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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 3, 1951
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-Jia ANC drIll s ? I im 4. 1.4 44. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R008100810002-5 ,1 4 i ?..41t TRY ?REPORT Troo7.3c. .-Lztnrrrinr-,- Zeinverin 4451.? EVALUATION.? PLACE OBTAINED DATE OF CONTEK DATE OBTAINED. REFERENCES__ 51 ?ATE PREPARED_ 3 July 19 (NO. a, REMARKS 11????464.401. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 0 7 and. 8 June 1954 the artillery -unit from lustor8trasao? .:;chwerin (L1 9.1./T 46)4, returned tnteran, 4'.te .installation included joen occUpiel by 25 171011; truck rucks e ch of which carrlec, to 3' of 122-Irga. the Kruegor c)11 I'lx.lwigs'50X1 -HUM to itt qartr y road A column occupied by 3 officr64 truck town :: a ,aeld kitchen find men and . towed an artillery -50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM thei .woltkE& 1-aserne on IludwjgJut.t, iuts occupied by 1311.I.NT - 50 olfftlers With 6 tanke, The bulk of v.,on troops 2.rom the :installation was 50X1-HUM a11 cu bivouacking in the wood S near Crivitzx soutizeast Jf":.;chwerin.;, sentries r 'toning off the woods and tanh tracka lezidinc; into 'Ile On 8 ,J:fliler; the Adoll' Bit:Ler Ka serrie on Ludwicslusterstras,:e qu-Artered a rear unit of about 209 troons,?latf,, nono black-bonlcrod rod ts.-klial Tructvz; 50X1-H UM Imre, soen boauc,O 6ua iuntailation* IL, On 3 t3-1,7flei 0 the Prit soh tasern on Johaule6 L;trar,-,c ? by only a ruArd dotachmnnt". Snro-rins worn ?q* ened to be ?coupled 50X1-HUM On 3 June., the landenburg tern e 3ue Str owerstrafil7e quartered. the troops . ol-13erved t11er.2. Troops wore seen eric3:7,ed in close-orcier drill at plat ox leirel and moving out. for f Sentries wore rb0.37110-re,r1 epauletso (LASSiRCAiio'1,TSCFICji 01?1,./7-? No. IMPnge II ClassEJ. ' ? TS `itt-2 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R008100810002-5 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R008100810002-5 50X1-HUM uomr.ent,, Since the. Krueger Kaserne wit the roltke Kaserne f&rit one 50X1-HUM ,30-lereirlaTireting areao it is difficult to tlistinfluish thq brrrsnr; pertaininc to sitiley, mtI1atori According to the size 50X1-HUM of its artillery pieces# the unit raturrung t.c ?t. rtogr baserne is believer{ to hzeile bee.n the 11,5th How Arty Rogt tip!: 94th. Ods Litz Rif:1z Div", TI.R1 unit from ..tthe 1.1oltke Kasiltrne which bivouacked at Crivitx ITa pose:1111v the, 71,-ti (Hy 7) Tank, SP Re of the 9th Gds. iltz Rifle Div? -HUM the Adolf Hitler- 50 kaserne andt,XhA1 nave been occupied at the end of liay 19510 50X1 -HUM The present rek3ort indicates the possibility that 0: enents of 286th Cris Ins Rifle I.v.egt of the 159th Ode Sig Bn and of the 107th Gds tIngr Ba of the 9ht1i Gds -ktz Rine Div, Which-are carried the loft loft for field exorciseso motor ?vehicles.- at the Adolf Hitler 4a3erne, 1.11Cialed. MOB 150X1- whir' -- .74.- the fire,4t-tizazo HUM cumentp The Hircleriburg allay partially occupf.ed at 11.t..1c of ?way 1951, pre,330:Itt; report indicates that the 132d Ode Arty Regt (?) of _the L Itz 50X1-HUM Ocrixii, which is cariied there, may have returned tO t.4a installation in rar)vjune 19510 while the. unidontified rocket laixacher .NIgiment (?).,y 2-,>ob311 )ly 10th Ods :i. an1 the bridge construction unit), -,probably of the IX Rifle50X1-HUM Corps? were -pre:Ably still out for training,: 50X1-HUM Alg sanzVdouraa OFVI1IAL5 ORLY Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R008100810002-5