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S , Approved For Release Id 4.1 .41,7 4 fi 4 4. nem., 0,12.114-1..4-1444. 4.? t?La , (V 045' 7' REPORT NO 25X1 25X1A EVALUATIOR.,:- PLACE OBTAINED QATF OF CONTEN DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PAGES?Ji?,...ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPO_ REIv'ARKS 25X1C DATE PREPARED SOURCE 25X1C 25X1C 25X1C 25X1C Altenhain. ftIONO10.11110?111.1.1. 25X1A *r..edr.AwNWO,VA,.MWOTIA,Vrr 25X1X In 19 that - M 1. 500 source learned at the ammunition depot at Altenhain (N 52)M D; 41) contained 96 ammunition storage bunkers each with a floor space of 80 to 100 square meter and a height of 2.5 meters. The bunkers were square structures and scattered in the woods in the depot area in accordance with safety regulations to prevent an explosion in one bunker from affecting other bunkers. Utility buildings and the filling installations were located in the southern section of the depot area0 Two stock record cards found at the deport area o 1950 were made out for 7.62-rn model 19 8 carbines nufactur in Izhevsk in 1943v ' and Lieutenant Ea ov fun) on 1950. (1) 25X1C nd examined b Gds rajor ratveyev (fnu) belonging to Uohenleipisch. 25X1C 3? In the afternoon of 1950, a unit of about 150 sc:diers under the command of a ma tk practicing in the terrain near the 25X1C ammunition depot of Nohenleipisch (N 52A 03). in the training area. Upon completion of the training the soldiers marched to their quarters in the ammunition depot. (2) Mxit Ke 40 On 1950s nine ferroconcrete bunkorss each with a floor space of mo re and a heinht of 10 meters.; and 11 earth bunkers each with a floor space of 8 x 15 meters and a hnight of 6 to 8 raters, were observed in the depot area. The unit which was eesn practicing on 1950s was Observed to be quartered in a settlement between . Hohenleipisch and the ammunition depot. According to civilian 6:011FIDENTIAL, CLASSIFICATION SECRMYCOTITROLAIS OFFICIAL3 ONLY 25X1C 25X1C Approved For Release Document No, h Ho Change In Class. 9DeiessHisll Class. Elangsil To: TS Auth.: Date: eel II.0 A-p; esA ?es: 000650009-7 25X1C 25X1 C 25X1 C Approved For Releam29,9 RitZ CO 25 1A 7R0 -7 workers g the buildings adjoining the settlement on the north housed the headquarters and administration of the ammunition depot, garages for motor and horse-drawn eehiclea, aralofficersi mess, a kitchen, and a dispensary. The depot area was strictly guarded by double sentries and guards on watchtowers. On . 9501 it was learned that the depot employed 500 to 600 German laborers wrie ailed fixed ammunition, mortar shells, ?and, recently, also aircraft bombs. The ammunition filled at the depot allegedly included 20-mm and 76.2-mm high-explosive AA shells, high-explosive and armer. piercing tank shells, and 122-mm mortar shells. The shells were said to be ? of German and Soviet oriein. An informant stated that three boxcars were loaded with shells at a rate of 20 tons per boxcar on the morning of Another boxcar was loaded with 7602emm AT shells on ammunition had been filled and prepared at the depot. The consignees could not be determined. mortar 950. 25X1 C . The 25X1 C 25X1 C 8. On 9500 items learned that Major Lavrenski (fnu:! was commandant of tue ammunition depot, and Captain Zavalnikcv (rnn) his deputy. Toeechin. 25X1 C 9,, Fro f 1950, one of the work crews employed in the annum: on po a oepdhin N 53/Z 91) cleaned and packed 2,400 cartridges and shells of about 70omm.'Each box containing one projectile and one cartridge case welshed5 kg. The cartridge cases were about 70 cm 25X1 C loog. Between 1950, fixed amrunition of about 30-mm was cleaned at the depot and peered in boxes, adth each box containing from 25 . to 30 shells. The cartridge cases were about 25 cm lo and the projectiles extended beyond the cartridge cases about 7 cm On 19500 40 box- 25X1 C cars were loaded with artillery ammunition packed in boxes, with each box containing three shells and weighing 91 kg. The shells were 70 to 75 cm long and of 100-ma to 120 ii caliber. Each projectile had a bakelite cover with a blunt head. The shipment was consigned to Frankfurt/oder. 25X1 C 10, Frn 1950, all work crews were employed in loading work. 25X1 C On four boxcars were loaded with boxes of fixed ammunition, each box containing from 2 t f about 30-mm c e An 4 'Iki which 25X1 C had been cleaned from was loaded on 25X1 C On 19509 emmun cion 00XES weighing about 4 kg each were un1950. 25X1C loadea. 3 All outgoing shipments were consigned to, and all incoming dhipments arrived from Frankfurt/Oder. In addition to the loading work done by German work crews, it was observed that Soviet personnel also did loading work at night. 111111111 25X1Cil, On 1950, only 4 of 20 a licantsware found suitable for work at the depot and were hired. Lieutenant Colonel Goluchov (fnu) was identified as belonging to a unit with the cover name rarinka. in 4...c., 0 FiEcror/ r` . 'f tea ustalikiny Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008000650009-7 25X1 C 25X1C-3., 25X1C 25X1C14 25X1C 25X1C 25X1C 25X1C 25X1C Approved For RetentattOMOZETVAADRA2-00 CON3CIP10014101_ 50009-7 Lattervielde (N 53A 92) railroad station aboard a.tra n of 7 flatcars and -2 boxcare. The train had been dispatched by The unit left by road toward Totpchin. (2 in the afternoon of 1950, the same train was boarded by an AAA unit Which, according to its own soldiers, had been relieved from emplace- ments near Toepohin. The train departed for FUerstenwalde, having shipment- record No 75733oOn the afternoon of 1950, a similar AAA 25X1C unit was loaded in Toepchln for shipment to Fuerstenmalde. (4) in ruerstenwalde. 25X1C At 3 a4e. on No 86/62310 At 3 nano on shilaln( /0 1950, 25 boxcars with ammunition shipment-record Frankfurt/Oder for in Toepchin. (3) 25X1C another slaipment of 2S boxcars with ammunitions, 309 arrived from Frlokfurt/Oder? also coneigned to Er incoming shipments of ammunition. were 1950. eeve erom The following shiomonts of ammunition were dispatched Toepchin between Date Number of Boxcars enipmeno-record No 9 boxcars 9 boxcars 62/6733 6 boxcars 62/6739 10 boxcars 62/6731 2 boxcars 62/6737 12 boxcars 62/6732 8 boxcars 62/6758 8 boxcars 62/6740 17 boxcars 62/6734 1 boxcar 62/6741 11 boxcars 62/6742 16 boxcars 62/6735 16 boxcars 62/6736 Dispatcher 25X1C from the depot at Receiving Station Roederau rinow (7) rinow (7) Dannenmalde Dannenwalde Juaterbog-Altes Lager Juaterbog-Altes Lager Altargrabow Altengrabow Altenhain Chemnitz, main railroad station Altenhain Rathenow (4) The loading of ammunition has been done almost exclusively by Soviet soldiers since Etv6mber 1950, whereas German workmen had been previously assigned to this work, The ammunition was cleaned by a large number of German =men. SECRET/CONTROL/US 0 C Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008000650009-7 Approved For ReleasERNAvstwaiucimRaDAB-Riits7R 4 ZZitiir-i ENT"; 4o-l1mersdorf? 25X1C 16? On 1950, a shipment of 40 boxcars carrying a total of 600 tons of tamt. .-?771man1tion, manufacLaoci in 1949, arrived at the ammunition depot at Viilnorsdorf N V 2 'rom Frankfurt/bder-border. The shipment was 25X1C consigned to 17. No outgoing shiwnts were observed between 1950. 25X1C Shipments of ammunition which were hauled off from Wilmorsdorf by two 25X1C *octal locomotives on 1950 included 12 boxcars tith 160 tons of artillery ammilnition for Juetorbog, shipment-recore No 62/6749; /8 boxcars with 270 tons of tank ammunttion for Finow, shipment-1:ecord No 62/6750; and 20 boxcars with 300 tons of artillery ammunition for aathenow? shipment-record No 62/6751. Several boxcars for the shipment of high-explosive shells to Altencrabaw and Frankfurt/Oder were requested. 25X1A =comments., ???? ? Nantuh? y-? A 25X1A 25X1C 25X1A 25X1C tl) The information conf-vms the large Eighth Gds Arny ammunition depot. See * .The two stock record cards contain reports on the conr _on of carbines of (Mq 57 Gds Mtz Rifle Div)? They possibly belonged to the depoi. guard. The names of the two officers are known from previous records. See (3) Probably the ammunition train with shipmcnt,record No 86/6231 which was previou/' re'orted t* M - ''s T AA .(4) 25X1C (5) Shipment-record No 75733, of the series for troop Ihipments? is reported for the first time, (6) The shiornsnt was r te opord to have passed through Frankfurt-Cder o: 1950, coming from Brest Litovsk, See 25X1C 25X1C 25X1A (7) The shthment,, were Al so_retorted by Prthrnzrce 25X1C 25X1C cn 1950.5ee depot at Lamitsch or Pfaffendorf. See 25X1A mersaoro 1 ch is alsoknown as , 25X1A (8) Confirms the ammunition ,po 3E01- b\TMO irt idtveid J;4; ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008000650009-7