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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 7, 1999
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Publication Date: 
July 24, 1951
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UNTELLOFAX 23 Approved For Release 1999/09/09: CIA-RDP82-00457R008300410009-0 ono Ctt-SSIFICATION J' ?1?- 1.a'itt~1./w3 trr~ COUNTRY... 'ol sh-flcoupied Gerry an ry TOPIC Mda,itar - Installations in Dranz& 7tiX10 n_ 25X1X LACE OBTAINED 25X1A DATE OBTAINED i REFERENCES_ . PAGES ____2 REMARKS... ENCLOSURES (NO. & -rv a 1a A barrLcks installation, occupied by Polish troops wearing khaki uniforms aryl equipped only -,vith small armor, was located in Danzig on the cast side of ul0lako4~;a, formerly 1';eidengasse, prior to early October 1950. This instal-lotion was enlarged in the spring of 1950, when one more barracks building was constructed. Accor& in to local residents, it ttiasatil1 notlarge enough, and some building compounds on u1, 1slblaska, formerly Lang;gartenstrasse, were evacuated. 2. The farmer ieben Ka? orne, located about lix) meters wort of the Lottla Port near the freight station, was also occupied by Polish troops ,4 arir khaki. uniforms and equipped only with small arms.* 3. Although it was common knowledge artiora ; the local residents that only Polish infantry units were located, in the central. sectors of the city, horse'-drawn artillery units and not more than five tanks were occasionally observed in the area of the city after the fall of 1948 o The billets of these wilts were not identified. 4~ One more barracks installation, occupied Polish sideops, waGrun~- l..ocated in Langfuhr (? . 55/1 43)s on the south " a"aidzka, formerly Adolf Hitler-Strasse Since this was observed orr1 from the streetcar, no details were given.-9--" 5, Undetermined military agencies, including a military court, s,?4a,w located on ul. Gen. Swierczew3kiego, formerly Neu~;sarten } 6. The former Danzig stadium, located on the eastern perimeter of the town of Gross '.alddorf ("! 55/Y 42) near 9oaarcecs apartment, served. as a military training groundo Record practice was held there with infantrymen shooting at targets (Gelacndescheibsn) o 7w The wooded terrain on the shore between the area north of Heubudo ( 55/Y 52) and the town of Neufeaohr ( 55/Y 52) was restricted for military reasons, marked with off limits placards and. patrol- ed by Polish army troops, The reports of guns were heard. in the :LSO., Air F:zr (I ANSI 'It~1T!fl~. S tbI i `r-5 1 /US Ok?r'#C.I.iLS ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-R 25X1A Approved For Release 1,;Wy;RQQ40830041 city from the north and northeast almost we.A6.y., Neither Soviet troops nor Polish sailors were obee,- - ci in the city of Danzig. 9. The MO ( Militia) voivodeship headquarters was located on the north side of ula Gen,, Swieresewskiago, adjoining the railroad line to the east and a UB ( Security Police) headquarters, located on the same side of the street, to the westo 10. Several criminal police departments were located in the former city police headquarters, about 200 meters southeast of Place 1-go Ma ja, formerly Heumarkt 25X1 A * 25X1A The units reported as located in the barracks in- stal ationa, each of which was occupied by two infantry battalions before , orld "Ar I, are believed to be the 13th KB%11 ( Internal Security) Regt and the 60th Inf Regt, both of whom were identified in ! nsi } Previous reports stated that the 41st Arty Regt anc ;n-Cs the SOP( Border Guard) Brigade were located in these e -n; barracks installations, formerly Husaren, Train, and Schutspolizei Kaserne ? 25X1 A sLQW-CON L/us 0 P1CU ONLX Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300410009-0