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Approvedr64-14efeWig-200 6-.--ClAIRDP82100457R -4
25X f A
.1149,10,44.e ,f0.11.1?12,?????Y
I.2etween 18 Deeenber 1950 and 19 January 1951, it was established that
the main ration suoply depot in Frankfurt/Oder, was sub-
ordinate to a headquarters in Potsdam It was also learned that all
officers and administrative officers of the depot returned to the
113.,SJ:.,, on 17 January 1951, with the exception of Lieutenant .;olonel
ralinin (fnu), depot commandant, and his deputy, an unidentified captain
(:1d-1), (1)
_2? . Rail shipments of foodstuffs which arrived at the main supply depot between
18 December 1950 and 19 January 1951 included: 10 cars with vezetable oil
from A.ttenber;7e, and (9 cars with noodles and 6 cars with suzar, origin un-
known, on 1C December 1950; C cars with sugar, origin unknown, on 12 Deceabor 1950
1 car with butter and lard from Berlin-Zentralviehhof, and 6 cars with .ried
Potatoes and 5 cars with dried veetab1es origin Imknown, on 20 December;
2 cars with dried potatoes and 3 ears with dried voetablos unlmoun,on
21 December; 1 car Yit,:a meat from 2.erlin-,:entralviehhof on ?2!.. December; 1. car
with neat fro: Leipzig on 3 January 1951; 1 car with moat from Leipzig on
5 January; 1 car with fresh mat from Leipzig on 11 January; and. 1 car nit:.
fresh meat from Leipzig on 19 Januaryo
It wass notable that, with the exception of fresh meat, no more shivAents of
i:oodstuffs arrived after Mristnas 1950, neither from the U?S??5.13., nor froill the
.5ov7iot Lone of :,lemany.p. between 21 December 1950 and 19 January 1951, several
warehouses were co:Apletely cleared. out. The purpose of this measure was un-
)1 Tail shipments of foodstuffs which were dispatched from the sunply depot
between 21 aecenber *1.150 a-id 19 January 1951 included: 2 cars with manned
cherries, 2 cars with canned meat, 2 cars with rice, 1 car with semolina, 2
cars with peas, :3 cars with 1...oats, 2 cars ';:ith. barley, 2 cars with sue:ar,
4 cars with makhorka tobacco, I car with millet, and 1 car with biscuits to
Juoter'oo,7 on 21 7..ecember; 4 cars with makhorka tobacco, L. car; with suzar?
2 cars with canned meat a, ci 1 car with salt to Merawalde on 23 December;
CLASS:FICATiON C(.' TITCAT-777 TG1711.;-; (r
Document No,
rta hi Class.
Approved For Release-7OO1iO31
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2 cars with vegetable oil, 1 car with dried bread, 1 car with
slgar, 1 car with biscuits and tea, 1 car rith canned cherries,
1 car ac-th canned meat and 2 cars with tapioca to Fuarstenbergt!cck-
3antarg, on 3 January; 3 oars with barley, 2 cars with makhorka
I,obacae, 1 oar with canned meat, 2 cars with canned cherries, 1 car
altla oiacuits;, 1 car with tea, 1 car with dried fruit, 1 car with
friel bread and 1 car with vegetable oil to Erfurt on 11 January;
a aara with barley, 4 cars with sugar, 2 cars with canned tomato
aencearate, 2 cars with canned meat, 4 ears with makhorka tobacco,
car rlth vinegar, and 2 cars with rice to Fuerstenberg on 12 January.;
mil 4
cars with peas, 2 cars with tapioca, 4 cars with makhorka tobacco,
Z. cars with sugar, 1 car with dried app122.L_LE.E2_211h noodles and
1 car with veeetable oil to Juoterbog? 111111111111111 on 19
ahjaroents were dispatched between 24 and 31 December 1950, asu'rr'25X1C
canaittee from Potsdam was stock-taking. (2)
Betweall 16 December 1950 and 19 January 1951, motor vehicles of nearby
arm/ ald air force units picked up fresh meat every second or third
day, Trucks belonai t a 25X1C
belonged to the army and were driven by personnel some of whom wore
art r insignia. (3)
.ail ohipments of foodstuffs which arrived at the main supply depot
between 20 January and 2 February included 15 cars with flours, 4
ears with barley, 3 cars with groats, and 2 cars with rolled oats
from ,harzen on 23 January; 19 cars with flour and 8 cars with peas
t?rom ourzen on 24 January; 10 cars with flour, 8 cars with noodles
and i car with meat from Leipzig on 25 January; 10 cars with noodles,
10 cars with makhorka tobacco. and 5 cars with vegetable oil, origin
unknown, on 27 January; 21 cars with flour from .Jurzen, and 16 cars
with flour from Riesa on 30 January; and 1 car with neat from Leip-
zi on 31 January. (2)
shipments of foodstuffs which were dispatched from the main
supply depot between 20 January and 2 February included 3 cars with
makhorka tobacco, 6 cars with sugar, r? cars with noodles, 1 car with
tea ILIO 7 cars with salt to Juoterboa on 20 January; 10 cars with
f:oar, 3 cars with sugar, C ears with noodles, 2 cars with yegotabh
a-A and 2 cars with canned tomato concentrate to Erfurt on 22 January;
owa with canned tomato concentrate, 1 car with tapioca, 1 car with
cakborka tobacco, 1 car with suzar? 1 car with barley and 1 car with
cigarattea to 'aoerswalde on 24 January; 16 cars with flour, which
had arrived from Riesa on 30 January, to Satzkorn on 31 January; and
cars with makhorka tobacco 5 cars with noodles, 4 cars with vinegar
and 1 car with cigarettes to Catzkorn on 2 February. (2)
Trucks Which picked u suo lies y and .2 February every
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shipments of foodstuffs which arrived at the main supply
depot between 5 and 22 February included 1 car with fresh meat
from Leipzig on 5 February; 20 cars with flour from 'hirzon?
and 5 cars with noodles from Heidenau on 8 February; 9 cars
with sugar from Hallo,, 4 cars with tapioca from Jenthin, and
14 cars with vegetable oil from Wittenberge on 9 February; 1 car
with bay-leave nd 9 cars with sugar, origin unknown, and 6cars
with makhorka tobacco from Drest Litovsk on 10 February; 5 cars
with noodles from aeidenau an 12 February; 1 car with fresh meat
from Leipzig on 13 February; 1 car with dried potatoes and 1 car
with dried carrots, origin unknown, on 14 February; 2 cars with
dried cabba;e and 9 cars -with noodles, origin unknown, on
15 70bruary.; 6 oars with noodles from fleidenau on 17 Februarn
20 cars with flour from Wurzen? and 5 cars with salt and 3 cars with
suoar, origin unknown on 19 February; 1 car with fresh meat from
Leipzig, and 1 car with dried broad and 2 cars with canned cherries
origin unknown, on 20 February; 1 car with fish from Leipzig on
21 February; and 4 cars with toa from Brost Litovsk on 22 February .(2)
10,, Rail shipments of foodstuffs which were dispatched from the main
supply dopot between 9 and 21 February included 16 oars with flour
25X1C to Jueterbog, on 9 February; 13 cars with flour
and 1 car with cioarettes to lporswalde on 10 February; 9 cars with
sugar, 4 cars with dried bread and 3 cars with flour to the main
supply depot in 5atzkorn on 11 February; 3 oars with makhorka tobacco
chd 1 car with bay-leaves to the main supply depot in Satzkorn on
70 February; 2 cars with dried cabbage and 6 cars with noodles to
Satzkorn on 16 l'ebruary; 8 cars with flour to Jueterbo,;, 25X1C
25X1C on 19 February; and 2 cars with mixed supldies to ruerston-
bero .:Foklenburz on 21 February. (2) and (4)
11? Escorting personnel stated that the same nuMber of railroad cars
dispatched from h'urzen to Frankfurt/Cder also goes from ',-urzen to
the supply depot In Satzkorn. (5)
12. Between 5 and 22bruary the following trucks-which picked un fresh
meat every second or third day were identifieth
13. After 15 February, a largo quantity of field kitchens with tuo
rubber-tired wheels and field bakeries with four rubber-tired
wheels arrived by water at Frankfurt/Oder-winter harbor from the
OeS.S.E. via Stettin and were stored in the two warehouses at the
harbor. (6)
14. Rail shipments of foodstuffs -which arrived at tho main supply depot
between 26 February and 9 parch included 10 oars with makhorka tobacco
from Drest Litovsk, and 6 cars with vegetables oil from iittehberge
on 26 February; 1 car with meat from Leipzig on 27 February; 1 car
with dried brad and 9 care with noodles, origin unknown, on 28 Febraar:y-;
r. cars with Tlakhorka tobacco, origin unknown, and 1 car with tea from
;attonberge on 5 :ItIrch; 3 cars with vegetable oil from .ittenberoe
ou 4 carE. with peas and 2 car8 v)Ith roiled cat, oriLln
uemorm, 3 cars with barley from alrzen, and 5 cars with noodles from
Heidenau on 7 ::arch; and 1 car with meat and 2 cars with canned fhsh
from Leipzig on 9 ',larch, (2)
L1:017, 7_,?` ....1,6,0111411401.LY
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Pail ahipments of foodstuffs uhich were diapatchcd from the
main supply depot between 2h Pabruagy and 9 March included
9 oars with aoodlos to Erfurt on 24 February; 1 car with meat
sad 1 car with dried bread to 'Catzkorn, and 32 cars with flour
to Jueberbog on 1 March; 4 cars with dried potatoes? 2 cars
with dried carrots, 2 cars with dried onions, and 5 cars with
dried cabbage to the 7.15n. on 2 March; 7 cars with rice to
ataYorn oh 5 UarchI I car rith rice, 4 cars with zugar? 2 cars
with salt and 2 oars biscuita to Fuerstenberg on 7 March;
2 aars with cegetablm oil., 2 cars with canned tomato concentrate,
1 car with matches, bay-loaves, pepper, tea and ci3arettes? 1 car
with rice, 2 cars with flour, 1 car with'peas and 2 cars with
barley to Juoterbog on :larch; and 3 cars with sugar, 2 cars with
laLacrita? 2 cars with salt, 2 cars with barley, 3 cars with groats*
3 cars with peas, and 1 car with pepper and bay-leaven to Wurt on
9 Ma-ch. (2)
Rs51 sh%pmonte of foodstuffs which arrived at the main aupply depot
batmen 1 and 27 :larch included 3 cars with bianuits and 3 cars
itJ barley from ";:uraen on 1 :larch; 3 cars with biscuits and 3 cars
alth barley 4:roti Jurzen on 10 Ilarch4 6 cars with dried patatoes,
6 cars with liried carrots, and 3 cars with dried bread, origin
unknown, on il Larch; 6 cars with dried cabbage, 3 cars wlth cirki
carrots and 2 oars with Oricd onions from direction of Poland on
13 Lorch; 6 ears with dried cabbage from direction of Poland on
lk Larch; 17 cars with flour from Arsen,) and 5 cars with noodles
fron ;Ieidenau on 16 larch; 9 cars with noodles from Ricaa, and 1 car
with drier) carrots and 2 cars with dried cabbage from direction of
Paland on 17 March; 6 cars with dried potatoes from direction of
Palandl 23 cars with flour from ,:urzen, and 1 car with fresh meat
_Croat Leipalg on 19 :'arch; 9 cars with veaetable oil from dittisnbeaae
on 21 narch4 13 cars with flour from Riesa on 22 narch; and 14 cars
afttn makhorka tobacco from 'West Litovsk on 27 MarchG (2)
ahipments of foodstuffs which were dispatched from the main
supply depot botaean 12 and 30 triarch included 3 cars with bar1eY0
1 car with sugar, 1 car with bay-leaves, pepper and matches to
BUoratenbsral and 1 car with makhorka tobacco, 2 cars with groats
and / car with bayaleavea? pepper and bsicuits to Ebarsweide on 12 1:archl
16 cars with flour to jueterbog on 19 arch; d cars with aroats,
h aara with flour and 1 car with salt to Erfurt on 21 Tlarah; 3 cars
withaarcats? 2 cars with flour, 1 car with biscuits, 1 car with peau,
2 cars with maitorka tobaccos 1 car with canned tomato pu1p and 1 car
al ah vaactahle old to jaisterbog on 23 ::arch; and 3 cars with makharka
tobacco to Satzkorn an 10 /larch,
The warehousea, which wera cleared out some time ago, have repeatedly
been restocked with ration suaplias since then.
.riviet soldiers were seen digging fokholas and slit trenches for the
pemonnel of the =ill supply depot after Easter 1951, Ce 29 Uarch?
voadicra.unre seen digging ander -101ts until 10 p.m.
2C, Th' aviousIy mentioned field kitchens and, field bakeries were still
storad in the two warohouses at the Frankfurt/Oder winter harbor an
.20 7.1areh., There were about 300 field kitchens and 25 field bakeries. (6)
:;CRET/A.ipa, -MY
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Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100820011-4
21, Rail shipments of foodstuffs which arrived at the main supply
depot between 6 and 14 April included 1).4 cars with sugar from
Halle on 6 April; 1 car with meat from Leipzig on 7 April;
11 cars with flour from Riesa-harbor on 8 April; 1 car with
herrings from Satzkorn on 9 April; 10 cars with vegetable oil
from Wittenberge on 11 April; 1 car with meat from Leipzig on
12 April; 6 cars with groats and 5 cars with flour from Heidenau
on 13 April; and 2 cars with dried bread, origin unknown, on
14 April. (2)
22a Rail ahipments of foodstuffs which were dispatched from the
main supply depot betweon 5 and 14 April included 2 cars with
rice, 2 cars with makhorka tobacco, 2 cars with aroats, 2 cars
with dried potatoes, 2 cars with flour, 1 car with sugara 1 car
with semolina, 1 car with salt, 1 car with vegatable oil and
1 car with matches and vtneaar to Jueterboa on 5 April; 4 aars
with noodles, 2 cars with reakhorka tobacco, 2 cars with peas,
2 cars with sugar, 4 cars with alt, and 1 car with vinegar,
Pepper, tea aid matches to 13rfUrt on 6 April; /4 eastbound cars
with noodles, on 7 April; 23 castbound oars with noodies? on
9 April; and 4 cars with makhorka tobacco, 4 cars with noodles
and. 1 car with pep' and by-leaves to Fuerstenberg on 14 Aprilu
23. 0n 11 April, Lieutenant Colonel alinin fnu)? chief of the main
supply depot, was rather suddenly ordered to -Moscow for a con-
ferance. (1)
240 Rail shipments of foodstuffs whiclfarrived at the main supply depot
between 15 April and 17 May included 5 cars with noodles and 1
car with dried bread, origin unknown, on 15 April; 3 cars with
vegetable oil from Jittenberge? and 7 cars with flour, 3 cars with
peas, 5 cars with groats and 5 cars with barloy from brzen on
16 April; 4 cars with makhorka tobacco, 1 car with powdered
muatard, 1 car with artificial pepper, 1 car with bay-leaves and
2 cars with tea from Brest Litovsk on 17 April; 10 cars with
flour from Heidenau on 19 April; 5 cars with noodles, origin un-
known, on 20 April; 8 cars with buckwheat and 4 care with makhorka
tobacco from Breat Litovsk on 21 April; 5 cars with flour, 4 cars
with peas, and 4 cars with groats from 'WUrzen and 1 car with makhorka
tobacco from Brest Litovsk on 24 April; 14 cars with flour from
Wurzen and 5 cars with flour from Magdeburg on 26 April; 8 cars
uith makhorka tobacco from Brest Litovsk on 27 April; 1 car with
moat from Leipzig, 2 cars with herrings and 1 ear with fish fro.a
Satzkorn, and 1 car with makhorka tobacco from Lest Litovsk on
29 April; 10 cars with flour from LIagdeburg, and 20 cars with
flour from VjUrzen on 30 April: 14 cars with salt from Stassfurt,
and 6 cars with noodles from the U,S.32. on. 4 May; 44 cars with
sugar from Haile., and nositz on 7 6 cars with flour from
WUrzen on 9 Ilaya 11 cars with flour from ilurzen, ad 10 cars with
flour from Riesa on 12 May; 6 cars with vegetablo oil from
Wittenberao on 13 Ly; 1 car alth neat and 2 cars with salt-water
fish from Leipzig on 15 7Jay ; and 6 carswith noodles from Riesa
on 17 Ilay. (2)
25. Rail shipments of foodstuffs Which yore dLapatched from the main
supply depot between 19 April and 13 May included 1 car with rices,
2 cars with aroats, 3 cars with barley., 2 cars with biscuita, and
1 car with salt to Dresden on 19 April; 9 cars with m*horka
tobacco, 3 cars with vegetable oil, 2 cararAth biscuits, 3 cars
with barley, 1 car with bay-leaves and 1 car with artifiainl peppgr
nd 17,-wdered mastard to -Uale supply depot in Satzkorn on 23 April;
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Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100820011-4
ClxIulfilp,..441. 4 2
A0,4 r9r3.,L
12 =ars with flaorl 3caxs with peos,t2 cars.vith ,7roats, 1 oar
with biscuits ariffl 1 ear wtth artificial pepper, povIdered mustard and
by-leaves to Junterbog 24 April; 3 or with noofaen/i j cars wit
vegetable on, 1 car with malt:hi-irk& tobacco and 1 oar with flora' to
nerlin on 25 April; 18 ears with flour to JnoterIxc on 26 ilpril;
10 cars ylith flour to Tlx1rowa1de, and 10 cars with flour to Jueter-
bog on 1 lay;2. cars with bay..leyl, 4 oars vdth gagar? 3 cars with tabic oils oil, 5 ears ntth noodles and 1 car with matcl..cs to juoterbos on
7 ay Ccaru with salt, 2 cars with makhorka tobacco, I t:arwith
thicdtiroad and 6 ears with rood] to Jueterbo on 8 .7ayl 4 cars
with barlej, 1 car wIth 1uc1sthent2 2 cars with mhhorka tobacco, 2 cars
with rolled oats, 2 cars with flour, 2 cars with sunrp 1 car with
dried head and -2 oars with canned fish to Drew-len on 9 aw 6 cars
with uakhorka Wmcoo, 5 cars with biecui-!.,s,2 csxs with canned focd;i,
1 car with L;reats4, and 1 cnr with artaicial rapper, rovtidered mustard
sad tea to 8etzkorn on 10 '.'lay; 7 cors with Mom- to 16,sbkr:oso on
4sy,!, 1 or with .z'tanorka tobacco to ;.1crwaldeon 1:':,:,a 2 cars
wjth pcas, 1 car wit...! rice, 2 cars with ;:rosts? 1 car with Imu!e:wheat?,
1 car r:Tith oarDd fruit, 1 car -r.rith canned _Cisb, 3 care win mhorka
tobacco,i. 1 car with ten, 2 cars with barley, 5 cnrE noodles, 2
cars wit 2 car with canned tomao pnlp to:The::-..swaide on
18 and 1 car -with biscnitso 1 car with ealt, 1 car' with nukhorka
tobacco, 1 car with flour, 1 car with pea:,,,,? and 1 car with vtnegar and
artificial pepper c Lieberose on 1: Lay,?
26. It was confirmed that which is assicned to the nain ration
supply depot, also bolons to the materiel depot at the witer harbor.
There was no ets.ange in the previously mentioned sttick Of field kit-
chens and field b47e:eries in the winter harbor depot, with the exception
of 6 field kitchena zhich were chiped to Liebarbon on 7
27? 'Op to mid-Tiaj.? the warehouses of
Odor were 'steeted up a!-:,ain The
fresh moat and conned food. Twb
to receive 25 carload* of flour.,
to arrive,
the main supply ?.:3epot at FrAnkfurtiv
Tall of
sections of the Ilevater were emptied
ere shipments of flour ware expected
28, Lieutenant Colonol Lainin (Cm), chief #7,f the main ration supply
depot, 71110 recent17 returned from a oenforenoo at roscuw, 7ent on
leave on. 9 114y,? DeOat,f chdof TRW :sjor .(fau).0 ,f211). aficcr who
has been proNoted rocentl.,T. (1)
(1) Uonfirms.the 1ar,7e 820th nation
PAchter-arasse uAtil a?195L
is listed as depot emanndant.,
(,fnu) in reported for the first time,
lar:o pumentacc of incoming and oftt,:;oin,7, shipuents wefo also IT,enttoned
In nnnerous pre-vious raperta on rail no7ments, Tho pre:i.zert report
gives fairly co lplete fi4ures of indoming and',. rail shipment s?
The motor vehicles no3Itionet.3 in paraph 5 be to the 32d Div
of thaCi0120? to the 7th CAts Liecz Div of the TourtA C.;th.3 P007 firrr, to
the to unidentified air force units and to the Ot,01: Veh
In paragraph 81 and 12 are identical with these in 1,7,,,ara::ra21:,5.
. (3)
Supply Lep
the, 501',1
on Cr
Kalinin (fnu)p 25X1A
"Ir"'" 61All
Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100820011-4
Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100820011-4
5 AL,
25X1C (),,)
7 -
vas probably confused with which was on
Soviet documents found at the Pacheberg Kasernet, Jueterbog
on 29 January 1950.
The eooth Ration Supply Depot of the COPG, is 25X1C
located in Satte,korn. 25X1A
Pmbabiy a distributing point which IA attached to the aupplY
&rotrunerous vhip'aents of field kitchens to Soviet units
at Iriws places in the Soviet Zone of Germany wore mentioned
previous reports on rail movements.
tja171:T/CCUTR04/7,1S t
Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100820011-4