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August 9, 1951
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i. % 25vtz17?"11.--136 Approved For Release 2000/0E/2&: MAIRDP82-00457R007,9 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. DATE DISTR. 6Atfi 51 NO. OF PAGES 2 COUNTRY Chile SUBJECT Fili"0-1)Cir= Peace CZOID'aign 25X1C PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF ANKK Chilean Communieto NO. OF ENCLS. (USIZOM)WO SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X MOW AFJO C.73 limarkaor '1 a...4 1. The entire program of the Communist Party of Chile (ria%) _-e- the 7e:en?Inez 1. of 1951 will reDortedly be based on the fight for e peeee -e ent ev ?t? .--.: fi''' great Pavers, and gnneral Fr' ITC11 as labor eolietee will 1,, -?:07p ,..1,1,, 1 i; - peace pact considerations. _ under no cereideleletees the Party make any political mee's not consonant with this 41 ee.7.nn, Cr,f state that they will not "oprose anyone, regardless or the %-'exy ene it., eo long as they declare the elves enenies of Isar." 2, The Party is said to be basing this new aperoach on the he:ninf that the workers realise that host of their ills sten. from ear, -ni: neat ei;here% IDullG any gains the workers rrke will have no meaning. The P:rte- -?elieres :lit It campaign will have a wide apneel, are will reinforce its pollticel erd nelee activities. The rCCh else feels that once the canreign iv eelee enne, ee Pliner? ventionist American and British" angle can be intereeeein 3. The word "interventionist" is now in Chilean Connunist2.-ene:eclo;e: sre is no? tended by the leaders to replaee the word "Lnperialist" el: ' c n not be as closely aseociated with the Uestern rouere, in core-G.-V(1 with ft: coel?nore of war and the morkeret plight as can "irterventionisti, 4. The Party feels that this irtensive Comunist clamor fee letee, rceztreee the constant liar atmeephere created by the redlee red reel- .-1C0 Cr t1C Powers thenselves? i.e. talk of military rreparations In tne rnlj d E",atee the sending of troops to rerere and the Orient, the aLtvie: e Enelnllee vegee and prices which is neceseitated by the war footing, eill ne a teeeeidoee imnact on the Chilean masses. 5. The canpaign reportedly had been initiated within the Part:, 17efele ftt 7 ree'( public on 1 nnY 1951, became .'?1, was felt that an already inereen:ee IL o' signatures coupled nith adequate propaganda euneort uoule e e,ee'nn official beginning for the camraign?, The Cernuniete hare ineeeteely Let 30 Argust 1951 goal of one mitIon signatures. Tho C11110Fr start in this campaign is poesible because they are not ve*-lez to 4eeee to the question of Gernan dicarnanent in their peti%ion. 6, The PCCh reportedly feels that the recently?forninated 3to6eheie Peace pee-Inion campaign was not completely successful, in spite of the 25,01,1 ciL:nat'tzpc:1 ,CLASSIFICA31KILI 111111111111110110111 MMN I osma Di3TRiBUTION Beaumont No. N Chong. In Declassified Changed itt it HILV. rlivea r # Th's documont ie-irterehr-regratted to CONFiDENTIP,I in accord with the letter of 16 Ontoher 1'71 from the Director of Csentl Infor,onee to the Archivist cf the United States. Next Review Diats-: 2003 CIA-RDP82-0045714-007-90041 0006:9 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900410005-9 CEMILL IPTELLIG7UCT =CY ?2? obtained_ The rrrty'lerders admit privately that few 'oho c!unod kreso the signifiornce of the retition and -oany who signed were children, The Party intends to impress on every egner of the presort petition the significance of the Party'c objectives. 7. Party lerrlers have formulated a set of crostiono and fonstroro Ovoigred to Indicate the relrtionshir between the campaign ar1,1 the Conference of 'oreign lanisters in Paris. It trill be stressed thrt if it were not for the obstructionist tactics of Ihe Uestern Potrero, the Prris oonference could boom? the key to peace, rrd that in the face of 'hess obotructiorolst tactics It is even more irpooTtive thot the Ponce Poet caoprign bo a goevo, su'ece3s. In anticipetion of 6/estions concerning the cori-ont of the peace met uhich the petition is ProPosingp a stock ensuer has been swo,:!co%e.:13, thrt tbc nain :next of the Pact mould have to be negotiated, bst that the :TSR ho,7 rohod - f for the, inclrsion of every milt of world controversy. Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900410005-9