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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 26, 1951
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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16: CIA-RDP82-00457 INTELLOFAX 3 ? COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INF R TI N REPORT CD NO. R007800590007-2 Germany (Russian Zone) Movements to Maneuver Area/Wi.T_DEETI, r\ 50X1-HUM DATE DISTR. 26 ray 1951 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO, OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1-HUM 4PARitarftiaekkow?La.? 40 .2."?// 1.20511n4.241,0q T2113 DOCCEZEKT COOTAISG VIPORLIATIOCI APFECITEO THE C1ATIOUALOMFON52 OP ME COMBO STATES TATOU! TIM CJEAIMIS OF TUE ESPIOSAGE ACT SO U.S. C.. at AND 32. AS /2355550. ITS TOASI50OSI011 OD TUE SEVELATIOU OF 143 COZ:T/ZOVStO AlIT IMIT:3001 TO LS 5111 50051500 P509012 IS PRO. mar= rt. LAW. azproolscrion OF MIS F000 IS PEONLSITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 5717A7T 1. A railroad employee alleges that troops were loaded on trains in Schwerin during the nights of 1 to 5 Ilay 1951. On 3 Hay a convoy made up of 80 trucks, each carrying 20 soldiers, left the Adolf Hitler Kaserne in Schwerin and headed toward Ludwigblust. On 10 May a column of eight, prime movers, each towing a 76.2 mm. gun, and 12 trucks, each carrying 20 soldiers left the Krueger Kaserne, Schwerin, and headed south. Only between 200 and 400 troops were in each of the various casernes in that city on 12 May. 2. During the night of 9 May, three troop trains, including one carrying tank troops, were unloaded at Dranse, near Wittstock. 3. Ten boxcars, carrying troops, 12 a tanks, and 10 trucks belonging to the 7th Guards Tank Divas ion were unloaded from a train in Neuha3.densleben on 13. May. The troops were then dispatched in the direction of Huetten. 4. On 18 Tr_ay, 142 T-34 tanks and 93_ JS tanks were observed north of V.roelaPis at the Ohrdraf troop tr.,ining grounds. Three trains carrying tank troops and one carryirr,-; troops equi ped with more than 100 motorcycles were seen en route from Gotha to Ohrdruf on 19 ay. About 80 heavy gu.s and some 60 122 mu. guns were observed parked in the area north and west of Crawinkel (on the sane date?). CLASSIFICATION reett*ent oo 7 N. Charge In Ca5, nOttfl';31;itti ha3s. Changrd to: TS 4t.f`h.: Hfl 104 late: _JO gel 7f By 50X1-HUM MAW NSREI AIR p. FBI DISTRIBUTION ?L_J .t - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800590007-2