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c-nci -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800600004-3 ow ? CLASSIFICAT1043..--)- g COUNTRY Czechoslovakia REPORT Topic_ 1 2d Rnrcinr Gumrd Rtfs41 I A aONFIDENTIA ? 7 qoa TrtPorrri?wt. 4? .-- EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTA!NED REFERENCES 3 PAGES E_ORTAINED_ DATF PRFPARFD M...r lOgT 50X1-HUM ????? I ?I ? I I ? I ? I 1 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS_ ? MI ? ? 11 ? ? ? 11 I ? I ? ? ? ? MI ? ? I I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i?MIY?M 1711\77"."" U t- 50X1-HUM 2d Border Guard Bn,, 1. Prior to 14 February 1951, the 2d PS Bn in As (M 51/P 18) commanded by Lieutenant ZejmAn, (fnu), was subordinate to the PS brigade in Cheb (N 51# 37) Which was commanded by Major Okroulik, (fnu). The battalion had three border guard companies, one in Polna (Hirschfeld, H 51/P 28), the second in Liba (Liebstein, M 51/P 27) and the third in Navy Zdar-(Neuenbrand, M 50 18)Q (1) 50X1-HUM The company in Polne used the Cheb post office, and was quartered in a foresters house, The company consisted of one senior sergeant and 41 soldiers Who were armed with models 48-A and 48.13 submachine guns and four light machine guns. The company also had two trained dogs, three field telephones, and one Skoda-Tudor passenger car. 30 The company guarded a border sector of three sq km, the patrols and stationary guards being on six-hour duty. Guard relief was very lax: the guards often left their post prior to the arrival of the relief. The guards remained in the bor- der zone beyond their duty hours only when alerted. 11 Other PS companies known in Vyhledy (Steingruen. 50X1-HUM . M 51/P 28), a second in Dolni Paseky (Niederreuth, M 51# 29), a third in As (on Selberstrasse), a fourth in Mokriny, about three km southeast of As, a fifth in Doubrava (Gruen, N 51/P 29) and a sixth in Krasna (Schoenbach, M 51/P 19). 50 From 21 October to 21 December:1950, a course of instruction was conducted at the PS training cent.,r located in a former textile factory in Hazlov (M 50 28). There were 126 soldiers in the course. 96 from the 32d Inf Regt in Kosice (R 49A 34) and 30 from an infantry unit in A. Thirty percent of the trainees were Czechs and 70 percent Slovaks. Their morale was rather bad. CLASSIFICATION bONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM .2 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized CopyApproved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800600004-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800600004-3 ? SECRET/CONTROh/US OFFICIALS ONLY 32d Inf Regt* 60 Prior to 20 October 1950, the 32d Gardsky Inf Regt was subordinate to a division headquarters in KOIA00 which was commanded by General Metier, (fnu), who had suoceeded Colonel Zak, (fnu)0 The regiment headquarters and the regimental headquarters units were billeted in the Svobodovy Barracks on Molotov taloa, in the Stefanikovy Barracks on Hlavni ulice, in the Urbanovy Barracks on Masarykova uncap and in the Legionarsky Barracks on Modlitebnt ulice, KosiceQ The 1st Bu was stationed in Trebisov (R 49/2 62)0 (2) 7p Lieutenant Colonel Havella, (fnu), has been commanding officer of the regiment since July 1950, he succeeded Lieutenant Colonel Mantua, (fnu), and Lieutenant Colonel Cerny, (fnu)0 tether officers of the regiment were Staff Captain Samo? (fnu), chief of staff; Junior Lieutenant Stefan, (fnu), political officer; Captain Petrasovik, (fnu)? ordnance officer; and Captain Koch? (fnu), commanding officer of the submachine gun company. About 70 percent of the personnel of the regimental units were Czechs and 30 percent Slovaks? 8Q The regimental headquarters units included the headquarters company of about 260 soldiers, the submachine gun company of about 120 soldiers, the heavy weapons ctompany? the gun company, and the guard company of about 300 soldiers 90 The headquarters cOmpanyp located in the Svobodovy Barracks, consisted of a reconnaissance platoon of about 50 soldiers, most of them recruits; a technical platoon Of 30 soldiers organised'into a telephone section with 18 telephones and a radio section with a radio line; an engineer platoon of about 45 soldiers; and an auxiliary platoon of 135 reoruitso (3) The regimental band, which was very large, was aleolAlleted in the same barracks installationo 50X1 -HUM 100 The headquarters coMpany was equipped with made' 24 rifles, Berets submachine guns and, for each platoon,,. three model 26 light machine gunso The gun company had four Soviet 46-mm guns and four 120-mm mortars, and the heavy weapons company had four Soviet 45-mm guns and four 82-mm mortars. The submachine gun company was armed with models 48-A and 48-8 submachine gunso About 100 riding and draft horses and 50 to 60 horse-drawn vehicle's were seen with the maits in Kosice? 110 In addition to the 32d inf Regt, heavy artillery troops from Presov (R 49A 57)0 AAA troops from Bratislava (r 49/5c 99)0 and an unidentified tank brigade participated in the maneuvers held in the area of Zvolen (Q 49/C 74) in May 1950, (4) 12? Other units in Koeice included the 308th Mts Arty Bn on Delostrelecka ulice, a motor trans ort battalion on Hlavni ulice? a cadet school on Komensky ulice? an SNB school in the city center, and a replacement battalion with an equipment depot in the Zizkovy Barracks. (5) SECRET/CONTROL/US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800600004-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800600004-3 S E CR7 T/C ON? ROL/ US OF7T. Ci ALS ONLY 3 Comments, (1)Iinatim confirms the PS brigade in Cheb and the PS battalion in As. According to a previous report, the-company in Liba belongs to a PS Battalion in Cheb 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM (2) The information confirms name- and commanding officer of the 32d In Regt in riosiceD However, it is doubted that only the headquarters and the regimental headquqrters units of the 32d Int Regt are located in l'osice. Since elements of the regiment wets quartered in four barracks installations in tosice? and since these elements reportedly included a heavy weapons company, which can only be a component of a battalion organically maligned to a regiment rather than to an independent battalion, it appears that one of the battalions of the 32d lnf Regt may be stationed in Kosice. 2ealar9 (fnu), ma identified as th5ox1 -HUM comnanding officer of the division in Losice as early as 1949, when he was still a colonel, in April 1950, however, one Colonel Setna50X1-HUM sky Was reported to hold this position* 50X1 -HUM (3) The strengths of the units were probably overestimated.. (4) The AAA troops from Bratislava probably belonged to the I53d AAA Regts (5) The 308th Arty Bn belongs to the 8th Arty Brig and has been repeatedly oonfirmed in Kosice, it was stationed in the Ziskovy Barracks in ''arch 1949. The motor transport battalion probably is the 8th which was previously Identified in Losicez, an SNB school was to be 50X1 -HUM established in Aosice in March 1949,, SECPET/CONTROLAJS OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800600004-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800600004-3 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800600004-3