinese engineers to Berlin has been anounced for the first half of June 19514 It is probable that Tuerpe., the delegate of the DDR Ministry for Foreign and Internal Trade 8 will join this delegations, which is to have extensive talks rrith officials of the China Export Corporation. No details of the discussion agenda have as yet reached the Corporation, beyond the intimation that the delegation will put forward proposals for the shipment of goods to India and for transportation by rail. Personnel Notes 21, The following notes have been received on personnel of the China Export Corporation: a. Ernst Erben, despite faults vhich have considerably reduced his prestige., particularly among DDR officials, is still regarded as being a capable executive 0 His main faults are those of overconfidence$ overoptimismg and the inability to concentrate sufficiently on any one problemo Richter (fnu) is a complete nonentity and is not taken seriously by anyone except Erben, whom he'serves as a favorite sycophant. c0 Ernst I amlow is the most capable of all the Corporation's officials, He appears to have been chosen by the SED Central Committee to koop an eye on Erben0 d0 Lindholz (fnu) has proved himself to be the best of the senior clerks (:tcferenten) and is the only one to have received an increase in salary, Ram o 7 has every confidence in him, thile he is indispensable to R1chter. e. Kupfer (fm) is the young and not particularly intelligent employee in charge of the machines department, As of raid-4:ay he procured little outside of tyro Diesel engines,, rtich acre rejected by Tientsin, He is likely to be replaced by some one else, f. ScIunid (fnu) is a new employee' moderately capable, to has been put in charge of the chemical and surgical equipment departments. g0 Sinecker (fnu) is another new employee,, in charge of the textile division. He was formerly engaged by the DAIIA furs division. He spent sic months in DDR prisons after a worker in his section at DAHA embezzled some furs and escaped to West Berlin, h. Brod (fnu) is a new man., formerly employed by Derutras, who has been placed in charge of transportation, i, Frau Krause (fnu) secretary to Erbens, is both capable and dangerous. Through her husband she has direct contact with the Russians at Karlshorst0 SECRET/CONTROL - UOS. O ICI lS ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480003-9 F~ICI CENTP&L ImV E LLIGI ICE AMICaY CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480003-9