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April 20, 1951
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R007700200013-8 9 r$ CLASSIFICATION CQUN s RY 0orr1ai.:f (Soviet lane) _-REPOR TOPIC. .~'?'ilstar;~ Information from Dresden. ~ .~~ .. EVALUATION DATE OF CONT 1' DATE OBTAINED PAGES 3 .ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) No Change in ,,"'y:-,. t^ REMARKS This is UNEVALUATED Information Class. Changed To: TS S Auth.; HR 70-2 A U G Date; ____ 9t ______ -DATE PREPARED 20 April 1951 of Colonel Pushkin, (fhu . quartered Q troops under the co mand eun a e a aion s ana a signa.L p a oon of about 60 non. Light and heavy machine gears, mainly of German origin, were stored in the or .nai ens room under the care of Senior Lieutenant Nik, (fnu). Installation very axp The daily routine provided for reveille at 6 a.25X1 issue of rations at 6:3Q a.m.., inspection by a first sergeant at 7:30 a. m.., close order and machine gun drill during the forenoon, mess call at 3 p.m., followed b a rest wriod until night duty, rthich allegedly began as late as 10 P.M. a unit of 1 NCO and 30 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets leaving the installation one day at 7 p.m. All barracks were 25X1 fully lighted in the evenings. All German employees at the barracks were under continuous supervision by Soviet guards and were completely searched when entering or leaving the installation. (1) Between 23 February and 15 Larch 1951, troops nearing red bordered black epaulets, some with motor transport insignia,.Weere observed for the first time in the Adolf Hitler Kaserne, Their number was estimated at about _l,l and most of the troops were very young. Groups of not larger than 30 soldiers were seen marching to and from the installation, Apparently, no training rnxs given in the billet' r- area, 1o'changes were observed in the vehicles seen driven by soldiers whb Wore re or er a ack epaulets without branch-of-service insignia., (1) 1.o change in the occupation of the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was observed on 10 Narch. The installation still quartered troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets, including a few with signal insignia. There ryas a disproportionately large number of officers. Groups of soldiers with radio sets and telephones were CLASSIFICATION SE( TZF,r*COTMOLrLUS OFFICIALS 0r4TLy CONFLDE T AI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R007700200013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R007700200013-8 Si,GR } T -O0IsTMI/US 0Fr1CjsAjS QIiLa 2 soon marching to the training area. (1) The Gresriaciier a ,;;erne quartered ai ut 2,500 troops ,' most of them were young; and they wore red-bordered black epaulets with a silver bomb insignia, with the bomb opening toward the tope The barracks usually were fully lighted after sundoim4 Several groups, each made up of 43 soldiers, wearing the bomb insignia were observed. A total of 350 officers, including 35 field- grade officers with rank as high as colonel, and about 3.50 enlistect men were soon passing through the barracks zate on D, r8 Kurt F3 scher4trnsnc aiir4 nQ " den and trucks were seen at the. installation. (2) 6 Uotor vehicles seen at the forrle tidier Regt Kaserne on 13 and III ?.!arch i ' era with 25X1 25X1 red-bordered green epau eta driven by 25X1 soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets; and r ver of which wore black bordered blue epaulets with air force insignia, (2) . On 5 Larch, a convoy of 30 trucks, coming from the direction of ICoonigsbrueck and filled to capacity by troops wearing red bordered black epaulets,, moved through Dresden. The convoy passed along Koenigabrueckerstrasse and Glacis-. strasso and proceeded toward the Elbe River, '1'went-six of the trucks towed The Koenig Georg Kaserne quartered troops who were predominantly young and wore red-bordered black epaulets; some had tank insignia. Forty officers and UCOs wearing red bordered black epaulets arrived by streetcar at the. installation on 4 ?:'arch. Also, a unit of 35 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets and carr7inr, rifles was seen rnrnh i nr 7 ntn {-3,0 4 rn+ ~ation. The billeting area of the Koenig Georg Kascmo, which includes the habitable buildings of the Koenig Albert Kaserne, quartered 800 to 1,000 troops equipped "14+hT guns and mortars a A unit of 52 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets, including some with tank insignia, and a truck an AT run of about 62 mr were observed at the installation. about nine months ago, the northern section of brie DjUleting area housed a Soviet Army repair shop wtiich had the numerical : enraged in the repair of wheeled Oo On 3.3 and ltl. ?larch, it was. observed that a troop unit was still quartered at the T.?asclrinen ewohr I3aserne; its personnel wore. red-bordered black epaulets and tam equipped with A.T guns o ninety troops were seen drilling and lab soldiers engaged in athletic activities on 14 ?arc The Iaschinengetwehr Kaserne quartered troops who gore red-bordered black epaulets, some had artillery or signal insignia. Most of the troops were private first class and NCOsv Small units were seen receiving basic field training. Three light artillery pieces were observed with ttzem, (5) Between 13 February aeru 3 Larch, the ilel", ann Goering Kaserne in Dresden- Klotzsclre quartered 1,500 to 2,,000 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets, some with tank, insignia. The barracks buildings were fully lighted during the ~ ECRET?MC', IMOL/U C:F1TCL I.3 03;].y Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R007700200013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R0077(50200013-8 SBIC T C0 ?.T:i07L :> 3 evenings. for several days. Four T-34 tanks) and a unit of 45 recruits nearing red-bordered black epaulots with tank insignia were seen leavin the installation. 13. The Napola was occupied by about 600 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets. No training activities were observed. An armored reconnaissance car was parkod. and several trucks were being repaired, in the barracks yard. (1 Comments. at ne riaou, er .asorne is stiii vague. -xne strength estimate of 1,800 troops is exceptionally high, Whereas the estimate of 330 25X1 troops awes with information of late 1949 and early 1950 Iioports received during the period intervening stated that the rnn :ber of troops there was as low as 300 to 100. The large difference in the strength estimates probably occurs because a section of the billeting area is separated by a board fence, probably housing an ordnance depot and a repair shop. The low strength estimates were possibly based on only personnel operating these two installations. In additions the installation is believed to quarter an artiller-y unit and an or anic sinnal platoon of an undet unit. 25X1 of officers observed and the Ito charrcrien employed in the installation are the ACIOIX er erne also qu re infantry units ich were en? age night training at the time of observation. The large number indicative of a headquarters, the tvue of which cannot be interpreted pool or a parking; lot or ar: r headquarters may be located :ere. The young troops and the service insignia observed in the former German 100th Grenadier Kaserne indicate that atill another unit is located there. (2) The heavy traffic or officers observed in the former German 101st Grenadier Refit Kasorne confirms the Hq First Guards Mecz Army there, 25X1 about 2,5W troops were quartered 25X1 there probably the former German 100th Grenadier ttegt YAaserne, This installation is re b- the a 0 t Kaserne on the west. a motor 25X1 (3) We convoy observed may >ave on an artillery b a a lion a the wutn ?) Arty Rer't of the 11th Gds Tank Div, which probably returned to the Flak Kaserne in Piickern from a field exorcise at Koeniisbrueck, going via (h) The information on the Koenig =eorr, asenie ancl the ,oeni ; Albert Kaserne (5) 1ie units in tue iasc i nenge re 7r aserne are believed to include an AT artillery battalion of the unidentified AT artillery brigade of the First Gels s.'ocz Army. This belief is supported by the present report, (6) The information corroborates the impression that the Hemann Goering aserne quarters the 110th Gds Tank Ite?;t of the 11th Cads Tank Div. The strength estimates, which hadkeen given also in prey' reports. indicate ver, that still, other units are quartered there. (7) The infonnation on the ?a SN RHT-COT,-rR0L/U,S, .01-YICTAL8 ONLY CONRR E TIAL 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R007700200013-8