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Document Release Date: 
April 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
July 18, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R008300160002-5.pdf146.36 KB
Approved For F~eleas~, pp .Q,~/2~- ~~ar'Tr~-'t~i,,, ., ~~'7~a~i~,~~~~OQ~~:~, ~ ~~~~?I~E~~;r s~o._ F`:~c:~'S...__F ~._.EI\IC~~3t1i;~S (~o. ~ ~P~~. ~~:1~~9Af~{{c; ~. 2R ~rc~Yz l9~Zs it was ascertai.nQd that the fuel depot in Dresden/z3.Y~ert~zaxuA ~'Yd ;f'~ 2`~~ szzpp~l.a.eci only Soviet Air ~'Grce ur~ts4 ~ =ixin tYz~~ s~criod from late march ~to 7 ~~ay I9~1 an avera;;e of I~ to ? ra~.Iroad cars, ::;each 2oarYrd with l0 t,ons of fuels arrived at this depots alter wily from ~uarar~iao /.~'a~- ss~:~e ~re:ks~ t'rac bills o.f lad~3~ of those ors have YSeen ret~aoved at the ~resde~= r;r?;~drichstadu fx~:i~ht station and the fi*za1. destirza-t.ions have been chanced on the cars Ta~iv:'tda~a3. xai.lroad cars bound for airfields provided arrith spur '~x?acks eras ~lleE Lc~.~.~-m c3etachc:d from fuel trains at this f`rei~ht station, r.:c>t. of t?~e -fuel arriv~a~.~ at the AlbertYaafen funZ de_,ot is store Lairsea~;~ ~ anc the rest is transloaded. ia~ato Deruna~~t ta:alti trizcka `t'he fuel is t?~on true.~ed. to t?ze airfields :L7 t~pril ~.~ A;~ri.l l~ April 2l }i;:~ril 23 April 2~ ~1pr31 2~ April 3~ xpri2 2 y ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~'~ 25X1 B ; o~? fuel by water knave not been observed, c~.elc'. ~ and. ;,Axe re..~aincier teas truckcsdto I.'.ra:~dis a ~~zxia?,;; the r^lacsrted Yaeriod z;sost of tYze fuel was shin~xd to the Sros:;e~aYaaiaa aix~ F-!~ =~~~ri.~.; td~e ~xr?ioc~ fror,~ 2~ ~~arcY3 to 7 -~a~r 1~~1p t.c fc~Ilot~a.iz nu;.t~ers of raz:Lz~oad ~an1a ~:,ar;~ a:?rivec{ at the Dresden,-Albort:~afen air fora; fucl deaot frorz ~u:aania s 8 6 r 3 Document N~. ~1? D~an~e !~ ~la~~. ~. (~ Dec3a;~~cf~~~ C9a~s. f~a~~~~;~ Ica Auth.: ~ ~-2 Date:l~".: ~ ~~~ t .~ .3 ~o ,sue ~:}ura.~ the ?eriocY from 2ts"arch to 7 ' :~951~ trucks ~ic~:ed Yee drivers of these trucks were civiliarzs~ C#~~S(FiCr.Tln,~, Si~C LL. + QNLY Approved For Release 2000/05/22 :CIA-RDP82-004578008300160002-5 Approved For Release 2000/05/22 :CIA-RDP82-004578008300160002-5 ' 25X1A SCC~T/?G4P "' ' IALS OIILY -..~~4~f ~? ~~'I n Se~~tx?.ty raea.suxes at .the depot are very strictQ the ~~ detai]. :i,s in txza stxe.~agth of about 5p saldiers wearir~ recl bordered gx'esn anF~ b~.ack ~~-bordered- blue epaulets b y~~g -the reported pei^iad 10 i~a~raaz~ ~orkerv were dischargeds a1.1.e~edly because of political ~ax~re3.ti abi'.~~.1:y~ Two of ~theti are said to have beep arr$sted, ~;hec, aztd leaving-the installation the workers have to submit to body che-;ks~, 25X1A, Zt has previously been believed th?tt this large ~z~ c~e~c~te~?ned to the ~''irst ids ~iecz Arnr~y or to the (1QFG ar~d 25X1A ~rxat ai.~? ~'e~rce waits wez-e also supplied by the in:~tallatio~s~ fee 25X1A a~~ ar~catn cis ~o irtfor:eation avaa.~.aabZe which co~ir:~s m....~..~...:P~,..,_,,.,. ' ~~ nf:se tra~.~s.S as aetua~.?.y Cois~n~, frog. Rur~anaa? ~iciwevers it i ;~o; sible ~~'-~.;~~ they arrivacz .~ror~ th?r?~ via Czec~ansloval~:ia the ~d Schandau ._ 'Soy?der-c;r~ssir~g: poiate '~i:he arrival at ~'~lberthafcn of fuel shipments 5 Cam' f C ',~ --;~TCIAL~~ OIti'LY Approved For Release 2000/05/22 :CIA-RDP82-004578008300160002-5